Chapter 374: After dinner

"Does your family members always treat you that way?" Serena could not help but ask when their car started moving.

Geoffrey shook his head. "Today was an exception, do not pay it mind Serena."

"I doubt that today's an exception as you say. Also, how could I pay it no mind? Geoffrey, I'm your wife. When someone says or does something hurtful to you, it is also agonizing for me. Even if it comes from your family. Especially so that it came from your family."

Geoffrey held her hand, "It's alright Serena. No need to be angry over it."

Serena sighed. He has a point though, she can get angry all she wants, but what could her anger do? Those were still his family. Also, the biggest bully was his father who was the sovereign of their kingdom.

"How do you even put up with all those craps?" she asked.

Geoffrey smiled at her gently as he said, "Well, for one, in time, you just get used to it."