Black Horseman of the Night (Part 6)


Minor Angel? Seriously? And it's a D rank? But how? Elliot got the Divine Staff of Astakiva guaranteed to summon a Heavenkin no lower than V rank. Unless...ah, a replica! I remember that stealing that legit artifact will make you wanted criminal in multiple kingdoms. Even so, there is no guarantee that the Heavenkin will listen to a person of evil intent.

The real question is why are my monsters kneeling?

"O children of man who has summoned me. What do you request of the humble guardian of the Celestial Realm?" the Heavenkin asked in eloquence.

"Oh, humble celestial guardian! We, children of man beseech you to slay the incorrigible evil that is a Hellkin has invaded upon this realm." Elliot asked in eloquence tinged with humility.

The angel turned to see the battlefield stained in blood, littered with corpses, and scorched by the elements. The angel sees me pick up my halberd and I looked up to it.

But without fear nor hate. The angel is confused on how everyone is kneeling, but not me.

"Is this child of man responsible for your strife?" the angel said.

"Yes! He is the one who commands his monster army including an Undead and a Hellkin!" Elliot said.

The angel turned around, but could not see a Hellkin nor an Undead. Yet she sees me. Her golden eyes then glowed bright.

"You, associate of evil. Upon the cries of the righteous children of man, you must be removed from this world." The angel declared as the bright white aura emitted around her.

"[Please stay your hand.]" I said in Celestial language. The angel's eyes widened and the aura quickly vanished.

"[You...can speak the Celestial Language?]" said the angel.

"Yes, and you are summoned to do his bidding for wicked purposes." I stated. Elliot sharply looked up in shock.

"That's not true! Do not fall for his deception, oh humble guardian!" Elliot said.

"Hush." said the angel. Her voice, though sweet, it was backed up with authority. Elliot quickly hushed himself as to avoid incurring her wrath.

"I ask of you, do you command these monsters? Speak truthfully." the angel demanded with her bronze eyes glowing. This Truth Seeker skill have good out-of-combat ability. However, it does not go beyond realms.

Even though, I have to think ahead. To make sure there are no surprises for this angel.

"Yes I do." I answered. The light turned blue as truth.

"Do you command an Undead?"

"I do too." I answered. The light turned blue as truth as well.

"Then, do you command a Hellkin?"

"Yes. It is in the Infernal Realm." The light turned red. Perfect, just as I remembered.

"Impossible! That Hellkin was there throughout the battle until I summoned the Heavenkin! How can that be a lie!?" Elliot racked his brain as he also saw the Hellkin appear and disappear.

"This man over there, summoned you for their own personal gain while killing the innocents. You can confirm that from him" I said.

"I see, then..." the angel flew towards Elliot. Elliot was startled at the sudden speed of the Heavenkin.

"Did you summon me to exact punishment on the innocent?" the angel asked.

"No! Do not be deceived! He is defending the heretics and commands a Hellkin!" Elliot denies the statement. However, the light beside the angel says otherwise. Strike one.

"You forged a royal decree once you reached the city, are you not?" the angel asked.

"The citizens were unruly, it's the only--" Elliot's choked on his own words to see the angel's aura emit from her.

"Do not deflect this question." The angel demanded. Even if she's a C rank, she can cause some damage.

"It is forged...for a good cause! They're planning to overthrow the empire if the city fell!" Elliot said. But the light turned red the second time. Therefore, strike two. Lie again, and you'll be deemed as lost.

Bro, is you a pathological liar? You knew you were gonna get put on sight even if a Heavenkin is not involved.

"Before coming here with that replica, you were planning to steal the real Divine Staff of Astakiva, were you not?" the angel asked again. Elliot's face grew pale that he cannot lie to an angel. He then confessed.

"Yes. I did it to make sure there will be no potential rebels, but I failed. So, I settled a replica." Elliot confessed. The light became blue.

Well, you saved yourself from suffering a fate worse than death. But still, you'll get executed for doing this kind of shit.

"To think I would be summoned to the Material Realm only to serve a inhabitant of a wicked heart. I would've been a fallen if that happened..." the angel was disgusted imagining that she could've harmed innocent people in the guise of heresy.

