Chapter 149: Fundraising concerto I

The days passed like a blur and soon it was the 15th. Everyone performing left the school at 9 in the morning to arrive in the venue early.

When they got near Columbia's opera house, they saw that a crowd has already formed at the front entrance. People were already lining up even when the ticketing has not yet opened. They were all surprised for it was still early and that the venue was an hour away from the center of the capital.

Luckily, there was a backdoor for them to enter which saved them from going through the crowd. Inside, the facilitators and the children from the orphanage were already waiting. Seeing that all the performers were already present, they all went to the stage to have a last rehearsal before their performance later.

30 minutes before noon, Edward arrived at the venue to inspect and ensure that everything was working properly. When he saw Charlton and Emily, he was quick to approach them.