Rebellion Planning

As Mavros travels through the shadows, his speed is technically infinite there. He travels through the shadows of buildings, objects, and people alike. With his Shadow Sneak and Concealment, he can escape easily if things were to go south. Even if he has Incorporeal, magic and weapons laced with magic can still damage him. What's worse is that what if the place is protected by a barrier with an element of Light or Holy Magic.

Mavros reached the walls of the feudal lord's estate, there are 6 guards stationed at the front, I checked their stats and waited for a response.

[Scanning complete. 1 G rank, 1 E rank, 2 D rank, 2 F rank.]

"How lopsided!" I shouted, which startled Hyoran.

"What is?" Thompson asked, tilting his head.

"Sorry, I saw the guards where the lowest is G and the highest is D." I answered. "What about you guys?"

"Our highest ranking is A, the lowest is E. Most of our guys are C ranked." Thompson said. "And yet we were powerless against his Hypnotism that you said."

"Before we start, I have to make sure it is Hypnotism. Because I can't just assume it is so simple." I said.

Mavros phases through the wall and dives in the shadows to traverse through the bushes and soldiers.

"Hold it, Mavros." I ordered. Mavros stopped in front of the feudal lord's home. I scanned the house for any traps or traces of Light or Holy magic.

[Scanning complete. No Light nor Holy Magic Barrier detected outside of this building.]

"Good. Mavros, get going." I said. If it is there, it would slow me down. Mavros phased through the wall into one of the living rooms of this house.

Inside this room is decorated with large picture frames of noblemen and women exploring locations and making relations to royalties. I wouldn't be surprised if the feudal lord is a fat fuck.

"Tommy, what does he look like? The feudal lord." Hyoran asked.

"He' can say an orc in rich clothing." Thompson answered.

"Valtuz is ruled by an orc!?" Hyoran gasped.

"No, no, it's just that he's so fat that he might as well be an orc." Thompson reassures Hyoran.

So it's not a fat fuck, it's an UGLY fat fuck. Well, I expected much, have a married sexy beauty get blackmailed by the ugly fat fuck and then BOOM! You have added one more to an infinite supply of NTR*.

Mavros phases through the ceiling into another living room with objects made for a museum and yet no feudal lord.

"Hey, did you get the feudal lord's name?" I said.

"No, but we do know where he's holed up in." Thompson answered. "He's usually in the throne room at the top floor, acting like a king."

"Mavros, to the third floor, there is a throne room there." I said.

Mavros nodded and phased through another ceiling to see another floor where the most soldiers reside, but none of them ever reached rank C. What is this crap? The rebels would've wiped the floor with them and yet they ended up failing in the end.

I know that feeling. Just when multiple times I tried catching Timothy alive just as Fredrick wanted, he escapes in the end. With times that we lost a lot of our men who I treat 'em as family.

Mavros phases through multiple rooms to find our target, but we only saw treasury, winery, armory, heirlooms, useless shit. The last room that I haven't checked is the one that has two large doors adorned with golden trims and in fine quality wood.

Mavros phased through the two large doors between the two guards and reached the throne room. What I'm seeing here is a large throne room with golden decorated armor and weapons arranged to one side of the pillars 16 pillars.

But in the center of all lies a man sitting on a golden throne with red cushions. The man sitting there, eating gratuitous amounts of food without concern. Short white hair, pudgy face, long nose accompanied by a wart, and a large belly very well hanging between his legs.

"Actually, Tommy. I think he's more of a goblin. A fat goblin." I said.

"Either way, he has no right to be a ruler." Thompson grumbled.


Fucking hell, Absolute Order AND it's an Ultimate!? It's been buffed!? How!? It is a Unique Skill with drawbacks for balancing purposes in the game!

The drawbacks from it is, it has a long 24 hour cooldown, it only works on places under the user's influence, and it doesn't work on beasts. If it's made to be an Ultimate Skill, I assume the cooldown has been reduced, it can go beyond their own territory, and it could affect the beasts. Also, since he's E+ and the our guys are at C and got affected by such, it could transcend ranks and defensive skills!

"System, the Absolute Order skill. Does it have drawbacks?" I said to the system.