She floated towards me and slightly bowed.

"I thank you for preventing a tragedy from occurring, righteous child of man." said the angel.

[The Minor Angel gives her thanks for averting a crisis.]

[Heavenkin threat risk has decreased.]

"There is still more to be done." I said. Then I switched to Celestial Language. "[As such, I will give you a name.]"

The angel's feet touched the ground and put her hands together.

"[Please bestow me a name.]" The angel said.

I remember that one time I had a Heavenkin that can cure and nullify numerous of debuffs while also dealing damage. I even named a few Heavenkin and Hellkin out of some cars in my world. I even named Heavenkins out of stars as well.

"[Arex. That is your name.]" I said.

[Minor Angel has been named as Arex*.]

[Heavenkin risk decreased.]

[Hellkin risk increased.]

Arex looked at me and smiled at the newfound name.

"I thank you for bestowing me a beautiful name." Arex thanked me with gratitude.


I felt a nudge and saw Zala standing straight and completely fine, I looked around to see Viri, Groza, Schwarze, Taudera, and Santrasa no longer bowing down. I'll have to figure out why did they bow down before since all of them are higher rank than her.

"Wait...did that knight just name a Heavenkin?" one of the mercenaries said.

"If that's the case...we're screwed, right? We're attacking a Celestine." another mercenary said.

"But first, I'll evolve Arex."

I began to select the evolutionary paths for Arex right up to Superior Angel. Superior Angels still have the bronze eyes, but their pupils indicate their ranks. Minor is the lowest and Superior is the highest.

[Minor Angel > Angel > Major Angel > Superior Angel > Angel Prime]

[Caution. This action will significantly increase the risk of Hellkin Encounter. Proceed?]

"Arex. Evolution."

[Acknowledged, now evolving.]

Arex closed her eyes and floated upwards until a great flash of light exploded from her body. I, of course had to shield my eyes because of the blinding light.

The dark night sky instantly became day time with the blinding light that could mimic the sun's brightness.

The blinding light began to shrink and shatter apart. The shards of light became angelic feathers falling down around Arex.

Arex, who previously have no halo since she is at the lowest rank, now received one. Additionally, she is at the highest of the angels. Her eye color remained the same, but her pupils that was previously a vertical oval is now a 6-point star. Her dress that was pure white before now has 4 bronze stripes at the end of her dress, sleeves, and collar.

[Evolution complete. Arex has evolved to Angel Prime.]

[Due to evolution, Arex has risen to A+.]

[Skills acquired for Arex. Light Magic-VIII, Healing Magic-VIII, Intimidation, Light Absorption, Super Speed, Accelerated Regeneration, Poison Nullification, Holy Magic-IV, Blessing Magic-IV, Holy Nullification, Light Dominance-III, Monoverse.]

[Hellkin detection risk has increased to 18%.]

[Heavenkin detection risk has dropped to 0%.]

Awesome, I was lucky that the staff was a replica and I was able to convince her. If it was an Archangel or higher, I'm in for a struggle if not in a suicidal battle even with my Celestial Language.

"May I ask your name, benefactor?" Arex asked me. I gestured her to come closer. She floats downward and leaned towards me with her ear.

"We have loose ends to tie up. Leave the nobles alive. The mercenaries, spare no one." I whispered.

"He not only took a Heavenkin, but evolved it as's over. Our lives are over." Elliot began chuckling, but chuckling in despair that everything he did was all for naught and his trump card was stolen. He sat there in resignation, without the will to escape, protest, nor resistance.

"As you wish. As orders of my benefactor, the six of you are spared. As the rest of you are deemed enemies and will be judged." Arex declared. Her eyes shined a bright bronze.

"Light Sword." She said.

*Shing!* *Shing!* *Shing!*

Multiple swords of light appeared around her totaling to 8 swords pointing upwards. She grabbed two of the eight and the remaining six went behind her back. The mercenaries suddenly lost the urge to kneel and looked at Arex floating in the sky where the moonlight giving her the spotlight.

"Associates of sinners," Arex said as she swings her sword of light, leaving a short bright trail, "I pray that your souls find solace."