As soon as I got out of that damned jeep Nate crushed my bones in to pulp by giving me a big hug. He is the most caring brother. Then the mama bear came to me and hugged me tight. What is wrong with these two. They act like I've been away for few years.
"How was he?" Mom asked me wiggling her eyebrows. I didn't get what she meant by that and it took me few seconds to realize what she was implying. And my face started heating up in an alarming rate. I ask again, what is wrong with these people?
Deo stayed at our home till noon since he had nothing to do at home and he didn't felt like going to work today. And I have a good news too. THE SCHOOL IS CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. The notice was emailed to me at the early morning.
Now you must be wondering that I'm a bad teacher cause I'm happy about the school being cancelled. Well I have a simple answer for that. The monsters we call students. Those brainless, hopless, useless little rats. They made me hate the school that brought me to the place where I am right now. Not my bed, I mean that school made me a teacher.
So as soon as Deo left I took out the brown bag he gave for me. It was a small box wrapped in a gift paper and there was a cute little bow on top of it. I really didn't want to ruin the packaging so i slowly unwrapped the box and opened it.
Awww it's candy. He gave me a box full of candy and told me not to open untill I'm home. Ahh what a shy little guy. (He is not little at all.)
I picked up a cute little strawberry shaped candy and it smelled like heaven. And by the way it tastes way better. Where the hell did he found something like this, cause i've never tasted anything like this before. It's soo good.

Before I could dig into the box of candy for my next "sample" of candy door to my room crashed opened. In came my brothers and before they could see my stash of candy I hid it behind my back and coverd it with my teddy bear comforter. But it was too late.
"What.. Did.. You.. Hide.. Behind.. Your.. Back.?" Daniel asked me taking slow steps towards my bed. And twins came and beside my bed. And Nate stood infront of my bed. Now I had no escape. But I need to save my babies.( aka her candy stash).
Before I could think about a plan Axel and Alex jumped on to me and held me down while Daniel quickly removed the cover took the box out. Good thing I closed the box before I hid it or else it wuold be finished by now. But it didn't even eliminate the risk by one precent.
Nate quickly snached the box from Daniel and opened the box and took a deep breath.

"Seriously Sam you didn't even thought about sharing with your loving brothers. Huh. I'm deeply hurt." He mockingly put his hand on his heart. I started struggling against the twins wanting get out before they decide to eat them right infront of my eyes.
Dani walked up to Nate and picked out a gummy worm with his fingers and he looked straight in to my eyes and put it slowly in his mouth taunting me by making moaning sounds.
"This soo good" Dani said moaning again and to add more effect he licked his fingers still looking straight into my now tear filled eyes.
"You- You mon- monster. You ki- killed my- my baby." Now I was full on crying. Nate pulled out a sour belt and made a mocking face at me.
"Aww you poor baby. Do you want this sour belt, whittle sis." Nate asked me in a baby voice. I nodded.
Nate came to the side of the bed and put his hand out so the candy was right infront of my mouth taunting me. "You sure, you want it?" He asked me sgain.
"Ye- Yes." I answerd with a hiccup.
"Well I'm sorry I won't be able to give it to cause it's going straight to my mouth." Nate slowly put the sour belt in his mouth and start chewing it slowly. He also started moaning in appreciation. And others started laughing evilly.
And that's how my day went. Crying over my candy and them eating it right Infront of me. But in the end gave me some of it.