Beginning of Chaos


The army from the Arukatha Church in the Felexin Empire travel upon the Noltian soil to reach a certain destination and to purge a certain evil.

A man riding inside of a carriage is wearing a pure white robe with gold and blue trimmings. He wears a white hat with a golden balance scale. The man's face has some wrinkles with black hair, mixed with gray. However, his skin hasn't sunken yet.

The man contemplates during the travels. Remembering the time he was in the Church of Arukatha.

"Zaneth Leotide has awakened as a hero!?" the man exclaimed.

"Yes, it happened when he was surrounded by a horde of undead that is led by a three-headed creature that came from the edges of Noltia." a woman explained. "It is located at the mountain of Valtuz."

"This is strange...those of pure heart and confronting their trauma are the requirements...unless someone else is much more sinister, forcing them to change." the man said, stroking his gray beard. "Either way, we can assure that there will be even less evils to fear."

"Priest Arkaon! I bring news! Zaneth Leotide who has been awakened as a hero has died!" a knight in white armor yelled with terrible news.


"What!? How is it possible!?" Arkaon shouted. "I know heroes aren't invincible, but they can't be slain THAT quickly! Who is responsible!?"

"A Death Knight General which is led by a three-headed creature. What's worse, it began evolving after slaying Zaneth." the knight said.

It was then that Arkaon assumed the worst.

"Mobilize the troops! We must slay the creatures before they attack!" Arkaon ordered.

"Wait, Priest Arkaon! If we happen to spill the blood of the innocents, our relations with Valtuz and Noltia will be strained." the woman warns Arkaon of committing such acts.

"I will take full responsibility if it were to happen." Arakon declared.


"If I had time, I could ensemble at least 500 knights." Arkaon thought. "I can only wish this procedure runs smoothly.


They reach the Nolten Village where their footsteps wake the masses, causing them to walk out of their homes.

The villagers gather and the army stops where the Priest named Arkaon stepped out of the carriage.

"I am Arkaon Zethis! One of the followers of the Arukatha Church in the Felexin Empire!" Arkaon announced.

The citizens are wary. They know that the Felexin citizens are a fully human population and the Arukatha Church in that same empire.

"Priest Arakon! What brings you and your army to this humble village in the dead of night?" Olken said in a friendly manner.

Zethis walked towards Olken and leaned forward.

"Olken, we are here to find the Hellkin that came from your village and to Valtuz." Arkaon said.

"But we haven't encountered a Hellkin in this village for 35 years." Olken said.

"But have you ever heard of the names of 'The Butcher of the Forest'? Or the 'Black Horseman'?" Arkaon asked.


I watch them over and see that they haven't attacked Noltia yet, but in order to make things less complicated, I ordered Espada, Miura, and Islero.

"Seeing that they haven't attacked, they're gathering information." I said. "Espada, use your mist to charm those around them, Miura, use your wind to spread the mist. Islero, find info in that carriage if possible."

"Do not kill any of them, if all else fails, lure them away." I told them.

"Alright, we'll run if things get dicey." Miura said and jumped into the portal.

"We'll meet again, cutie." Espada winked and blew a kiss and jumped in next.

"I wanna see more undead when I get back." Islero said and followed through.


The three Hellkins flew through the night sky to the village where the holy army resides. As expected, they have spread out.

"Espada, do your thing." Miura said.

Espada inhales and gently blows out a thick pink mist out of her mouth. Miura soon used her Wind Magic to spread and make it barely visible.

The mist reached the ground and slowly rises. The villagers, the soldiers and mages, including Arkaon and Olken are inside of the pink mist.

"Have you seen the Black Horseman? The person was wearing all black, riding a black horse, wielding a halberd. Also had multiple beasts fighting with him." Arkaon said.

"No, nothing of the sort." Olken said.

"Okay, but we need to find the Butcher of the Forest." Arkaon said, "Also, my sources say that a single child covered in blood with black hair is the one that held off the Red Claw Bandits along with a few monsters accompanying the child. Also, has dark skin as well."

"A child holding back an army of Red Claw Bandits?" Olken raised his eyebrow in confusion. Then looked at him with pity. "It must've been hard for you as a priest. But I don't think a child or anyone else can hold off an army by themselves."

"I did not come here to jest, Olken. I came here to find the Undead or the Hellkin, especially the rumored three-headed creature responsible for killing a hero." Arkaon whispering.

As the soldiers spread out to find clues for traces of undead or hellkins, pink mist began forming around the village. The pink mist gives off no other scent than water, it wasn't sweet nor fruity.

By then, the light in their eyes faded and yet, they continue.

"Okay, they're fully hypnotized. You're up, Islero." Espada said.


Islero turned his body into a dark mist and traveled through the shadows of the soldiers and mages.

He reaches to the carriage without fail and sees that it was carriage with two cushions sitting at the opposite sides.

Islero looks around to find documents of some kind. He looked around to find anything left out in the open, checked the pockets inside the doors of the carriage, and underneath the cushions of the chairs. Despite that, Islero found nothing.

Until he saw two hidden compartments underneath the seats. He began opening the two and found something. A crystal ball and stack of documents tied into a string.

Islero takes a closer look and found out that it was a communication artifact. He leaves the crystal ball and leaves the carriage along with the documents.

"I got the goods, we should be done here, right?" Islero said.

"Good, let's get out of here." Miura said, stopping her Wind Magic. Espada stopped her pink mist.

The three flew out into the night sky with the documents while no one's the wiser.

I stand in front of the portal that I kept open and soon the three entered the portal.

"We got the goods." Islero said.

"And nobody batted an eye." Espada said, flaunting her hair with confidence.

Islero gave the documents to me. I looked at the documents that should've been kept in a safe place instead of a carriage.

Why would any church, especially the Church of Arukatha in Felexin leave such important stuff in a place where it is vulnerable to attacks?

"Alright, come with me. I think we have more work ahead of us." I said.

I went upstairs in my cabin and sat on the chair. I cut the rope that binds the papers and spread them apart.

I take a look and I soon saw something that is horrifying. Something that I wish I never saw.