Chapter 214: The Times, Normandy II

"So, that's it. I believe we have covered the whole place already. Do you wish to ask anything more?" Lucas ended as they stopped in front of Lucas' office.

Charlton was impressed and have no questions. Everything was good and very organized. "None actually. You already explained everything I could think of asking. Your company is very well-ran and organized."

Lucas chuckled, "correction, OUR company soon enough. Anyhow, please, let's enter my office. We can have lunch then start discussing the contract if that's fine with you."

"Alright." Charlton replied as they entered the office.

After having lunch, Charlton and Lucas started discussing matters regarding the contract for its finalization. When they came to an agreement, Lucas suggested that Charlton look around Normandy in the meantime as it will take some time to finish rewriting the finalized contract for signing.