Chapter 263: Formal call I

It was 10 in the morning and Via, along with her family members were currently in the drawing room of their mansion in the capital. They were talking about her activities in school and the recording she did with the girls when the butler arrived.

"My lord, my lady, a card has arrived." The butler announced as he presented the silver tray with a lone card. 

Everyone in the room, save for Via, wondered who would send them a card for a visit at this time. 

Countess Vivien picked up the calling card. The card was rectangular in shape embellished with gilded edges. The name was embossed in gold letterings. "Kylo Louis?" she read.

Earl Vernon furrowed his brows, the name sounded familiar, but he can't seem to recall who it was. Anyway, must be no one of importance. "Just send it back in an envelope. We can't accept visitors now as we'll be leaving back to the county later."