Chapter 270: Series of Meetings V

Charlton was impressed with the interior and the exterior of their store for Benz motors. From outside, the people passing by would be able to see the models on display inside as instead of just a big window showing some of the merchandise a store has, theirs have floor to ceiling see through glass for walls.

"You did a really good job here." he complimented as Ben took him for a tour.

Ben beamed with the praise. "Thank you, I was inspired by the store I saw in our country, though I did add some improvements. Now, let me show you the maintenance area."

Ben guided him to the maintenance area which also served as their stock room for some of the cars for sale. Charlton observed that one Benz Victoria has been separated from the rest.

"That is where we will take your photo if that is alright. I think Lucas should be arriving soon." Ben explained.

Charlton nodded his head. "Alright. Anyway, what are your plans on the opening day? Anything specific?"