Chapter 2

"Uh...Ty?" I hear Liz call out sternly. She is giving me her What-the-fuck glare. "Manners please?" This time, she is very serious. She waves her hand in front of me to grab my attention.

I snap out of my daze. "S...Sorry," I stammer.

Now they are both looking at me, very confused.

"Alllriiight..." she says, dragging out the word. She shifts her focus back to him. "So, Ethan," she says, giving him a very fake smile. "We are getting ready to head out. Why don't you put down your things and then you can head on over with us?"

What? No.

He gives me a quick once-over. "You sure?" he asks. The clear look of protest on my face clearly makes this whole situation very awkward. "I mean," he says, shifting his gaze back to Liz, "I don't want to impose on anything."

"What? No, you won't be imposing, right Ty?" she asks, shouldering me. I don't answer. I don't know what exactly it is that I want to say. Or rather what it is that she wants me to say. "Ty? Right?" she shoulders me again with a little more force.

" mean...sure, whatever," was all that I could manage to answer.

"Well..." he says, smiling again. "I mean, if you are sure?" he asks. He picks up a duffel bag and two neatly stacked boxes. "Lemme just put this down. I will be out in a second."

Lizzy smiles awkwardly as he disappears into his empty room.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" she says as she hits me on the shoulder.

I cringe. "Ouch, Jeez Liz!" I cry out, rubbing my arm. "What did I do?"

"I explicitly asked you not to be rude to him," she yells.

She walks over to the refrigerator and pours herself some juice.

"I'm sorry, it's just..." my words fail me.

I walk over to the counter where she is standing, gulping down her juice in frustration. I stand in front of her.

"Look," she says. She is searching for the right words to say. "I know that this is not an ideal sharing the apartment with some stranger...." She cups my head in her hands. "But I promise you, Ty, that no matter what happens..." she says. I feel my eyes starting to well up. Hers too. "I am here for you, okay?"

Fuck. Damnit. I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. She pulls me into her arms and hugs me. I slowly fold my arms around her waist, pulling her tighter. A few silent sobs escape from her next to my ear. She pulls me tighter. After a few minutes, she lets go of me. We look at each other. Both our eyes probably bloodshot.

"Now," she says and wipes the last few tears from her eyes. She takes a deep breath and smiles. "Let's go to this thing, get drunk and make some mistakes that we will regret for the rest of our lives, kay?"

I wipe my eyes and nod, looking down. When I look up again, Ethan is standing at his door behind us, watching us.

"Everything alright?" he asks as he approaches us.

Liz quickly wipes her eyes again and smiles at him. "Yeah, just great. You guys ready to go and party?" she asks, running a hand through her now messed up hair.

You could practically hear the music blaring from afar as we turned the corner onto the street. We opted to walk as the house is only a few streets away from where we stay. There were a few cars parked outside. People were standing around with drinks in their hands drinking and messing about.

"Hello gorgeous," some random guy says as we walk past him.

We all look at him as his friends gather around, snickering at his miserable attempt to flirt with Liz.

"I wish I could say the same," Liz snaps backs.

His friends all laugh at him hysterically as we walk past them and into the house.

It was your typical party scene. People standing around drinking and swaying to whatever lame music was blaring through the speakers. Somewhere further into the house, there were a group of students playing beer pong. Next to them in the corner, some couple was making out furiously as the guy was trying desperately not to spill the drink that he was holding upright in his hand behind the girls back.

"I'm gonna go score us some drinks" Lizzy shouted over the loud music before she disappeared into the crowd. Ethan was standing next to me, looking around in shock and horror.

"You don't get out much, do you?" I ask him in some poor attempt to make conversation.

He looks at me and shakes his head.

"This really isn't my scene," he answers back. I laugh loudly. He looks at me and smiles as well.

"It's not really anyone's scene," I answer him back.

Liz returned with three cups in her hands.

"Here you go," she said, holding a cup out to me and giving one to Ethan. "To us," she says loudly, lifting her cup in the air, "making complete fools of ourselves tonight."

