Burning Dystoark

We reach to the closest village I know that is Friis's village coming from Noltia's kingdom. I arrived to see a multitude of goblins laying on the ground. Around them is a village burning along with the trees.

The injuries of the goblins are severe, fatal even. How did it come to this!? I know why, it happened when I was still a Tyrant and yet I didn't bring Friis nor any other chieftain to my party because he's been in that forest for all his life and he survived since the Hellkins were there.

"Dammit, it already happened..." I lamented. "If only I didn't get caught by Solufreya..."

"I smell a lot of blood, man. Some of them are already dead before we got here." Andre said.

"Friis! Friis, where are you!?" I called out to him. I cling to the hope that Friis is alive.


A sound of wood hitting the ground rang out from our right. I looked where the sound come from and I see a silhouette emerging from the flames. I then see a white pole from the light of the flames.

But I recognize that is a spear...or was. That spear is broken.

"FRIIS!" I yelled, rushing towards him.

"Young...Kain..." a Friis wheezed weakly, struggling to walk upright.

I knelt down and grabbed his shoulders to hold him upright.

"Hold on, I'll heal you." I said.


I used healing magic on Friis and the wounds on him aren't closing. Fuck, he must've been hit with a weapon that stops healing.

"Young Kain...so you were alive..." Friis said.

"Just hang in there, man. Just hang on!" I said. I switch to Blessing Magic to get rid of the affliction.


The wounds began to close and Friis began regaining his strength.

"You...you saved me again..." Friis said. Then realized his situation, "Can you do the same to the others?"

I look around and see other goblins breathing, but their condition is not much better than what Friis was in.

I know Arex has the means and is better in blessing than I was.

"Arex." I said.


[Heavenkins cannot be summoned while traces of heroes are present.]

Dammit! Deep down, I wished it was some monster so I could send either Arex or Siex to tend to them.

For that, I plan to increase my Blessing Magic enough to heal them.

"System, Blessing Magic to Tier XXX."

[2,000,000 EP required.]

"Do it."

[Acknowledged. Blessing Magic raised to Tier XXX.]

White light emerged from my hands and began to envelop goblins that are alive in that same light. I know this kind of magic hurts Andre since he is a vampire, but I made sure it doesn't hit him.

Then I used Healing Magic to cure their wounds.

Multiple goblins get up, groaning. Men, women, and children alike are getting up.

"You save them...you saved us...again." Friis said. "Are you a spirit?"

"No, Friis. I'm real." I said, shaking my head.

"But...but how? I saw your dead body, Hyoran saw it too. Your monsters saw it." Friis said. "I was barely able to hide the fact that you died to prevent any morale from dropping. For over a winter."

I wish that I could explain to him earlier, but when I died and resurrected, everyone in my party, including Tuya and Ezo knew about it.

"Where is Hyoran? And who are these two?" Friis asked.

"That's not important right now, do you know who did this?" I asked.

"It was a human man...with silver hair that floats around with some sort of strange armor. It's thin, yet durable enough to block many of our attacks." Friis said. "Even his skin broke my spear."

A silver-haired man that floats around with some strange outfit that is thin, yet durable. Also, his skin is able to break his spear.

"Where is that person?" I asked.

After I asked a question. A warning sound rang out in our heads.


[Warning! A Powerful Hero has been detected!]

I ready my halberd, Andre pulls out his Sanguine Perforation, and Ashley summons her plasma blades from her hands.

"Friis, the other villages are under attack, right?" I asked.

"Yes! But you must save Yakumo and Onizakura!" Friis said. "They've most likely fought that same hero!"

Before I get to say something, I felt something coming towards me and I see a pair of fists coming at me.



I was hit by the explosive impact, knocking me off my feet and sending me flying away. It also took some of the wind out of me. The distance from me to them almost instantly became far away.

"Shit! We didn't see him coming!" Andre yelled. Before he could jump and start flying, a glowing red chain wrapped around his waist.

"Za'trika, get to Kain instea--!!" Andre was soon taken by the red chain.

Ashley tried to fly away, but the red chain got to her as well and pull her into the forest violently.

Meanwhile, I look down and I see the silver hair slicked back with a red cape flowing rapidly in the wind. This matches Friis's description and the one responsible to this mess.

"Damn you!" I yelled and I raised my fist to strike the hero on the head.


I swing my fist down, but the silver haired figure pushed me away before my fist made contact. The figure then dashed forth and came with a mighty punch.



I blocked the punch with my halberd, but the shaft of it broke like a twig and the force of the punch still knocked me back.

I looked back and saw the ground getting closer by the second. I twist my body to land on the ground with my feet.


I crashed into the ground, causing a crater and then grinding to a stop. I looked at my broken halberd. I put it in the isolated space as it is no use to me now.

I look up and see the figure began floating down. A deep blue bodysuit with white stripes and a golden eagle on his chest. The figure has a muscular physique as his muscles are shown through his suit.

Caucasian skin, but silver hair slicked back and a thin mustache and beard.

Wait...that outfit was reminiscent to Azure Eagle. But the facial features is different. Azure Eagle's features is a slick black hair, but never had any facial hair.

"No...it can't be...Thomas Wrightown!?" I yelled.

"Alden Gray. You really have truly become like those godless monsters." Thomas said in a disappointed tone. "Like those horned beasts."

Thomas continued to float a few inches above the ground and slowly towards me. Just to signify his statement that he is above me.

I was shocked that him of all people were to be transported here. I remember that lanky motherfucker that tried to escape, but he slipped and fell on his chest. His heart stopped upon impact and tried to revive him.

Yet...he's here right in front of me.

"Hehehehe....." I chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh at the chances.

"What's so funny?" Thomas said.

"Oh, Thomas...it's really been a minute." I said.