Sanguine Persecution

I arrived at the island and this time it has an active volcano in the distance giving off a orange light.

"Almos Island. To find the Sanguine Persecution, we have to go inside the volcano." Andre said.

"The heat's pretty intense when it comes to volcanoes, bro. Even with resistance." I said.

"That's why I need y'all's help. I got no resistance against lava and we don't know when that volcano is gonna erupt." Andre said.


Xydrid huffs out a plume of flame from his nose with his head high. Red Dragons usually live in mountains, especially volcanoes. They also know when a volcano is erupting.

"Alright Xydrid, you'll roar when the volcano is about to erupt." I said.


Xydrid growled in agreement. I jumped on his back and Andre followed suit.


Xydrid flapped his wings and began flying towards the volcano. Ashley also followed.

I scanned the surroundings and found out that there are no Skyflayers around or any other flying creatures, usually when it comes to weapons hidden in dangerous places, there are rare enemies "guarding" the place.

We arrived at the volcano and inside is a path spiraling downwards. I take a deeper look and see a solid red dome. Then, I look at Andre's spear, glowing brightly.

"I see a red dome down there." I said, pointing down.

"That's the one." Andre said. He then jumps down into the volcano.

I followed him down into the active volcano. Extreme heat rushes into my nose and lungs as if I am breathing fire itself.


[Warning. Extreme heat detected.]

[Ice and Water magic greatly weakened.]

[Fire and Earth magic greatly enhanced.]

[You can use Lava Magic more efficiently due to your Elementalist skill.]

[Although you can endure the heat, due to your resistance, the lava is still dangerous. Proceed with caution.]

I take a closer look and found the red dome more clearly, surrounded by lava. The reason how it didn't evaporate or even melt baffles me. But that's what fantasy can do.

"I see it, but it's surrounded by lava." I said.

"I know, when things get dicey, you know when to get us out." Andre said, floating.


Andre rushes downward to the red dome and the heat intensifies as he goes further downward.


Because of that, his clothes began to smoke and then his skin began to sizzle.

"Blood Barrier."


A crimson veil surrounds him in a sphere to protect him from the heat. As he gets closer, the barrier began bubbling.

Andre noticed that he cannot stay here for too long.


He accelerates to the red dome, and the heat became more intense dramatically. His Blood Barrier began to boil.

I continue to look down to keep an eye on Andre's descent and soon felt a tremor on my feet.


With that tremor, it was enough for Xydrid and Ashley to alarm them.


Xydrid roared into the volcano to let us know that the volcano is beginning its activity.


[Warning! Volcanic activity detected.]

[Proceed with caution.]

The ground is shaking and the lava below began bubbling more frequently. The volcano is on its way to eruption.

"Andre, you better be quick! It's getting angry!" I yelled.

"I almost got it!" Andre replied.

The magma boiled violently and the molten rocks tremble and fall into the magma as well. Andre's Blood Barrier boiled and began to give way, causing the extreme heat to rush in onto Andre's being.

Yet, he managed to reach the red dome. The red dome popped like a bubble upon Andre's touch and grabbed the mace.

"Got it!" Andre yelled, holding the mace over his head triumphantly. "That's three down!"


The moment Andre removes the mace, the volcano rumbles violently, causing large chunks of rocks fall into the lava.

This in turn alerted Ashley and Xydrid outside of the volcano.

"So that weapon is the one keeping the volcano in check." Ashley thought.


[Danger! Volcanic eruption imminent!]

[Evacuate immediately!]

Xydrid reached his neck down into the volcano in a rush.


Xydrid roared loudly down at the volcano to get out of the volcano before it erupts as we cannot survive if we get engulfed by it.

"Andre we gotta go!" I yelled.


I opened the portal for Andre and he quickly jumped into it to reach outside. I also created a rift for myself and jumped through it.


I landed on Xydrid's back and closed the rifts behind me. However, the danger of volcanic eruption is still present.

"Let's get out of here!" I yelled.

Xydrid and Ashley flapped their wings and began flying away before the volcano began spitting bits of molten rocks.


The volcano erupted, spewing lava and hot ash in every direction. This volcano is active and erupts, but to think that this weapon can hold that eruption for who knows how long.

Xydrid is a Blaze Dragon that can absorb heat, but it'll be bad if he inhales too much ash and it cools inside his body.

I take a look at Andre's mace. The mace has a long metallic black shaft that is 4.5 feet long and with the mace head, it has six skulls with sharp teeth on them. In the center of the six skulls shows a spike.

I take a look at its stats.

This mace is capable of subduing enemies in an area and dealing large amounts of damage on a single target. Also, it hits like a truck. Just not as much as Sanguine Destruction or Execution.

"Where to?" I asked.

"Felexin Royal Kingdom Churches." Andre said. "It has 4 Sanguine Weapons."

"Sanguine Destruction the War Hammer, Sanguine Desolation the Lance, Sanguine Obstruction the Tower Shield, and Sanguine Perforation the Rapier" Andre explained. "All of which are in that same church."

"For it to be in a same place, the security must be extremely high." Ashley said. "You're going to need a massive diversion."

Although Heroes and Tyrants are powerful, they are not invincible. Not only that, Andre is worse off when it comes to churches since he is an undead.

I have many Death Knights and yet I'm not even sure they can be enough to take them down. Felexin is well-versed in dealing with Undeads and Hellkins.

So, we're gonna have to unleash it when they least expect it.

"Miura, Espada, Islero, head to the outskirts of Felexin." I said.

"We're already here." Miura said. "You got a plan?"

"Yeah, I got a good one." I said.

I created a portal to head towards to Felexin.


We fly into the portal and closed it behind us, taking us immediately to the outskirts of Felexin. Xydrid continues to fly in the night sky, seeing the glowing kingdom in the distance.

"Wow, even if I give my all, it'll take me at least a day to reach the continent." Ashley thought to herself. "That Space Magic and Overvision works well."

Andre looks around if the sun is rising. As of now, the night is still there for him to go roaming around.

"Looks like we have plenty of time before the sun goes up." Andre said.

Ashley and I nodded in agreement, we could raid the kingdom now, but we don't know if other heroes or Outworlders are in the kingdom.

"You three go back." I said.

Miura shrugged her shoulders as if she came out for nothing, but deep down, she knows that I have something in store.


The three vanished in black flames. I tell Xydrid to descend on the ground.


Xydrid landed on the ground, causing the ground to shake around us. Ashley also landed on the ground. She dropped the coffin and Andre jumps off of her.

I jumped off of Xydrid and sent him to the Isolated Space. Ashley then transforms into a human.

"So, let's get to planning." I said.

Our plan to get the four weapons begins.