We both laugh. I lift mine up as well. We both look at Ethan, staring at the crowd around him. "And to new friends," Liz shouts a little louder. Ethan lifts his cup and nod his head timidly as we clink our glasses and gulp down the contents.

Ethan starts coughing and hitting his chest.

"Fuck Elizabeth," I say as I swallow the last of my drink.

Elizabeth starts laughing. "Too strong?" she asks mockingly and drinks the last of hers.

We both laugh again as Ethan comes to. He looks at us. "What was that?" he asks hoarsely.

"Just a little something to start the evening with," a voice yell from behind us. "Glad you guys could make it."

"Hey Shelly," Liz cries out as she hugs her. "So good to see you again."

"Same to you. Where the fuck have you been hiding?" Shelly asks laughing.

Liz leans in closer. "I've been studying," she says.

Shelly scoffs. "Yeah right," She smiles when she sees me. "No...fucking...way...Tyler Baxter?" she screams out. She pulls me in for a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in like forever," she says as she lets go of me.

"Hey Michelle," I greet back. "It's good to see you too..." I say back.

"And a mystery guy?" she asks, staring at Ethan.

"This is Ethan Storm," Liz yells out from behind her.

Ethan smiles and holds his hand out to her. "Pleased to meet you," he says.

Shelly frowns at his hand in front of her. "What are we, twelve?" she asks. "Come here," she says as she pulls him in for a hug. Ethan hugs her back awkwardly.

After a few pleasantries, we made our way further into the house.

"Here you go," Shelly said, offering us some more drinks.

We sat down in the living room area. It seemed less crowded and the music was not as loud. Shelly makes her round with the drinks and takes the last cup from the tray before sitting down next to a few other people.

"So," she says as she leans forward. "This is Tony. Michael, Hilla and Tobias," she says pointing to each one individually as she says their names.

"Sup," Tobias says, looking at all of us with droopy eyes. I nod back and take a sip of my drink.

"That is Liz, Ethan and Tyler," she says again, pointing us out to the other four sitting there.

"Wait a minute," Hilla exclaims as she leans in closer to inspect me. "Oh my god, you're Tyler Baxter?" she asks, smiling.

"Who the fuck is that?" Michael asks, looking at her.

She turns her head to him. "Are you kidding me right now?" she yells. "Quarterback of the Cardinals?" she asks him again. He pulls his shoulders up, looking really confused.

I laugh. She looks at me again. "Don't mind him," she says and moves closer to me. "Too much grass," she adds, shooting him a dirty look. She pushes her way in-between me and Liz.

"Seriously Hilla?" Tony asks. He shakes his head and takes a big gulp from his glass.

"So, Liz," Hilla asks, slapping a hand on both of our knees. "How long have you and Tyler been dating?"

Michelle starts laughing. Liz as well. Hilla looks at Michelle and then back at Liz. "What's so funny?" she asks again.

Liz probes herself up and scoots further away from us to make more room for Hilla. "We're not dating," Liz says.

"Oh...not his type?" Hilla asks smiling. She presses my knee and moves her hand up a little higher.

"Something like that," Liz says with a smirk. She drinks the last of her drink.

"What is your type then?" Ethan asks.

I look at him and smile. Michelle interrupts me before I can answer.

"You are," she yells.

Hilla's grip on my knee loosens. "What?" she asks, looking at me in disgust. I smile and take another drink. The other guys all start laughing. Ethan looks taken aback.

Hilla jumps up and takes her glass from the table. "Unbelievable," she shrieks and gulps down her drink. "I'm gonna get a refill. Anyone else wants?" she asks, looking around.

Everyone shakes their heads.

"I'll take one," Ethan says and jumps up to his feet.

Hilla looks at me and then at Ethan. She sighs and grabs him by the arm. "Let's go lover boy," she says annoyed as they disappear into the crowd.

"What up with her?" I ask.

Michael leans forward and takes his glass from the table. "Hilla does not do well with rejections," he says smiling.

Tobias laughs. "Especially from a gay guy," he adds.

The others all laugh at his words.

Outside, it seemed to have calmed down some. There's a nice crisp in the air and there seems to be less people and cars outside.

