Kiara was only thirteen and found herself lost in the streets of Baltimore, Maryland. She had been abandoned by her mother and didn't know where her father was! Kiara didn't know where she was going to stay tonight. She just wondered around trying to figure out who she call. It was getting dark out and she realized that she had nobody. I think that I'll be safe if I just sit on somebody's steps at least to rest.
It was morning before Kiara realized it, she was awakened by someone coming out of the house where she was sitting! Oh! Excuse me! She said to the man who was clearly on his way to work. Hello, he said speaking to Kiara. Are you okay dear? Kiara told him that she was fine and that she was sorry for intruding on his property. He ignored what she was saying and asked her where she lived. He offered to give her a ride home, telling her that it wasn't safe to be wondering the streets alone. I'm fine Kiara said as she began walking down the street.
Wow! That was close because the last thing she needed was for someone to find out that she was homeless. While she was in midst of her thoughts she didn't see the guys running her way being chased by the cops. The boys ran right into her knocking her to the ground and dropping their stash in her lap. They kept going non-stop with the police on their heels. Kiara closed her legs before the police could see what the boys had dropped! The police tackled one of the boys on the corner not far behind Kiara. She picked up the pack while getting up and sitting on the steps near her! When the police began talking to the young man they looked at her and told her that she should leave because it wasn't safe there. Kiara just got up and walked away! What the hell am I going to do with this crap she thought. She knew that it was drugs but she didn't know anything about drugs. She kept thinking to herself if they find out that I have their stash they might try to kill me, but if I give it back maybe they'll give me some money!
With that thought she slowly walked around the block back to the corner to see if the police were gone! When she got back there wasn't anyone there. Kiara went into the corner store since she knew that sometimes guys would hangout in there to keep out of sight but it was empty. Kiara decided to just sit back on the steps where she had slept and wait. She was sure that the boys would come back looking for their stash. The day was passing so slow and she was hungry. Kiara was wondering what was taking those boys so long to come back. It was at least two O'clock by now. The time kept ticking away so Kiara decided that she would come back later, but she needed to find something to eat. She walked up to where the McDonald's was on Broadway and waited to see if anyone would offer her some food or even throw away some food. At this point she didn't care where it came from. She went around back to check the dumpster because she knew that the store threw away their old food. Kiara climbed into the dumpster and found several wrapped sandwiches of all kinds. She stuffed her pockets and ate as much as she could. Once she was full she walked back to the block but just as she was about to sit on some steps she heard someone yelling hey you girl!!! Kiara looked around to see who he was talking to. He was running straight towards her and she was going to run but then thought why when this was the reason that she came back.
Once he reached her he started yelling at her talking about she stole his stash and how he should whip her ass. Kiara just stood there looking at him like he was crazy. Once he stopped yelling at her she thought about what to say. Kiara said first of all you should apologize for trampling me earlier and then thank me for saving your ass when the police was chasing you. Once you do all that we can talk about what you plan on doing for me in order to get your stash back! By the time Kiara was done she looked around to see all the boy staring at them. One of the boys pointed at the one that she was talking to and said Troy she got you! Then Troy said Shut up Dominick!