Chapter 236: Hosting the Morris family

When George saw his parents looking around as they were alighting the ship, he waved his hand to indicate that he was there. Seeing him, the couple also waved their hand in acknowledgement.

"Mother, Father, I missed you both." George said as he hugged his mother first.

"I missed you too my dear!" Marchioness Geneva replied as she hugged her son back then kissed his cheeks.

Then, George moved to hug his father too, to which he received a pat in the back.

After the reunion, Leonard finally deemed it appropriate to introduce himself. 

"Good day, Marquess and Marchioness Morris, and welcome to Windsor. I am Leonard Maxwell, the son of Duke and Duchess Maxwell. I am here to welcome you in their stead. They also send their apologies for not being able to personally come here at this time for they had to accompany my sister for an event. However, they shall be receiving you in our Ducal estate in the capital."