I lean against the pillar, gazing up at the clear sky and breathing in the fresh air. The faint smell of rain wafts through the air, hitting just the right places. I close my eyes as I inhale deep, holding in the air for a few seconds before gently releasing it again. I do this for a while.


"Tyler Baxter?" I hear my name being called out.

I jump and look up quickly. A blonde youngish woman in light blue scrubs with a clipboard in her hand, scans the room with her eyes. I shake my head and stand up, indicating that I am indeed the one that she is looking for. She smiles as soon as she notices me and stretches out her arm. "This way, young man," she says a little too eager.

I follow closely as we walk down a long passageway to a door that leads into a very cold consultation room.

I stand behind her, awkwardly rubbing my hands together to warm them up a bit while she has her back turned to me, writing something on the chart before putting it down on the desk.

"There we go," she says, turning around to face me. "Doctor Bronson will be in shortly. In the meantime, you can go behind that curtain and change. You will find a gown on the bed and you can just leave your clothes on the chair."

I nod my head and smile at her nervously. As soon as she closes the door behind her, I walk over to the bed. It looks very clean and very impersonal in all the wrong ways. The ugliest looking turquoise gown is neatly folded on the bed. I kick my shoes off, followed by my shirt and pants. I leave my briefs on. I immediately feel the cold air brushing against my bare skin, making me shiver even more. I take the ugly gown and hold it open in front of me.

"Oh my god," I exclaim loudly as I examine the piece of material in front of me.

"It is a rather ugly piece of thing, isn't it?" I jump at the voice behind me. I look around quickly. A man, seemingly in his mid-forties, is standing at the desk, scanning over the chart that the woman before him placed there. "Tyler Baxter?" he looks up and examines me from head to toe. "No need to put that on," he says. I look at him confused. He smiles and points to the gown in my hands.

"Oh," I say, laughing nervously.

"I'm Doctor Bronson," he says. He gives me a firm hand shake and closes the curtains behind him.

"You can just jump on here for me," he says patting on the bed.

I sit in front of him, anxiously waiting for him to start with the physical.

"You can relax," he says again, pressing the very cold end of the stethoscope against my back. "So, you are eighteen years old Tyler?" he asks.

I nod as he leans closer to reach down further. "Yes sir," I answer him. "Just graduated from High school," I add.

"Ah," he says. He moves the scope to the front. "I read that you play football?"

I smile. "Yeah, I was the Quarterback," I answer him as I moved my body to accommodate his examining.

He takes the scope and puts it on a tray close by. "Look up," he says as he places his cold hands around my neck. I gasp. "Sorry bout that," he says laughingly. "You are quite in good shape, Tyler. You must work out a few times a week, I assume?"

"Yeah. It's sort of a requirement for football."

He moves his hands down to my shoulder, pressing lightly as if he is about to give me an impromptu massage. "Everything seems to be in order," he says and writes something down on the chart that he put next to him. "I am a little bit concerned about the swelling you have going on in your glands," he says. He puts his hands back around my neck and presses a little harder.

"We need to have that checked out," he adds. "We don't need to be too concerned but we need to make sure that you are in mint condition before you leave here."

I smile nervously as he continues probing my neck and shoulders...


"Woah!" A voice startles me from behind. I look around quickly. Ethan is standing there with his arms outstretched, trying to regain his balance. He looks in my direction and smiles as soon as he sees me standing there. "Hey Baxter," he exclaims drunkenly and stumbles forward as he tries to approach me.

I leap towards him and grab him just in time. "Woah buddy," I say as I try to help him stand up straight. "Looks like someone had a little too much to drink, huh?"

He looks me straight in the eyes. "I don't...I think..." he slurs. He steadies himself on his feet and takes a deep breath. He looks at me again. "I think I need to head on home," he says and stumbles forward as he tries to walk. I grab hold of him again and look in the direction of the door. Lizzy seems to be nowhere in sight. "Fuck," I breathe as I pull him closer to my chest. I take my phone from my pocket and shoot a text to Liz. 'Taking Newbie home. He is wasted. Catch a ride with someone? Be safe. Ty.'

