The Small Blue Dragon

The sun has risen. Also, the rain has stopped. I wake up to see Miura, Espada, and Islero lounging around outside.

Before I go outside, I placed all of the documents into my Isolated Space so that I can show the elves later.

"Hey, so the thing is that I'm gonna head straight to the Elven Kingdom." I said.

"Remember, we can't get close to the barrier. Undeads too." Miura said.

"I know, but I know how to get there." I said. "Y'all can go back now."

"Alright..." Miura sighed and disappeared in black flame.

[Miura has returned to the Infernal Realm.]

"I wanna see more Undead." Islero said and vanishes in black flame.

[Islero has returned to the Infernal Realm.]

"I'll be waiting. Just not at that forest." Espada sighed and disappeared last.

[Espada has returned to the Infernal Realm.]

I turned to Saeva and petted her.

"You can go back, Saeva." I said.

Saeva barked and also disappeared in black flames.

[Saeva has returned to the Infernal Realm.]

"System, I wish to repair my armor and my weapon."

[EP required for repair: 75,000,000.]

It's a big bullet to bite, but it's necessary.

"Do it."

[Acknowledged. Now repairing...]

The tiger armor, my cloak, and the halberd quickly began repairing itself rapidly. It was rags before and now its condition is back to where it was just made brand new.

Then, I hear the rustling of the leaves. I turned around and saw Hyoran standing in front of me. Hyoran looked gazed at me with an expression that she has seen something unbelievable.

"Kain...?" Hyoran uttered a single word.

I made no attempt to change myself back into human, because she saw me when I was dying as an oni.

"Hyoran...I..." I tried to speak, but Hyoran dashed towards me and jumped into my face without another word.

"You're're alive...!" Hyoran gasped. "I don't wanna know how, but I don't care..."

Hyoran sniffled and sobbed quietly. Her tears flow and drip onto my chest. Hyoran hugged my face tightly, obscuring my vision.

"Hyoran, you're not scared?" I said.

"Why? Why should I be scared of my family?" Hyoran looked at me with tears in her eyes. "You're my brother."

Hyoran jumped off and smiled at me with the relief that her brother came back.

"I...the thing is that I mutated. I have no idea why, but it happened." I explained.

"It's're my brother...I'll follow you wherever you go." Hyoran declared, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Then, you don't mind if we go even further than our parents' home?" I said. As I look into her eyes, they shine in determination, giving an expression that she will do it without question.

For that, I don't need to say anything else.

I opened multiple portals in the locations where all of my monsters are and I ordered them to go into the Isolated Space.

[All of your monsters except Xydrid has been sent to the Isolated Space.]

"Xydrid, come to us." I called.

Moments later, a large shade covered the sky and we looked up at Xydrid descending from the sky.


Xydrid landed on the ground, causing everything to shake for a short moment.

"We're gonna go on a big adventure, this might take a long time to get there, but are you willing to come with me?" I asked.

"Without question." Hyoran said.

I smirked and made preparations. I used my Space Magic to create a point in the center of my cabin where I could teleport to that spot, regardless of distance in case of monsters attacking the cabin.

"Stein, Flammen, Santrasa, Dichrome, Schwarze." I called them and they came out of the Isolated Space. "Protect the cabin until we get back."

"Xydrid, we're going on a trip." I said.

Xydrid lowered his head and we began climbing on his back. Xydrid jumped and flapped his giant red wings, ascending into the sky.

Hyoran held to my back tightly as she is scared to fall since we are above the trees and soon above the mountains.

Hyoran slowly opened her eyes and her breath was taken away at the scenery. Tall mountains, a cloudless blue horizon, and the trees that was above us is now a fuzzy green carpet.

"Pretty cool, huh?" I said.

"It's beautiful..." Hyoran said.

We continue to fly ahead and reach to the center, but Xydrid noticed something. Xydrid turned to his left.

"Xydrid? Did you sense something?" I said.


[Xydrid has sensed a dragon.]

A dragon? Well, the system did not give out an alarm before like Za'taranga.

"Alright, go find the dragon." I said.

Xydrid continued in the direction he took and my system soon reacted.

*Beep!* *Beep!*

[Attention. A Tyrant is near by.]

A Tyrant!? A Tyrant like me?! What are the chances of meeting a different Tyrant such as myself. But Xydrid sensed a dragon and I sensed a Tyrant shortly after.

What if there's a Dragon Tyrant? That's also a possibility and Tyrants of a Dragon race are very nasty when it comes to their aggression and utility.

But since I am a Tyrant as well, it should be no problem.

As we entered the Veldiar Meadows, Xydrid descended from the sky. This means that Xydrid noticed the dragon.


Xydrid landed on the ground and I jumped off. I go around and saw a blue dragon, much smaller than Xydrid and Za'taranga.

However, that blue dragon is unconscious and covered in wounds. Multiple lacerations, its wings are riddled with holes and yet it is still breathing.

"Careful! It's still dangerous!" Hyoran said.

I still came to the dragon and healed it. The wounds of the blue dragon began to close up and the wings began to mend together.

The Blue Dragon who was unconscious began waking up. The dragon shook itself to shrug off any stiffness or fatigue it had.

The Blue Dragon looked at me with its deep electric blue eyes and blinked. However, there is a strange feeling.

It looked like a miniature Za'taranga, but there's something more than that. It feels like I met this dragon on a deep, personal level.

Rather, it's as if I knew someone who is inside of this dragon.

I reached my hand out to touch the Blue Dragon's head. Soon, the images of one of my friends face flash before my eyes.