Chapter 356: Reunion III

Charlton opened the door to his room. Considering his status, he did not suffer much when in camp. His room was similar to his dormitory in school. Whenever they were out to find the rebels, he did not encounter much problem too. People still showed him respect. So, to be honest, there's nothing much to complain about, except that he could not return to the capital or home to Suffox until their mission was over.

While getting dressed after taking a shower, someone knocked on his door. He ignored it at first. What? he just arrived a while back. Anyhow, the knocks did not stop. Annoyed, he walked to open the door.

"Well, that took you long enough." Kylo greeted with a grin.

Charlton was pleasantly surprised, "Kylo? What are you doing here? When did you arrive? Come in."