Chapter 250: Series of Meetings III

On Saturday morning, Charlton went to Columbia's to meet with viscount Roger Grimmauld. Roger was an easy-going man who was about the age of 35. As a viscount, he does not have his own fief but has a vital role in running a county. Basically, his role was to administer justice and collect taxes and revenues, practically acting as a castellan for the Earl of Rosenburgh.

"Thank you again, Producer Daniel. It has been a pleasure working with you." Viscount Roger Grimmauld said after they finished working on the instrumentals of the song he composed. Despite him being more than a decade older than Charlton, he could not help but admire him for his talent and humility.

Charlton smiled and nodded his head as he replied, "You're welcome, and the pleasure is all mine, Lord Grimmauld. Will you be heading back to Rosenburgh later?"