The Silver-eyed Hellkin (Part 7)


On the mountains, the Aerokins are fighting flying monsters attacking their homes. Aria, the Eagle Aerokin razes through the sky with her spear, cutting down the monsters before her.

The monsters fall down by the dozens where the other Aerokins shower the other monsters with magic and arrows.

However, it was only short-lived. The Aerokins have fully expended their arrows and resorted to fighting up close.

"So we've have run out of arrows and the monster attack is still unrelenting." Aria thought to herself. "They've also began to show fatigue as well."

Aria remembered those words of a certain child and Friis who was with the child. She knew what she had said, but she cannot leave her tribe alone in the midst of crisis.

Just when there is a Frost Crow at her face almost finished casting. It was her lapse of judgement that made her vulnerable.

"Not good, I can't afford to get hit by Ice Magic!" she thought to herself. And suddenly the crow stopped casting and began flying in the other direction.

This confused Aria, made her think why did that monster retreat. Not only the Frost Crow, but the entirety of the flying monsters.

"The monsters are retreating?" Aria said.

"Lady Aria, we have ran out of magic and arrows!" one of the Crow Aerokins yelled. "Wait, they're retreating?"

"We are in no condition to give chase, everyone regroup and tend to the wounded!" Aria ordered. She turned around and see a group of Aerokins looking behind her with mixtures of shock, astonishment, and fear.

"What is that over there!?" one of the Aerokins shouted, pointing her finger behind Aria.

Aria looked where she was pointing and sees a giant red monster flying above the forest. Much larger than the elephants, Ogres, and some Onis.

"Is that a Red Wyvern?! Why is there a Red Wyvern here in Dystoark?!" one of the Aerokins shouted.

"Wyverns usually live atop of mountains! It had no reason to be in any forest!"

Aria focuses on the red flying monster and with it, she sees that it has four legs and two wings. Aria then felt a sudden chill.

"That is no Red Wyvern. That is a Red Dragon. An adult one at that." Aria said.

The Aerokins gasped. Shocked from the fact that a Dragon, an existence greater than a mere Wyvern has appeared.

"An Adult Dragon!? Is it hypnotized as well!?"

"No, its eyes doesn't show any signs of hypnotism." Aria shook her head. "We must know that we are in no condition to fight against a Fire Dragon even if we're at our best. I will inform the other tribes."

Aria immediately dives down to the Ogres and meets Exor.

"Oh, Aria. Did you see them retreat too?" Exor said.

"Yes, but there is a Adult Red Dragon in the forest." Aria replied.

"A Dragon!? Did they get that too!?" Exor shouted. Aria shook her head.

"I must inform the others!"


Aria flew above the forest and began her dash towards the oni village.


I stand surrounded by Archdemons, a Demon Lord, and the hypnotized monsters. The Archdemons and the monsters rushed towards me and I began my onslaught.


I swing my two halberds, sending blades of my blood, my aura, and my Kibuki. I would've used Light and Holy Magic to do it, but they would've used Inferno Magic and made my fight unnecessarily harder.

I also get to enjoy a good fight while distracting them.

"Rrrgh! I can't get close!" one of the Archdemons yelled in frustration. I jumped up in response.

"Then I'll come close to you!" I yelled. The Archdemon jumped out of the way before I crash into the ground.


I stomped the ground, creating a shockwave as I fracture the ground. Fifty Gray Wolves rushes towards me and opens their jaws as to tear my flesh apart.

I used my Crimson Maelstrom and my Kibuki in my arms and swung around me.


The wolves were instantly massacred by my swing and the other Archdemons were blown away by my shockwave.

I see another Archdemon preparing her Wind Magic again, but I won't give her the chance.

I dashed forward and before she could react, I was behind her.


I grabbed her torso and have my hands on her breasts. They're moderately at least D cup.

"Hmm...not bad, but Onizakura's tits are much larger." I said.

"Hey! Get off me!" she yelled.

"Oh, I will..." I complied. I grabbed her tightly from behind. I lifted her up above me.




I flung her backwards and sent her head first into the ground. The ground cracked and quaked from the impact. I suplexed the bitch.

"Gyeeehk!" the female Archdemon gagged as her body and neck bent. I turned myself over and picked her up again. This time her legs are around my neck and I threw her down again.


"Aaagh!" the Archdemon reeled from the impact, but I am not done. I picked her up again power bombed her 6 more times.


I jumped high into the air and did multiple flips to enhance the power of the impact.




