The next day comes. Gris woke up first and began licking my face. I woke up too in response.
"Morning Gris. You slept good?" I said. Gris barked. I carried Gris and put him down on the floor so I put on my hunting outfit out of wolf pelt. But then it hit me.
"Won't he take it personally if I wear this out of his own kin?" I wondered.
I quickly turned back to Gris who is wagging his tail and tilted his head. I sigh in relief since it doesn't affect him. I continued putting on the wolf pelt and I hear Hyoran yawning as she is waking up.
"Morning, Kain." Hyoran said. Gris galloped towards Hyoran. He ran around and between her legs, rubbing his fur. Hyoran giggled and knelt down to pet Gris.
"I think Gris likes you." I said.
"Gris? That's his name?" Hyoran said.
"Yeah, his name is Gris." I said, nodding.
"Well, nice to meet you Gris." Hyoran said, smiling. Gris barked.
Ezo and Tuya came in the room to see us awake and playing with Gris.
"Lively in the morning, huh?" Ezo said.
"Morning mama, morning papa." We said.
"This is Gris. Our wolf." I said.
"You named him? That's great. We made breakfast so come to the kitchen." Tuya said.
Hyoran and I went to the kitchen where Gris followed. For us, we were given warm soup with potatoes where Gris gets a plate of raw meat of a Green Deer that is in the forest. After we ate, I took Gris to a river where there is a dead tree that is 7 feet tall. I already checked his stats that he can use Wind Magic.
"Gris, try hitting this tree with your magic." I said, pointing the tree over there.
Gris began growling and the wind began to swirl, forming a ball of wind. The ball of wind became the size of his head and became more compressed. At this moment, Gris snarled, launching the ball of wind.
The ball of wind flew towards the dead tree and made impact. The dead tree exploded, scattering the pieces around the river, some of it landed near me and Gris. The rest of the tree was left with a large hole on its right, that magic tore it right through. The tree folded backwards and became two pieces as it was no longer hanging by a thread.
" of the basic spells." I said. I looked at Gris sitting down, panting at me. I was excited that Gris can use magic on his first try.
"You did good on the first try, Gris. Nice job." I said, petting him.
Gris and I found another target that is also a dead tree. I put my hand forth to do what Gris did...but nothing happened.
"System? Do I have to say the spell name?" I said.
[You must say the incantation, then the spell.]
[Repeat this incantation. "Oh graceful wind heed my call, manifest thyself and strike my foe. Windball."]
"Oh hell no! That is not only cringe, but impractical! Even for mages!" I said, cringing.
[Most people use incantations, not just humans. Those who can say the spell name are talented. Those who can use magic without chanting are considered geniuses.]
"I don't wanna deal with that nonsense..."
[You can bypass it by purchasing skills. Do you wish allow me to search for these skills?]
[I have found results regarding to chanting.]
[Mono-verse allows you to perform magic by simply saying the spell name. For instance, you will say 'Windball' instead of the entire incantation.]
"Then Chantless bypasses all of that."
[Correct. Do know that this is a Unique Skill. Acquire it for 10000 EP?]
"10K!? Damn, that's nearly half of my, I'll bite the bullet. Chantless it is."
[Notice. Unique Skill Chantless acquired.]
"Alright, let's try Wind Magic..."
I put my left hand forth and imagined the same projectile that Gris did. Wind began to swirl in my left hand and it became bigger than Gris's body. I threw the ball of wind at the dead tree and it was faster and more destructive than the previous one. The dead tree exploded into splinters. Anything that was left was a mere stump.
"Holy this is what a F rank can do." I said, looking at my hands. "Time to do Earth Magic."
I summoned a rock the size of my head where it is like any rock out there, except the ones in the river. Usually rocks this size are solid requires one to hold it with two hands, sometimes four, but this rock is casually floating above my hand. Without delay, I chucked it at the stump and it crushes it completely.
"Stone shot." I said under my breath, smirking at my newfound magic. "Alright, Gris, let's begin our hunting."
Gris barked and followed me as I began walking back home, but I stopped where Hyoran stood there with her eyes wide and her mouth agape, she's in shock.
"You and Gris...know magic?" Hyoran said, slowly processing on what happened.
"Uh, yeah. I can use magic." I said. "Tada."
"Mama! Papa! Kain can use magic!" Hyoran yelled, running back into the house.
"Hyoran, wait!" I yelled, running after her. Gris followed suit. Hyoran reached inside the house and sees Tuya leaning at the window, looking out where I was making target practice. At first she was surprised that Gris was able to use Wind Magic. But when I used Wind and Earth, her tail and ears spiked upwards along with the hairs in the back of her neck.
