A "Cruel" Fate (Part 3)


"Aaarrgh!" Terrence began groaning in pain. He began writhing and twisting around from the excruciating pain.

"Hold him down!" one of the medics yelled.

The mages used spells to bind him, including knights to physically restrain him to prevent Terrence from worsening his wounds.

"Damn you Ashley! You fucking bitch! Once I get my hands on you, I'll skin you alive!!" Terrence roared. "I'LL KILL YOU!!"

"Calm yourself, Terrence! You'll reopen your wounds at this rate!" Arnox implored. He came close to his enraged bandaged face. "You will get the chance."

"But that bitch!" Terrence growled.

"You are alive because of my quick decision." Arnox said. "If not, we wouldn't have survived. We will fight again."

With Arnox's words and his resolute expression calmed his anger. Terrence stopped struggling, allowing the knights to step back and the mages sighs.

"Is Brittney okay?" Terrence asked.

"Yes, you want me to bring her to you?" Arnox replied. Terrence nodded.

"All right, wait here then." Arnox said. He then exits the medical room.

Arnox walks to the room where Brittney is held. As soon as he opened the door, she was not here.

"That's strange..." Arnox thought. He last saw her leaving towards the room where he formulates plans with the trio and yet she is not here.

"You there, have you seen Brittney?" Arnox asked to a maid.

"I saw her walk in, did she leave?" the maid said.

"No...if she did leave, my barrier would've reacted." Arnox thought. Then a grim realization loomed over him.

"No...it can't be...!" Arnox gasped. "She was hunted by the Hellkins!" Arnox knew that no Hellkin knows about her, Terrence, nor Alexander since they are Outworlders.

But by the time he realizes it, darkness engulfed him before he even reacted, taking him to a place unknown.

Shortly after, another maid walks upstairs to the room with a tea pot and tea cup on a silver platter. She notices the door was open and walked in here to call for her.

"Ms. Brittney, your tea to calm your nerves." a maid said.

Upon her call, she sees a gray-skinned individual squatting on a wooden table and a black dog laying down.

"Oh, so that leaves me the hard part. Dealing with the two Outworlders and the other humans while keeping it under wraps." the gray skinned individual said.

It stood up and stepped down from the table and gazed upon the maid. The maid saw its face and froze in fear.

Gray skin, black eyes, silver pupils, horns, a tail, toned features, and his tired expression. That is a Hellkin accompanied by a Hellhound.

The maid at the door stood there as the Hellkin walked forward. Tears flow from her eyes as her end is near and wanting to rip her very soul from her body.

"Oh god...it's a Hellkin and a Hellhound...I want to scream, but my voice...my voice won't come out!" the maid thought. She can only gasp rapidly and quietly in front of the two beings.

"If I scream, I'll die. If I run, I'll die. If I look away, I'll die. If I even faint, I'll die." the maid thought to herself, thinking irrationally as she must not move or the Hellkin would kill her brutally. "Please don't kill me and take my soul... I beg you."

The gray-skinned Hellkin and the Hellhound walked towards her and takes the steaming teapot. He drinks from the spout and puts it back on the silver platter. He then put the platter on the table.

"Eh, barely had any heat." the gray-skinned Hellkin said.

The Hellkin and the Hellhound walked past the maid and to the opening to the medical room.

"Oh, one more thing." he said. "Go to sleep and forget you ever saw us."

With his command, she immediately fainted and started falling. But with his quick movements, he caught her and placed her on the couch.

The two walked out of the room and closed the door behind them.

"Alright, Saeva...let's get this over with." the Hellkin said.

They walked into the opening of the medical room where Alexander and Terrence are being treated.

Once the two entered, the door was closed behind them. A male nurse noticed the door was closed and looked back.

But what he looked could be his last. The healing spell he was using on Terrence has stopped.

"Huh? Why'd you stop? My injuries aren't normal y'know." Terrence said as he noticed the green light fading. He looked and his face becomes pale.

"So you're Terrence, huh?" the gray Hellkin said.

Terrence widened his eyes from the Hellkin's question.

"How did it know my name!? No...this is a race the old man warned us about!" Terrence thought. Even though he did not answer or even react, the Hellkin knew right away.

"Seeing your reaction, it is you." the Hellkin said. Terrence knew that he'll be killed in this condition.

"Alexan--!" Terrance yelled and the gray-skinned Hellkin covered him in Dark Magic and sent him to a place unknown.

Alexander on the other hand retains his rationality, but due to his injuries, it clouds his mind from the pain.

He stands on one foot and points his sword at the Hellhound.

"This is more than a coincidence. The Hellkins either were waiting for us or found a hole in our defenses." Alexander thought. "I'm not only missing limbs, I can still feel the pain."

"So, what do you think of the Hellhound?" the gray skinned Hellkin asked right behind him.

Alexander flinched and twisted his body to swing at the gray skinned Hellkin with his sword glowing purple.


The Hellkin stopped his attack by grabbing his arm, preventing his future attacks. The Hellkin briefly looked at the blade. He began to remind himself of a individual who told him beforehand.

"For Alexander, he has the Severance skill. It can not only pierce your defenses, it can even slow or stop your regeneration. It can kill you if you get careless." a voice advised him. "However, if I recall correctly, it has a weakness. Severance skill can only activate if he is holding a bladed weapon."

"That's a pretty nasty skill you got there." the Hellkin said. "Too bad that you won't be using it for a while."

He smacks the sword off of Alexander's hand and grabbed him by the face. He then takes a look at the Hellhound surrounded by unconscious people.

"Alright, not too bad." the Hellkin said. He then looks at Alexander, who is breathing from his nose from anxiety. "Let's get to know each other."


The gray-skinned Hellkin, the Hellhound, and Alexander was soon engulfed in darkness, vanishing without a trace soon after.

What is left is a quiet building without a sound, littered with unconscious bodies without blood spilled nor lives lost.

But what fate lies before Alexander, Terrence, Brittney, and Arnox is unknown. Yet, at the hands of the Hellkins...death may as well be a luxury.