Strange Invasions (Part 3)

"Please do not attack! We come to help you!" Friis yelled with his hands up.

"Lies!" one of the Aerokin shouted, "You say you'll help, only to trick us with some motive!"

"Lower your weapons!" a dignified female voice rang out. The archers lowered their weapons and a woman with white and brown wings.

The woman is wearing armor out of steel and a silvery green dress underneath out of feathers. She also have brown leather sandals adorned with green gemstones. She wields a spear like Friis, but it is longer and have a green triangular blade.

I checked that Aerokin's stats.

I take a look at Aria's weapon.

Aria gently floats down and landed in front of us. Her subordinates also landed, but wary of us. We jumped off of Zala to see eye to eye. Despite our height difference.

"Aria, this is young--" Friis introduced me to her, but Aria interrupted.

"I do not care for his name, Friis." Aria pointed her spear at my face. "I ask how did this human get here?"


Zala stomps and scrapes the ground, advancing as she is baring her teeth at Aria for showing hostility. I put my arm out to stop her.

"It's alright, Zala. She has her reasons." I said. Zala sputters and walks away. The Aerokin bickers in surprise.

"Speak, boy. How did you find our place?" Aria asked.

"Friis showed me the way." I answered.

"To reach the foot of the mountains, it would be until nightfall if you were to go the direct route on foot." Aria said, still pointing her spear at me.

"Space Magic." I simply replied.

"Do not lie to me, boy." Aria said, with her green eyes flashing sharply. Then oppressive aura washed over us.

[Caution, Gladiator's Ambition skill detected.]

[Due to Tyrant Spirit, the effects are nullified.]

Because of my Tyrant Spirit skill, I felt no chill from her gaze.

"This boy...he's completely unfazed from my Gladiator's Ambition? Most foes freeze in place from my skill." Aria thought to herself. Aria then cancels her skill.

"Phew...powerful as always, Chieftain Aria." Friis said, as he stands up. "But young Kain speaks the truth, I saw it myself."

"Yep, watch." I said. I motioned my hand and created a rift behind me. I called out Vampa, Burya, and Groza out to the mountains.

The Aerokin ready their arrows, but Aria stops them.

"But Lady Aria, those are--!" one of the male Aerokin said, but was interrupted.

"These three monsters do not have purple eyes on them, especially that horse." Aria explained. She then set her eyes on me.

"Let me be clear that I am not joining you as I must protect my people." Aria stated.

"I know. But did you know that the Hellkin is pulling the strings?" I said. The Aerokin gasped.

"You say as if you have slain one before." Aria said.

"I have and it ain't easy." I said.

"If said Hellkin who hypnotized the monsters dies, the skill is released instantly." Friis said. "Meaning, our lives is no longer under existential threat."

"The reason I am doing this is to make your jobs easier. Now, if you excuse us, we better talk to the Ogres down below." I said. I got on top of Zala and Friis followed. I turned Zala around and whipped the reins.


Zala neighed and began running down the mountain.

"Young Kain, the mountains are steep and not suitable for some type of monsters, especially Horse-types." Friis said.

"That is why we're jumping off." I smiled, looking back at him.

"What?!" Friis did not like my idea that seemed suicidal, but I have magic to help us land safely.

As soon we reached the cliff, Zala jumped. This is the most direct route to reach the ogres!

And obviously the most dangerous.

"Aaaargh! This is madness!" Friis yelled.

"Yahooo!" I yelled in excitement as this reminded me riding a roller coaster going on a huge descent.

However, I have Wind Magic to soften the fall. The mountains that Aria rules are 2200 feet high. She also border between Telgrin Mountains and Dystoark, but on one side.


We landed on the ground, where the trees tower over us. I turn around to see a massive wooden fortress with giant logs. Then I see a large wooden door.

"This is the establishment of the Ogres. Originally, it was deep into the forest, now it's in a cave." Friis explained.

"The Ogres were pushed back by that Hellkin." I said.

"I believe we should hear it from Exor himself." Friis said.

"Invaders!" a deep voice rang out. Two giant dark green ogres rise from the platforms and held giant boulders over their heads with one arm.

"I am Friis! I request to speak with your Chieftain, Exor!" Friis exclaimed.

"Friis?" A deeper voice rang out. The other two ogres lowered the boulders and the wooden gate opens in front of us.

Bluish green skin, thick tusks on the mouth, triangular ears, and a towering physique. That what an ogre looks like. But the one in front of us has a singular horn on top of his forehead.

*Thump!* *Thump!*

His footsteps are loud and heavy. The ogre soon closes in on us and looks down at us, casting a large shadow.

"Young Kain, this Exor. He is the one who governs all Ogres who resides in the caves." Friis said, looking up.

I checked his stats of this mountain of a man that is much taller than us even when we're on Zala.

"Woah...amazing..." I said out loud to Exor. I never get to truly see an Ogre or any giant monster up close because I never got the VR. I spoke to the system.

"How tall is he?"

[The High Ogre, Exor is, according your previous world's standard, is 10 feet and 8 inches tall.]

Damn! I remember that tall vampire lady people use to slobber about who is 9 feet tall. Exor will be looking down at her if he met her.

Exor opened his mouth and began to let out a hearty laugh.

"HAHAHAHA! What an interesting human child you brought along, Friis!" Exor yelled happily. "For you to come at this day, you must've went in the dead of night!"

"But tell didn't come here for a drink, right?" Exor said.

"No, but we know the real reason why you are in the caves." Friis said. Then I answered.

"It's the cause of the Hellkin." I said. Exor's smile faded.

"Yes, it is. There was a time where we combined our forces to combat them at the very center of the forest." Exor explained.

"The goblins, orcs, seakins, aerokins, lizardmen, ogres, and onis, we all used our combined might to stop the Hellkin attacking us." Friis said.

I quickly realized something is wrong.

"Hold up, if a Hellkin is fighting and hypnotizing the beasts at the same time, won't the hypnotism weaken?" I said.

"I don't know, but one of the onis saw that there is another one. Despite knowing it, we eventually failed." Exor said.

Oh crap, there's another one!? Now I really need Arex's help, more than ever! Maybe...I should get Xydrid involved.

Will he be alright? He might be traumatized from the periodic attacks as a Hatchling. Even if he is at Young-X, those Hellkin will kill him quick. I gotta get him stronger...much stronger.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought." I said.

"You're not going out face them alone, are you?" Exor said, concerned.

"Who said that? Also, I have stuff that'll work against Hellkins." I said with confidence. But that is a front. I got a gut feeling that the Hellkins are at least Rank B, far worse than the Greater Demon I faced earlier.

But I gotta do it. Someone has to do it or Dystoark ain't gonna be the only hellscape.

I summoned Taudera and Santrasa with my Space Magic by the rift. They walked out which shocked Exor and the other ogres.

"Thundering earthquakes...Space Magic!" Exor exclaimed.

"They will protect you from the invading monsters that are hypnotized." I turned to Friis,"Which is the closest after the Ogres?"

"The Lizardmen in the swamps that is closest to the center. But ever since our failure, they were forced out of their homes." Exor said with a sad expression. "You'll have to get to the lakes where Oni's reside. It's a long distance, but it's the safest option."

"We'll get there as soon as possible." I said.

"Friis. If we get out of this crisis, let's have a drink with all of us." Exor proposed. Friis smiled.

"I would love that." Friis replied.

I turned Zala around waved Taudera and Santrasa goodbye for now.

"Let's go Zala!" I yelled. Zala neighed and began running into the forest, disappearing from sight.