Out of the city

Zaya ten years old learning lighting generation.

Zaya's hands were red from the constant heat and explosions of failure until she finally separated her chi and created a current of lighting between her fingers. "I–I did it! Mom I did it!" Smiled at her daughter then showed her the next step. firing it at a mountain, creating a massive hole in. She gulped and prepared to fire which blew up in her face scaring her right hand. "Argh! It hurts, mommy please make it stop!" She rubbed her burns with honey which stoped the stinging and the mint leaves placed on it stopped the burning pain. "I'm sorry mom." Azula chuckled and Zaya snapped looking at her mother.

"You need to walk before you run, and lighting bending isn't the most powerful attack." Zaya looked at her mother. "It's called lighting redirection and one can learn it without any training."

Zaya looked at her hand. "It's unfair, it takes so much to master lighting and one technique makes it useless!" she kicked the dust around.

Azula smiled. "There is one flaw in lighting redirection." This caught Zaya's attention. "The foundation,"

Zaya understood what she meant. "So attack the feet?" Azula nodded.

Azula explained. "A dirty method I know, but it is a way to even the playing field." Zaya nodded.


Zaya woke up drinking a cup of tea and found she was in her tent and went to the cafeteria. Zaya did her chores and went to her tent to find a letter from an unknown informing her that they took the hairpiece. She just stared at it her breath slowly rising and her eyes turning from being a mild surprise to a scowl.

She burned the edge she held with rage, especially with the fake fire nation royal stamp, and went out to the arena to play their act. One man came to view sitting next to the earth king and the brown eyes the same as her mother's but instead a raging storm devouring forests and rivers. His eyes were the center with a calmness and peace only those at their end would even accept, it was pure freedom.

After the performance, she followed him from the shadows, and then a fireball was launched at her as she dodged the fire by falling to the ground. "You're not Azula." The fire erupted from her feet spinning and standing up, creating two blue fire blades. "Yet you mastered her blue flames, I am Iroh and you are?" Zaya had her face covered with one performance masks. She lowered her hands, she stared into the man's eyes again she saw the calm of the storm but this time she saw the storm the deaths and losses.

Zaya stared at him shocked and gulped seeing the dragon of the west. "My name is not important, but she was my mother." Iroh nodded and then was attacked with lighting to the ground making Iroh step back. "Now return her hairpiece!" Iroh continued to dodge as she was firing at his legs with lighting forcing him to step back until he was able to retain an even foundation and launch a fireball at her.

She blocked it with a fire shield and once she heard earth bender guards running toward them she sighed raising her hands as the streets were encased in smoke their origin point being her hand.

She ran past the old man and before Iroh knew he was pick pocketed.

The earth nation went to Mr. Jin and he said. "Ask the Vet." They went to the animal veterinarian for questioning. "Ask the performers they usually hang out with her." They went to tent to see the trapeze performers trying out a new trick. "Why are you looking for her?" One of them asked his arms crossed.

"She attacked and stole from fire nation royalty." One them laughed and the fell down losing his concentration.

"That girl always said that she's the greatest fire bender." The oldest member of the crew said.

"but that old man started it." A young girl age 9 said. "He took her mothers hairpiece!"

The guard spoke up. "That hairpiece belonged to the former fire nation princess." He spoke in a rough Loud tone.

The leader sighed. "Ask hua, huan they have been friends since she started her."

Hua and Huan looked at the three officers. "We don't"

Huan. "You know where she went?"

The Officer stepped forward. "Do you have any leads?"

Hua sighed. "No." One barefooted gentlemen looked at the two and the nodded

"we will tell you if any new information comes, we have heard you were close to her." The twins nodded.

After they left Hua looked at Huan. "Well looks like she left before us." Hua nodded. "You don't need to be angry, at least she left us a good bye gift." He held up the blade saying eternal luck on the blade.

The streets of Ba Sing Se

Zaya got a bag full of coins from one of her mothers safe houses.

Zaya walked through the underground passes to the dock. "Where you going?" A elderly woman at ticket asked.

Zaya smiled. "I can't believe, they let such beautiful madam work in this, oh apologies I'm heading to full moon bay." She gave her the money.

"Have a nice trip, dearie." Zaya set foot on boat looked at the ocean.

She remembered the times her mother was a bounty hunter. "Why are you here alone?" A man with a sword and a face that had seen better days.

"I sweet talked the ticket lady." Zaya said. "What happened to you? You look like a man who jumped into a volcano." The scared man burst laughing.

"I am a sage but right now I'm searching an idiot, who called the earth princess a spoiled brat." Zaya laughed already knowing the reputation of the princess. "I'm guessing you're fire nation, your eyes are a give away." Zaya nodded. "Most who run away from Ba Sing Se join united forces."

Zaya sighed. "I guese i could do that or spent a year having a vacation." The scarred man shook his head.

"How much money do you have?"

Zaya looked at the scarred man. "A inheritance from my mother. What is a sage doing in this city?" The man looked at zaya.

"I search for spirits to either to find a spirit to heal or banish them from places they don't belong." Zaya raised a brow to that. "I was in Ba Sing Se because a noble woman wanted me to place a few charms in her son room."

Zaya looked at him now desperate. "What should I do?"

The sage looked at the floor before throwing multiple knuckle bone. "Stay on the sea and buy some land." Zaya just looked confused. "No one writes your destiny, unless you're the avatar you can do whatever." Contemplated over what she was told. "I'm pointing you to the direction that would make your life more fulfilled." The sage walked away from Zaya who let out her breath.