Blood Investment (Part 2)

Inside of the Blood Vault, a thick cold mist pours out from the hidden passage, blasting cold air upon us. A vault that went above the doors and

On the left, there are Blood Crystals that vary in size to show the rank of every Vampire that he has slain. On the other side is rows of blood contained in large bottles. The bottles are sorted by race and how long has it been.

"Holy shit. That's a lot of blood." I said. "And the Blood Crystals."

"Yep, I sorted them out by race and by year all by myself for about 70 years. Of course, I had to consume blood to help me survive." Andre said.

"How did you get the blood?" Ashley said.

"By killing Monsters, Bandits, Cultists, Grave Robbers, Adventurers, and so forth." Andre said.

"And you said this is one of your Blood Vaults?" Ashley said.

"One of five. This is the most recent." Andre said. "Come on, I'll show you more of my vaults."

We exited the vault and he began opening four more vaults. He told us the short stories about Vampire Hunters, Priests, Adventurers, Bandits and so forth. Even elves.

Just how did Andre adjust in this world without going insane or even become concerned about his previous world?

"Alright, that's all of them." Andre said, clapping his hands. He then closed his eyes for a moment and opened them wide.

His eyes soon glowed orange and a crimson aura emerged around him.


A red mist emerged from Andre's coffin and began forming into a dense crimson sphere, holding a thick scent of blood.

"This is my Blood Orb. It may be a size of my head, but it's meant for emergencies." Andre said. He then moves his Blood Orb further above his head.

"Those five vaults. Clean 'em out." Andre said. "Leave no drop behind."

We paused for a moment and looked into these vaults and back to Andre with a concerned look on our faces. Andre worked hard for 70 years. If it was his human life, that's basically his lifetime. Matter of fact, 70 years in general is significant.

"Ya sure? I mean, you were busting your ass for 70 years straight." I said.

"Alden, unless you're a vampire, 70 years worth of blood don't mean nothing if I turn to dust." Andre replied. "Also, it'll mean nothing if we all just up and died again, right?"

"Besides, if all goes well, I can make just as much in a shorter time." Andre smiled.

Andre makes a good point. If we're gonna survive in this world, we gotta make a gamble. Andre then flashed his orange eyes again.

"I'll say it again. Clean. Them. Out." Andre demanded in a deeper tone. I grinned.

"You heard the man, let's clean 'em out." I walked back to the vault and Ashley walked out with a bottle and opened it.



The blood that was inside the large bottle began moving towards the Blood Orb, like a living creature attracted to something.

"'s like a magnet." Ashley gasped with delight. I smiled.

I walked back into the vault and grabbed one side of the rack with blood vials.


I pulled it out from the ground, causing few of the bottles to shake violently and soon fall onto the ground.



The glass breaks, spilling the blood and then the blood was soon sucked into the orb, making it bigger in the process.

"Sorry in advance, Andre. We're wrecking house." I said.

"It's all good, man. I can still stock up again." Andre smiled.

I then pushed the giant rack and lets out a loud crash onto another rack.


And then the other racks followed suit like dominoes.



As the glass shattered, leaving large pools of blood and began flowing to the Blood Orb. The Blood Orb grew dramatically into the size of an average African Elephant. I went to the other side of the vault I was in and began releasing the Blood Crystals.

Ashley began destroying the vault as well and more blood and the crystals began flowing into the Blood Orb.

"Keep, going! The sooner, the better!" Andre yelled. "Leave no bottle unbroken!"

We continue to clean out the vaults and the Blood Orb began to grow in size until it nearly reached the ceiling of the underground cave.

All of the blood bottles, the Blood Crystals, decades worth of blood has been used to help Andre to evolve.

On the surface, it's a ridiculously over sized red ball. But it is a giant ball of blood that has never degraded, like it just left the body.

Andre raises his right hand and stops before the Blood Orb within a fraction of an inch. He then looks at us. I can see the resolve in his glowing orange eyes.

"Blood Marquis or bust!" Andre declared.

"Blood Marquis or bust!" Ashley and I repeated.

Andre then thrusts his hand inside the orb. The orb shook slightly given the size and density of the accumulated blood.


A rhythmic thumping sound was heard in the room and the Blood Orb began to let off a dim glow. The thumping continues and the blood that Andre put his hand in began encroaching on his arm.

Veins began bulging in with the mass influx of blood and soon spread throughout his body and aura began emitting from his body.

Joy began to spread across Andre's face as decades of blood that he stored will be put to good use in one sitting, thinking that stocking this much blood is very much worth it.

"I must absorb everything!" Andre yelled.


Andre jumps into the Blood Orb and we lost sight of him. I assume that with this much blood, he thinks it's best to use his whole body to absorb every last drop.


The Blood Orb began to swirl and increase with intensity, turning into a cyclone of blood.

[Attention. Blood Count - Azaron Bloodhail is evolving...]

The blood began to condense into Andre who is inside and the red aura began to brighten and rage violently.

All we can do now is to wait until he finishes his evolution.