VS U-rank

"You even managed to block two of my strikes, you're no ordinary child, human." Zaneth said.

"Well, I am a special case around her." I said as I stood up. Zaneth's expression remained unchanged.

"Your legs weren't like this. How?" Zaneth said.

"Regeneration. Has saved my ass on many occasions, oh Zaneth buddy." I answered. Zaneth's raised his eyebrow after the end of my sentence.

"You know me?" Zaneth said.

"'Course I know you. Zaneth Leotide, a Leorian Beastkin born in the aristocratic kingdom of Fasela down south where there is human supremacy. Your family is poor and starving, forcing you to resort to thievery and banditry. When you hit big, your family were executed because of your activities." I explained.

Zaneth's eyes widened. Thinking that how is that child know about his past. Because I knew it and seen it multiple times. What I just told him is but a short explanation.

"How did you know all of this?" Zaneth said.

"I have my sources..." I answered vaguely. I mean, I remember the entire Evolutionism lore, this is common knowledge for me.

"No matter, once I am done with you, the crows are next." Zaneth said as he raised his sword.

"Yeah, not happening." I protested.


The ground suddenly collapses underneath Zaneth, causing him to fall in. My Tier I Earth Magic, Rockfall. My plan hit a bump, but as long as I get away, it's a success.

"Petty tricks." Zaneth said.

[Warning. Incoming attack.]

I look back and see Zaneth already caught up to me with his Lionheart swinging horizontally from the right. I turned around to block with my halberd.


I managed to block it, but the force was still crazy from before. I was blown away again. This is the power of a U-rank.

"Shit!" I cursed. I know that if I take a single hit from that sword, I'd be killed even with that Superspeed Regeneration. I better get him off my tail quick.

"Have a little smoke screen." I told to Zaneth.


I launched a Tier I Dark Magic, Dark Mist to obscure his vision and used Tier I Curse Magic, Blackout to layer on top of it.

I sprinted away to gain distance and made him practically blind. I better head towards the forest where I found Santrasa and Saeva so I can keep him away from Valtuz.


I used my Wind Magic to propel myself above the trees and called Burya and Vampa to retreat.

"Vampa, Burya, scatter. You've done enough." I said.



Both Vampa and Burya agreed and flew above the mountains and continued in the distance as their appearance and power has brought enough damage to the army. I call Gris and Arex.

"Gris, Arex, come to my location." I said.

"Yes, Kain." Arex obliged.

"Woof!" Gris barked in agreement.



Gris skids to a stop and quickly accelerated to the other direction. Where Arex in Valtus floats up towards the sky and began flying.

"All I have to do is to not fly to Valtuz." I said to myself, reminding myself as to not go to Valtuz as they'll be overwhelmed despite my army.


[Warning. Incoming strong attack.]

"Powerful?" I looked back to see a rising bright red meteor.


Zaneth's aura projectile barrels towards behind me. Chasing behind me and getting closer. I turned around and imbued my halberd with Dark Magic with both my hands.

"Here goes!"


I struck the projectile as hard as I could. The projectile had stopped, but my Dark Magic began evaporating and my halberd began to bend.


"Damn, the aura is not fading! This might get rough for me." I said, struggling to whisk it away.

"Hmm...four strikes you have defended against." Zaneth said. He then began emitting his red aura again and imbued it with his Lionheart.

"THEN HOW ABOUT A FIFTH!?" Zaneth roared and swings his blade.


He launched another red aura projectile and it is far larger than before, causing my system to act up.


[Danger. Incoming devastating attack. Possibly fatal.]

I look up to see nothing but a red light coming after me. A light that could destroy my body instantly unlike my death by radiation.

Suddenly, I see my parents, and sitting on the kitchen table with food ready on the six plates. I noticed that I'm not there despite the plate being there for me. I also see that they have happy expressions on their faces, something I rarely ever see. Are they waiting for me? Who's the sixth plate for?

*Ding Dong!*

A doorbell was rung and my father went to the front door. He opened it and his face brightened. I looked at what is behind me and see myself in black dreadlocks and no longer in a rebel accessories. What I had instead is wearing a navy blue shirt and dark jeans. The person standing next to me is Suzana wearing in a white blouse and tight blue jeans.

"Hey, dad." I said.

"Son, how was work?" my father said in a cheerful voice. In which I never hear since I was a teen.

"Same old stuff. Can't complain. Dad, this is Suzana Ruiz. The woman I was talking about." I said.

"Hello, Mr. Gray." Suzana greeted politely.

"Hello, has my son been treating you well?" my father said, moving his eyebrows up and down with a sly smile on his face.

"Oh, he's great. When I found his profile and reconnected, we became very close." Suzana replied.

"That's great, the food's ready in the kitchen."

I see Suzana and I walk in to eat while I am stuck in a distance. I reached my hand out to get in as well and see more of it. I then see the door close slowly.

"Wait..." I said, the door kept closing. "Don't go." I reached out desperately to stop the door from closing.


The door closes and disappears before my hand could touch and I snapped back to reality. The red light came too close and is impossible to dodge.

Is that my life flashing before my eyes? The life it should've been? Despite the questionable decisions I've made? Am I going to die again? Without getting back at Arukatha?

"Oh...this might be bad." I said. I didn't scream, cry, or beg. Even if I did, it'll be silenced instantly.

Soon, the red light devoured me whole and everything went bright and silent.