Adventurers: Those who joined a guild and are separated by rank.
Soil (Lowest)
Black Gold
True Platinum
Rainbow Diamond
Singularity Diamond (Highest)
Monsters: Those that are deemed dangerous and are ranked in letters including the named ranks. This only estimates a SINGLE monster's strength. Also, skills may or may not affect their rank.
J: A monster that a young child can defeat. Example: Colorless Slime.
I: A monster that an average villager can defeat. Ex. Cave Spider.
H: A monster that a newbie adventurer can defeat (Wood rank) Ex. Goblin
G: Able to destroy a village. Ex. Gray Wolf (Adult)
F (Notice class): Able to destroy a large village/ Stone rank. Ex. Silver Wolf
E (Guarded class): Able to destroy multiple villages. Ex. Giant Slime (Any kind)
D (Attention class): Able to destroy a small city or kingdom. Iron rank Ex. Hobgoblin
C (Caution class): Able to destroy an average city or kingdom Ex. Dire Wolf
B (Hazard class): Able to destroy a large city or kingdom Ex. A low-ranked Heavenkin/Hellkin
A (Warning class): Able to destroy multiple cities or kingdoms Ex. Drake
S (Danger class): Able to destroy an island Ex. Dragon (Child)
V (Storm class): Able to destroy multiple islands Ex. Death Swordmaster
U (Severe Storm class): Able to destroy a nation Ex. Dragon (Adult)
X (Extreme Storm class): Able to destroy multiple nations Ex. Oni Warlord
Z (Disaster class): Able to destroy a continent Ex. Dragon (Elder)
XZ (Catastrophe class): Able to destroy multiple continents
EXT (Apocalypse class): This monster must have the power to put multiple species or at least half of the planet to complete extinction or near extinction. Ex. Dragon (Ancient)
EXTZ (Extinction class): The strongest class of all. This monster must have the power to wipe all life on earth. Every kingdom, guild, and clan must band together to even have a chance of survival.