[Mutation complete. You are now of the Oni Race.]
[According to your rank, you are automatically evolved to High Oni.]
[Your skills will be adjusted...complete.]
[Skills acquired: Heat Nullification, Fire Nullification, Steel Skin, Terror, Valorous, Oni Fear, Kihou-X, Poison Nullification, Enhanced Resistance.]
[Skill lost. Cold Resistance.]
What the hell? How did I become an Oni just by drinking Onizakura's beverage? I know the requirements of how play as an Oni, but this isn't one of them!
I feel my face and felt two protrusions on my head.
"How did this happen? I'm actually an oni." I said in a deeper voice. "Woah...that's my voice!?"
I was surprised that even my voice gotten deeper from this mutation. I would never expect that I would be changed physically.
"Kain, is that you?" Friis asked.
"Yeah...it's me." I answered.
"Kain...you were an oni all along?" Onizakura said.
"No, I am born human. There's no way I was born an oni." I said. I stood up and see that my pants, my shirt, and my jacket are torn from my sudden growth. But my Nightly Shroud is still untouched.
"But it looks like I'm gonna need better fitting clothes." I said.
Onizakura clapped her hands and four onis walked into the yurt behind us. Four of those onis grabbed my arms and began walking me to a different yurt. The onis that were walking by saw me in torn clothing.
The female onis who saw me were a little curious, but I was escorted inside the other yurt and the two extra onis blocked the entrance.
Inside was a plain beige yurt with multiple closets and assortments of clothes and armor. They show me a mirror and I get to see myself entirely.
I have red skin, dark brown eyes, sharp white nails, and a muscular body, but it is slimmer than Gourai's body. My face has a more chiseled look than my rounder human part and strangely, it looks like me back in my world. I opened my mouth and see that I have sharp teeth and the two tusks coming out of my mouth.
I touched my horns that are on top of my head which is 5 inches long and my black hair grew past my shoulders.
Let's not forget that I was much shorter before I mutated. I was four foot eight.
"How tall am I? I gotta be at least six feet." I said.
[You are measured at 7 feet and 6 inches in height. Excluding the horns.]
Woah...I was 6 foot 1 back in my world, but this...how did I get this tall when I was only there for 10 years? No matter, I'll worry about it later.
"You'll have to remove your clothing for accurate measurements." one female oni said.
I tore off my old clothes because they're torn from my sudden, yet exponential growth. My underwear that I once had fell on its own, displaying my red magnum.
"Damn, this thing gotta be 5 inches long." I thought.
"Kain, how are the clothes fitting you?" Onizakura said as she entered the yurt.
"Wait! I'm--!" I tried to stop her, but I ended up showing Onizakura my red magnum.
"Oh my..." Onizakura gasped and then giggled. "Call me when you're ready, okay?" Onizakura turned around and left the yurt.
"Was that on purpose?" I thought. I was expecting Onizakura would scream, yell insults, and end it with a slap like some generic tsundere anime girl.
I took off my cloak and gave it to one of the onis.
"This one stays." I said. The oni nodded and began folding it neatly. The second oni brought an assortment of clothes.
I see a heavy pair of pants out of tiger pelt and a robe like jacket also out of tiger hide.
"Why y'all have so many of them tiger pelts?" I asked.
"Because the tigers tried to invade us many times. Usually, it's rare, now it's common." the third oni said.
The other one is out of dark blue cloth. It's the hakama pants where it is common in Japan paired with the blue robe. The the third one is brown pants with animal skulls wrapped around the waist.
I scanned those this type of clothing.
Wow, this is great, it's better than my old clothes. As I scanned the other ones, it had Uncommon and Common.
Before I began wearing the pelt, one oni stopped me.
"You need this." she said and handed me a white loincloth. I soon realized what it looked like.
"A fundoshi." I said. "But I never wore one."
"That's fine, let me put it on for you." she said and swiftly, she wrapped it up with in a couple of seconds. I moved around and I felt no kind of chaffing. I quickly put on the tiger pants and jacket.
It fits me perfectly. The tiger jacket has no zipper which leaves my chest open, but I'm not worried about that. I then put on my cloak, but it only went past my shoulders.
I look at the mirror and I see myself as a red mean machine. I smiled looking how menacing and yet handsome at the same time as an oni.
I walked out of the yurt and displayed myself the village. The various onis, young and old, male and female looked. They give off nods of approval, admiring the look of an oni readying for battle. It looks like I fit right in.
"Now you look like any other oni ready for battle." Onizakura complimented me. I looked down and see Onizakura looking up.
"You didn't freak or get angry. Are you not disturbed by it?" I asked.
"I can't be a good chieftain if I get flustered for every little thing, right?" Onizakura winked.
"Fair point." I said.
"I still can't believe that you suddenly turned into an oni." Friis said.
"Believe me, I was surprised too." I chuckled. Usually, Friis was a little taller than me when I was human, but now he's tiny in my perspective.
"This yours?" Metsuka called out. I turned to her and she tosses me my Red Moon. I caught it with one hand and it didn't push my hand back.
"Yep, thanks." I said and began twirling it around effortlessly. I didn't do it in the first place because it was taller than me and I was using Super Strength constantly to hold it properly.
Back then, I had to use two hands as its weight made it hard for me to use properly. That was one of the factors why I was struggling against Zaneth in general.
If I fight him as I am now, would I stand a chance, even if I got these extra skills while I am an oni?
I better be more prepared to fight strong monsters and opponents if I want to survive.
A horn was sound and multiple onis and some lizardment scramble to prepare for battle.
"INCOMING MONSTER HORDE!!" yelled the onis.
"Well, Kain, it seems it's time to prove your worth as an oni." Onizakura winked at me. I looked at the gate where the onis and some lizardmen prepare for battle.
"Then I better not disappoint." I smirked at her.
I put my weight in my right foot forward, cracking the ground and took a running start.
I ran towards the gate that the onis and lizardmen stand in front. I took a large leap into the air, jumping over tens of them in a single jump. The onis and lizardmen look up and see a bold, headstrong oni who is eager for battle.
I landed on the ground and the oni people only saw my back and my red moon.
"Who is that oni?"
"Have we seen him before?"
"Where did he get that weapon from?"
I opened a rift and shocked the onlookers.
"Dichrome, Fennec, Viridesca, Schwarze, Paura, come on out." I said.
They jumped through the rift and meets me in the oni village which shocked them even more. Onizakura as well.
"So, that horse wasn't his only companion." Onizakura concluded.
"Dichrome, Fennec, Viridesca, Paura, Rank S." I said.
[Acknowledged. 2,500,000 EP deducted.]
[Dichrome has risen to Rank S.]
[Fennec has risen to Rank S.]
[Viridesca has risen to Rank S.]
[Paura has risen to Rank S.]
[Skills acquired for Dichrome. Dark Magic-IX, Light Magic-IX.]
As I heard the rumble, I know for a fact that it is a Stampede. Stampedes are where more than 50 monsters swarm a location. Although it is a weaker version of Dungeon Breaks, it is still dangerous nonetheless.
[Warning! Stampede detected.]