Chapter 300: Afternoon Tea Party I

The Charlotte's ball was the mark that the season has begun. The Season refers to the traditional annual period which begins in July and lasts until October. It was when it was customary for the members of the social elite to hold balls, dinners, parties, and charity events.

The Season played a role in the political life and career for the gentlemen while at the same time, it provided an opportunity for those members of the nobility and gentry of marriageable age to find their match. 

After the debutante was introduced to society during the Charlotte's ball, the debutante could reasonably attend 50 balls, 60 parties, 30 dinners, and 25 breakfasts, all that in one season. 

Thus, just 2 days after the 88th Charlotte's ball, Serena found herself in the company of other debutantes in an afternoon tea party hosted by Duchess Cross which main purpose was to welcome them and at the same time, introduce her daughter to everyone.