Chapter 42: Preliminary exam

After Serena spent the weekend reviewing with her friends, the week of the preliminary exams finally arrived. At half past eight in the morning, they met at the lobby of their dormitory.

"I'm so nervous, I don't think that I'm ready for this just yet" Gizel said.

"Ugh Gizel, stop that, your anxiety is contagious. I think I might start palpitating!" Milly replied.

Via and Serena couldn't help but chuckle as they looked at their two friends and then at each other.

"Come on guys, I for one, just can't wait to get this over with. Let's go." Via said decisively.

The girls nodded, and then like soldiers off to war, they marched towards the school.

Upon reaching the main building, they saw students hovering at the entrance trying to find their names at the bulletin board containing their room assignment for the exams. Not wanting to squeeze themselves like sardines with the other students, they waited until they were the last to look for their names.