[The Absolute Order skill is a skill--]

"I already know what it is, what are the drawbacks?"

[The skill cannot be blocked upon activation regardless of rank, race, and defensive skills. The skill lasts indefinitely upon activation until the user desires to deactivate. The skill cannot be broken once activated if not affected initially.]

[Additionally, upon gaining territory, the target's power grows, increasing the target's rank. For it to grow, the target must eliminate the one who governs said establishment. The larger the territory captured, the greater the increase.]

Holy shit...that skill is not only lost these nerfs, it has been buffed! This skill is definitely cracked! No wonder they couldn't do anything because of that broken ass skill! If he gets to take over villages or cities, he gains more power.

The bandits on the mountain is equally more of a threat. I'll have to let Noltia know about this and have them go handle the problem. But what if the city I am in was from a different kingdom and attacked it? It'll be an act of war which REALLY complicates things!

"System, is Valtuz from a different kingdom?"

[Positive. Valtuz is within the influence of the Ergex Kingdom.]

Ergex...the red banner with a golden eagle. Ergex and Noltia have friendly relations in the game. But what about here? Does it fully apply here?

"Does the Ergex and Noltia have friendly relations?"

[Negative. Their relations are neutral.]

Darn, but at least it's neutral and not hostile. Now to inform the rest.

"Tommy, we got a problem." I said with concern.

"It is a powerful hypnotism skill, right?" Thompson said.

"Worse," I answered regretfully. I gestured him and Hyoran to get close to listen carefully. "The feudal lord named Alphonse Yulix has the Ultimate Skill, Absolute Order."

Thompson's eyes widened, widened with fear and as Hyoran heard, she is about to shout out.

"Ulti--mmph!" Hyoran shouted, but I covered her mouth before she finished.

"Shh, we cannot let them know about it yet." I whispered.

"Wh-what should we do? That skill sounds dangerous." Thompson stuttered, fearful of the category itself.

"Emergency meeting, everyone here must know. Hyoran, head to the meeting hall." I said, walking to the exit. Hyoran nodded and began walking there.

"Where will you be going?" Thompson said.

"I'm gonna send messages to the kingdom of Ergex and Noltia. Hopefully, they'll resolve this issue. I haven't forgotten the bandits though. Got paper?" I said.

Thompson ran and got two pieces of parchment paper, a wax stamp, ink and pen, and red ribbons with golden outlines for Ergex and Noltia. This must mean that it's urgent. I grabbed it and went outside.

"Alright, emergency meeting! Everyone to the meeting room now! Emergency meeting!" Thompson announced and everyone stopped what they were doing and began heading there in a orderly fashion.

I went outside and meet the men guarding the door.

"It's that Beast Tamer. What's wrong, kid?" one guy said with scars on his arms.

"Emergency meeting, Thompson will fill you in later." I answered.


"Vampa, Burya, come to me!" I called out.

*Caw! Caw!*

The caws rang out and two birds flew downwards towards me. It's Vampa and Burya who finished patrolling. They landed on my shoulders.

"Whoa, Thunder Crow and Flare Crow."

I began writing down the current event of what is happening within the city and is plotting something large, tragic even. I omitted my name and the monsters that is with me to make it less suspicious. I also wrote in words that a normal person would rarely use to make it seem it came from a well educated individual. I did all of that twice on different paper.

I rolled it up tightly, stamped it with red wax, tied it up with red ribbon and gave it to Vampa and Burya. Vampa and Burya walked onto my wrists and grabbed it with one of their feet.

"Vampa, go to Ergex. Burya, go to Noltia. Both of you know where to go, right?" I said.


Vampa and Burya cawed in agreement. I smiled from their response.

"Alright, safe travels. Go!" I said and lifted them off. Vampa and Burya flapped their wings to rise in the sky. Burya flew to the left and Vampa flew to the right to their respective destinations I ordered.

"Mavros, return to me." I said through telepathy.


Suddenly, I felt something weird, like something just cut off completely. I suddenly became concerned.

"Mavros? Mavros!?" I said, but no answer.

*Beep! Beep!*

[Warning. Communication between you and Mavros has been severed.]