Death in the Center of Flames

After the flash disappeared the multi-layered magic dome remains firm. The knights leans over and sees the dreadful aftermath.

The trees that were tall, adorned with large green leaves were scorched to ashes, the dark lonely night with pouring rain is now given a light showcasing burning destruction.

Flames roar and spreads along with the vegetation and the trees begin to fall one by one.

"My god...a single spell did all of this?"

"Everything is burning!"

The knights and mages clamor at the destruction with fear and confusion that the flames will spread further and a growing dread that their efforts would be futile.

"Do not despair!" a voice yelled. "The fire must be contained at the very least!"

The knights and mages look where the voice are coming from to see a green caped knight. General Lann has spoke up and quelled the panic, but he wasn't the only one to speak up.

"General Lann is right," another commanding voice said. "Knights, dig up soil to create trenches! Mages, use your Earth, Ice, and Water Magic to contain and douse if possible!"

The red caped knight, General Altu also spoke up and completely quelled their unease. Lann leaned over to Altu's ear to speak silently.

"We also have to check to see if that Leorian is still alive." Lann whispered.

"I highly doubt it, but we'll do that while we contain the fire." Altu replied and then returned to his normal voice. "Remember! Knights are to dig trenches and the Mages must use Earth, Ice and Water Magic!"

"Also, we need to locate the Leorian Beastkin if possible!" Lann added.

"YES SIR!" The army complied with renewed confidence and began their new task.

The mages dispels the barrier, allowing all the soldiers to quickly advance.

{ Valtuz.}

In Valtuz, an orange light began to glow brighter in the distance where the citizens and soldiers alike can see.

"The fire is spreading to the city! We must stop it!" one of the citizens yelled.

"Any able-bodied people, get a shovel and create a trench! If you can use magic such as Earth, Water, or Ice, step forth!" another citizen yelled.

The citizens scramble to get the necessary items to combat the spreading fire that is encroaching further. The soldiers and the kings also know what to do.

"Make sure the children, women, and the elderly are moved to a safe location!" one of the kings commanded. "The fire must be contained at the very least!"

{Meanwhile still...}

Hyoran began riding Zala down through the forest, weaving through the burning trees. The ash and cinders rush towards her face relentlessly, attacking her skin. The thick smoke assaults her eyes and nose and strangle her lungs.

She struggles to keep her eyes open and not be overwhelmed.

"The smoke is making it hard to see and breathe." Hyoran thought "I just need to get out of the fire."



A burning tree breaks apart and began to fall in front of Hyoran and Zala. Zala sees it and began to use Shadow Sneak.



Both Zala and Hyoran sank into the shadows, completely evading any physical interactions. The burning tree crashes into the ground, scattering its cinders.


Zala and Hyoran escapes the burning forest and she gasps for fresh air instead of smoke.

"I thought I was about to suffocate..." Hyoran pants from the thick smoke as to recollect her senses.

"Now that I'm out of the fire, I should head back." Hyoran thought and ran through the night. To return to the same tavern.


Lann, Altu, and 100 other soldiers march through the raging flames. The menacing orange glow, the dancing embers, the grim gray haze, and the oppressive heat assaults them all. And yet they endure.

"Such destruction...this could be comparable to a Adolescent Fire Dragon we encountered recently." Lann said.

"I agree. This is comparable to a Adolescent Fire Dragon passing by." Altu asked.

As they proceed, they were hit by a cold sense of dread rushing down their spine. Despite the heat around them, the steel cold sense of danger managed to grip them.

"What is this pressure? Is it the 'Cerberus' they were talking about?" Altu said.

They quickly proceed further until they see a tall figure standing over a corpse, surrounded by a menacing aura. A figure clad in dark plated armor wielding a certain sword that has seemingly slain its enemy.

"It's a Death Knight Captain!" Altu yelled. Lann noticed a certain Beastkin who is beheaded.

"And it killed that Leorian who is the leader of the Red Claw Bandits?" Lann said. "Impossible, Death Knight Captains are S rank monsters. That Beastkin is at U-rank!"

"That's the sword he was wielding, he wasn't even using aura at the time." Altu observed. "Why is it trembling?"



The Death Knight Captain trembles and the aura around it becomes thicker with each passing moment. Upon that very moment...


The thunder screams out in the sky and the Death Knight Captain's eyes burned furiously in a color of red.



The Death Knight Captain lets out a deafening roar, not at the masses that saw it, but at the sky. The dark aura explodes and reaches past Altu and Lann and the rest of the army.

" can't be..." Lann gasped. "The Death Knight Captain is evolving!?"

"It must've been the time where that undead killed the Red Claw leader and it was enough for it to evolve!" Altu yelled. "What that Beastkin said that we're working for that 'Cerberus'."

Lann's eyes widened up. "Are you saying that the Death Knight Captain works under this 'Cerberus'!?"

"Most likely. But I don't see the Cerberus anywhere. Stay on your guard." Altu said.

As the aura rushes back to the epicenter where the undead resides, it explodes again.


As the thick dark aura dissipates, the two generals and the army gaze upon a new form of the certain undead.

The undead who had two horns on its helmet now has four horns with the color of deathly white. It's armor is now plated and is painted black with red accents. The shoulder parts on the armor is placed with white skulls on both sides, along with the ones on its waist and its knees.

The undead also gained a cape that was torn into a full black cape.

The undead that was once a Death Knight Captain became something more menacing than the bandit leader that was once alive. It now holds two greatswords where one that has a lion's head and the other is bone white.

"What is that undead!?" Altu yelled.

Lann and Altu ready their blades as to fight until their last breath.

"Mages! Use Light and Holy Magic!" Lann commanded.

The mages prepare for their Light Magic and some Holy Magic, but the certain undead did not hesitate to strike first.


The undead exerts a paralyzing howl that washes over the army. The army were gripped with fear as its roar meant for their demise.

The aura from its roar rushes towards the army, washing them like a wave.

"I...I c-c-can't move!" one the knights said as his voice trembles from the roar.

"M-m-my magic!" one of the mages said as the light from his staff fades away.



When the army is frozen in place, both Lann and Altu did not falter. They covered themselves with magic and aura.

"We have to slay the undead! Who knows what will happen if it rampaged here!" Lann yelled.

They dashed forward and let out a war cry.


They yelled at the unison not because they can scare it, but to show they don't fear it. However, the undead doesn't care or know the meaning of 'bravery.'


The undead roared back at the two, the two swings at the undead to get its first attention.



Their swords connected, but what they really hit is a black mist. A tall armored skeleton that could give Lann and Altu the fight of their lives just like the Leorian Beastkin before, became an existence that vanished in a puff of smoke.