"Mama, Kain can use magic!" Hyoran said.
"I know, sweetie. He can use two elements as well." Tuya said.
"T-two!?" Hyoran's voice cracked.
"Of course, I saw it, but you have magic too. Also two elements."
"I have magic!?" Hyoran said.
"Of course, you have my Ice Magic and your father's Water Magic." Tuya said. "I'll show you."
Tuya summoned a snowflake in her hand, via ice magic. The snowflake slowly twirls, glistening with cold mist and ice crystals. Hyoran was amazed by the display. Tuya then transformed the snowflake into a spike and said the two words.
"Ice Shard."
With that, the shard darted from her hand and struck a boulder, freezing it almost instantly. Shortly after, it shattered seeing it froze so quickly. I too also saw her use that spell.
"Ice Shard and that's it? I never saw her skills having Mono-Verse. Last time I saw her skills." I said inwardly.
[It is because only Tier I-III are Mono-Versed. Tier IV and above require verses. Through general views.]
"Wait...then the incantation from Wind-Element."
[Humans must speak the verses to activate in all 12 tiers.]
"Would've been nice if you told me sooner. But since I have Chantless, I can't complain."
"I will teach you how to use magic." Tuya said.
"Okay!" Hyoran said excitedly.
"I'll watch too. I don't have Ice and Water Magic." I said. My true intention is to see how can we make reactions with our four elements. Wind, maybe, but Earth can't do much except shatter ice.
Tuya, Hyoran and I went to the backyard of our house where I used dead trees and boulders as targets.
"When firing magic, you must put your hands forward and aim where you want to hit. Since you have Ice magic say 'Ice Shard'." Tuya said. Hyoran nodded and put her hands forward at one of the dead trees.
"Ice Shard!" Hyoran yelled. A spike of ice was summoned and flew towards the dead tree and pierced it. Tuya clapped.
"Good shot!" Tuya said as she clapped for Hyoran's accomplishment. "Now do the same thing for Water Magic. Say 'Water Ball'."
"Water Ball!" Hyoran yelled and water surged forth and is launched at the dead tree. However, she missed and hit a fully grown live tree as well. Although it did little damage. Tuya clapped as well.
"Great! Just be sure to aim where you want to hit and avoid hitting anyone else. Especially, your brother." Tuya said.
"I'll be careful, mama." Hyoran said.
Me and Hyoran waved at Tuya as we began our hunt along with Gris. We began walking outside of the gates of Nolten and into the forest. As we began to walk deeper, Gris began to growl and snarl at, someone. I looked to see 10 Colorless Slimes.
"System, what are the ranks of these slimes?"
[All 10 are H rank targets.]
"Good, let's get started before-" Before I get to finish, I see the unprecedented. The slimes are bouncing towards each other since they noticed us. However, one slime bounced on one another and became bigger. Then another, and another until all 10 slimes has fully converged into one giant slime.
"System, check that thing's stats."
"D+ rank!? Here!?" I yelled inwardly. Wait, this is one of the rare occurrences where there's at least 5 slimes converge into one big slime that can go H to G rank. However, Giant Slimes aren't supposed to be near Nolten Village, and should be beyond that bridge. Plus, Giant Slimes are meant to be F and E rank. This is not good.
"That slime is huge...we should let our parents know and the guards." Hyoran said.
"I don't think it's possible. We might bring it to our village." I said. But deep down, I gotta get back my 10000 EP from the new Unique Skill. No, I'm at rank F. I can't take any chances, especially Gris.
"System, I wish to rank up."
[Warning. Ranking up now may adversely affect your being.]
"Yes." I said without hesitation. And a moment later, my body began to ache. I groaned and staggered back. This pain in my body felt like I'm being torn apart from within. Not a sensation where radiation hits me, but it's like my body is cramped from within and being rearranged.
I collapsed on the ground behind them, I began to pant rapidly. Gris began to bark and whine as to see that I'm suffering. Hyoran looked behind and immediately ran towards me.
"Kain! What's wrong!? Are you hurt?!" Hyoran yelled, worried about me as I double over, dry heaving.
"Urgh..."I groaned from the continuous pain and looked at the slime getting closer. "Keep the slime at bay...Hyoran." I said. I turned to Gris who is also worried about me. "Gris, keep your distance from the slime...use your magic."
"Okay...Gris, we must defeat the slime." Hyoran said. Gris barked then growled at the slime. The real battle begins to prevent panic.