"Alright," I say as I put my phone back in my pocket. "Let's get you home." I pull his arm around my neck and steady him by pulling him closer to my body with my arm around his waist for support. The music slowly fades into the distance as we walk further and further away from the house. He stops all off a sudden, bringing me to a halt as well.

"You alright there Ethan?" I ask. He pulls away and steadies himself again. Then he looks at me. His face seems softer in the night light.

"You know what?" he asks and looks down at his feet before making eye contact again. His eyes seem to be a darker shade of blue. "You are not as mean as I thought you were," he says. He starts laughing as he walks away slowly. I follow suit.

"Thank you, I guess." I make sure that the distance between us aren't that big in case he stumbles again in his drunken state.

After a few minutes, he stops again and turns to me. "Why were you?" he asks.

I look at him confused. "Why was I what?"

"Rude?" he answers almost instantly. "In class, when we met. Remember, you gave me a pen and then ignored me when I tried making conversation."

I sigh. "Look, Ethan, I wasn't ignoring you. I just..."

"...I still have it, by the way," he interrupts me.

I look at him again. "The pen?" I ask him.

His expression turns serious. He stands up straight and looks at me. "Yes, the pen dummy," he says matter-of-factly.

I start laughing. "Come on," I say and pull him by his arm. "Let's get you home."

We walked in silence the whole way. He would steal occasional glances at me from time to time, but I pretended no to notice. We stopped short of the apartment. He leaned against the wall with his eyes closed, breathing loudly into the night as I searched my pockets for the key to the downstairs entrance.

"There we go," I said as we walked into the apartment. I closed the door behind us and switched on the light. He disappeared almost instantly. What the fuck is wrong with me? I scold myself again.

A few minutes later, I walk into his room with a glass of water. Ethan is standing at the edge of his bed, trying to take his shirt off. He starts mumbling and twirling around furiously as his head gets caught in the shirt. I laugh and walk over to him. "Wait, lemme help you," I offer. I take hold of his shirt and try to pull it over his head. In one quick motion, he pulls his head through, stumbling backwards and landing on the bed, pulling me down with him.

"Woah," I yell out as I land on top of him. I stop myself with my one arm while clinging on to his now empty shirt in the other.

He looks at me again. His face is stern and I could feel his breathing getting heavier. We stayed like that for a few good minutes before I realised what actually happened. I try lifting myself up, but then I feel his hand on my arm. I look down at his grasp and then back at him. He is looking straight into my eyes.

"Am I really your type?" he asks. His face is very close to mine. I feel him getting hard underneath me body. I look down at his shirtless frame and then back at him. He is still looking at me, waiting for a reply.

"Ethan..." I try to protest but before I could finish what I want to say, he presses his lips to mine.

For a moment, my body freeze. I don't respond to his kiss. I feel the heat of his body against mine and he kisses me hard. He slips his hand around my neck, pulling me closer to his mouth as the kiss gets more intense. This time, I kiss him back. A moan escapes his mouth as we make out, pulling each other deeper into the kiss. Our tongues fight their way into the others mouths. I can taste the hint of beer on his breath. I pull away from him, breaking the kiss.

"Wait," I lift myself off of him slightly.

He looks at me confused. "What's wrong? What did I do?" he asks.

I glance over his abs, watching it rising and falling with every quick breath that he takes.

"We shouldn't do this," I say softly. I pull myself up and turn to leave.

Ethan jumps up from the bed and grabs my arm. "Why not?" he asks out of breath. "I know you want this as badly as I do."

I close my eyes and sigh. "You're drunk Ethan. This isn't right," I answer him back. I try to walk away, but he stops me again.

"Does this feel like I'm too drunk for this?" he says loudly as he grabs my hand and shove it against the hard bulge in his jeans.

"Fuck," I breathe loudly.

Ethan grins and pulls my face closer to his. He brushes his lips lightly against mine before pulling away and looking at me with lust in his eyes.

"The question is, Tyler Baxter, what are you planning on doing about it?" he whispers breathlessly.