It's been two days since I turned twenty one. And its been hectic day at work. Teaching is not easy and I haven't had any time to celebrate my birthday because of paper marking. It's the end of term and I know it's going to end me...
Today there will be a guest at house as in my parents house. I know twenty one and still live in my parents house, well no one literally no one said that we can't stay with our parents. Even my brothers who are older than me are living here. For the past few days mom and dad have been acting wierd and today a guest is coming for dinner. Which has never happened before. Thats right no guest has ever been to this house exept my best friend, Julia. I'm having a wierd feeling about tonight dinner. I shouldn't be worried. Why should I? But I couldn't shrug off this wierd feeling.
Whoever the guest is if they don't come right now I'm finish my plate and eat their one too.
" So mom tell me is it a she or he?" I asked dumbly. And my personal clowns as in 'brothers' started laughing hard banging their fists on the table.
"Oh honey it's a he and his name is Deo." she said nervorously. Hmm she is now acting suspiciously.
Something fishy is going on. Just to conform it i looked at my dad. He also look so nervous that he's even fumbling his fingers.
Then the door bell rang.Making my father jump out of his chair and run towards the door. Who is this man to scare my this much? Hmm I wonder.
I heard the footsteps coming to the dinning room. Fucking finally I can eat.
I was staring at the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. He was delicatly handsome not too buff , not too thin. His featuers are sharp with a perfectly symmetrical nose and well defined jawline. But his face held some softness to it making him more handsome. His eyes are deep blue like clear sky on a sunny day. His hair is golden color and has a slightly tan skin if he was been in the sun for few days.
His suite jacket fitted to him like a glove defining his muscle to my pervert eyes. And the fact he was very tall like way past six feet. May be like six feet five. I'm quickly wipped my mouth with a napkin to check if was drooling.
"Hello, nice to meet you all. I'm Deo White." his deep voice was musical,so serene. One of a kind which tie you down and bend you at his will. Even my brothers were looking at him in a trance.
"Nice to meet you too Mr. White. I'm Aria Davidson. And please call me Aria." my mom seems to know him by the look she gave to him. But my father looked more unhappy that Mr.Hotshot over here is talking to my mom.
I was always quiet and i won't let anything slip away. And when i find something is suspicious i was never wrong.And his sudden arrival isn't just a coincidence. "I'm Nathaniel and this is Daniel, Alex and Axel." Nate said pointing out the twins.
I was the only one left to introduce.Now I feel my nerves going haywire. I hate introducing myself cause it's weird. I meandon't you find it weird to say your own name. Hmmmp.
" Hi, I'm Samantha and please call me Sam." I smiled a little bit and put out my hand for shake.
He looked at my hand and gently picked it up like if my hand was made of glass and placed his lips at the back of my palm. I was surprised by the gesture and let out a high pitched squeak. Now I was a blushing mess. And others were laughing so hard since I really embarassed myself infront of a stranger by squeaking. Sigh.....