Chapter 370: Kensington house

The Kensington house was a three-story structure divided into three self-contained residences. At the middle was the main house, which was the residence of the crown prince, on the left was the employs' quarters, on the right was the ballroom and the rooms for guests.

Arriving inside the main house, Geoffrey finally let Serena's feet touch the carpeted ground. Serena on the other hand, took the interior of the house in. She noted that although it looked imposing on the outside, the inside looked warm enough to be called a home.

She smiled thinking that it was pretty much like Geoffrey. She turned to look at him only to see that he was looking at her too. "I haven't seen much yet, but I already like our new home." She told him as she reached out for his hand and intertwined their fingers. "Would you show me around?"