I slammed her down harder than before and created a plume of smoke and debris. The other Archdemons were sent back from the shockwave. As the dust settled, the female Archdemon was unconscious.

Suddenly, I sense magic coming from above and behind me and I turned and swung my halberd behind me.


"Ice Magic." I said, and I looked above that a flock of flying monsters such as Frost Crows, Gale Eagles, Shadow Hawks, and Storm Condors has arrived in this location. Also, the Yellow Hornets arrive and aimed their stingers as to shower me with poison.

"Even if you are strong, you still have a limit. These stingers can paralyze an adult Ogre and Oni." the staff wielding Archdemon said. Their numbers along with the swarm cover the sky, preventing light to come in.

Until a orange light unlike the sun began shining through the encroaching darkness.


A stream of fire rages through the sky, reducing the beasts and insects in the sky to ashes.

"What was that flame!?" The Demon Lord exclaimed.

"Hahahaha! So he truly did survive, huh!?" I laughed with joy and excitement that a certain monster I recently met has survived.


A large red body flew over the clearing and stopped over the battlefield. Its shadow covered the entire battlefield and exudes a intimidating, yet majestic appearance.

"That's a dragon...a Red Dragon!" the Demon Lord yelled.

The Red Dragon noticed a massive horde of monsters that surrounded me and its green eyes glowed with rage. It opened its giant maw and a blazing orange light exudes forth.



The Red Dragon lets out a burning fire breath at the beasts and the Archdemons. I, however, went under the dragon and watched it scorch my enemies before me. The Red Dragon turns around soon turns the battlefield into a burning ring that will burn those who touch it.

The Archdemons huddled together with the Demon Lord and the staff wielding Archdemon created a large shell of Ice to protect them from the fire breath.


The Red Dragon used its breath again to vaporize the ice. It closed its mouth to see that the shell is still intact.

I jumped onto the rock platform to look at the Red Dragon's appearance. The Red Dragon looks at me and relaxed its expression in an instant.

It is Xydrid all grown up.

His body is much larger, larger than the house I have created, the red scales shine from the flames he spewed, his red wings show a shiny leathery finish, and his emerald green eyes. The two horns on its head protrude out and point out on his head and the frills on his neck.

"Hahaha...look at you. You're a full-fledged adult now, Xydrid." I said.

[Dragon Heart Progression successful. Xydrid is now at Adult-X.]

[Due to Progression, Xydrid has risen to Rank U+++.]

[Skills acquired for Xydrid. Fire Magic-XV, Heat Nullification, Perception, Concealment, Bravery, Terror, Ultra Strength, Ultra Endurance, Dragon Fear, Dragon Pierce-X, Dragon Ward-X, Dragon Scale-X.]

[Xydrid is eligible for evolution.]

Those Archdemons can be a challenge as a Dragon. I better give him a better chance.

[Red Dragon > Fire Dragon > Flame Dragon > Blaze Dragon]

I selected the path for Xydrid and another screen comes up.

"Xydrid, evolution!"

Xydrid closed his eyes and the flames engulfs him whole. A large giant pillar of flames roar around Xydrid, spiraling into the sky.

The Archdemon dispelled the Ice shell and fell onto her knees.

"Haaah! Had we not combined our strength, we'd be in trouble." the female Archdemon pants as a breath from a dragon is not to be taken lightly. They then see a pillar of flames spiraling behind me.

"You...that dragon!" the Demon Lord shouted. "Where did you get that adult dragon!?"

"I raised him." I said. "I raised him to be big and strong."


The flames dissipated and Xydrid, who had green eyes has now have deep red eyes. The claws of his were white, now they're given a red tint.

[Evolution complete. Xydrid has evolved to Blaze Dragon.]

[Due to evolution, Xydrid has risen to Rank X.]

[Skills acquired for Xydrid. Fire Magic-XXX, Fire Absorption, Heat Absorption, Blazing Fire Breath, Blaze Aura, Fire Dominance-XII.]

So he got Blaze Aura. That's a skill that reduces Fire Resistance to enemies, weakens Water and Ice magic, and strengthens Fire Magic. This also deals constant Fire damage if their resistance drops below 0%.

I jumped off of the rocky platform so that Xydrid can step on it with his one foot and loom over the Archdemons.

"My fellow demons, meet my fire breathing friend, Xydrid." I said.

Xydrid spreads his massive red wings and lets out a mighty roar.