Chapter 2

"Tamsia!" A loud cry rang out in the corridor, "We surrender." Christopher stepped out from ranks on the east side of the room.

The two armies had found themselves on opposite sides of the same space. Completely overwhelmed, the Ametade army had been forced into the corridor where a number of Tamsia soldiers waited to finish off the last of them.

Chris shouted to the fragment of the larger army waiting on the other side. The only option was to surrender; there was no other way that any of the men would survive. Even if they managed to take out the men inside, outside, the rest of the army waited to finish off any survivors who made it out of the corridor. The Ametade army had been utterly defeated. Only the last hundred men stood silently behind their leader.

"Commander of the Tamsia forces, identify yourself!" Chris shouted, seeking the man who could end this fight. A cool chuckle radiated from the west side of the room as the Tamsia army made a path for him to step out. His humor in the situation was unnerving to Chris. Walking with a swagger, he broke out from amongst his people. He had already taken off his helmet, showing off his curly chocolate-colored hair, so sure of his victory that there was no need to stay on guard against his foes.

"That would be me." He smiled warmly while keeping his intent unreadable, "You may know me, the heir to the throne of Tamsia, but call me Zeven please." He threw in a pretentious bow for effect. "You must be the great Christopher I have heard so many things about," he said while standing only a few feet from Chris as his eyes raked over her body. He loomed over her, and even as tall as Chris was, she still found herself looking up at him. As he appraised her, she in turn looked for weak points in his defence just in case.

As hard as she looked, she could find not a single weakness in his stature. His broad shoulders gave him the advantage in swordsmanship and his polished armor covered all of his chest, keeping his internal organs safe —she was drawn out of thought by the gentle humming coming from him. "The great Christopher…," he trailed off almost lost in thought for a moment before turning the corner of his mouth up into a smile again. "I thought you never surrendered, so why the change of heart?"

Christopher, feeling space slowly begin to close around her, stood her ground despite the sinking feeling in her stomach. "There was never a need to surrender before." staying calm and rational was her best and only defence now. "I ask for your mercy for my men. Let them go home to their families. There has been enough bloodshed already."

Zeven drew closer still until there was only a breath of space between the two. Chris had never felt more grateful for the helmet concealing her face as his eyes stared into what felt like her soul. "Men of your standing don't usually ask for mercy, so tell me then Christopher, why should I?"

He took a step back, finally giving her enough space to take what felt like her first breath since he began speaking.

"You should find my head an excellent bargaining chip in the affairs of my kingdom."

"That's cute." he smiled, "that's very cute and so extremely noble. But... You'll find I am not nearly as noble." he changed topics easily gliding from one word to the next, "You wish to save your people, am I correct? Is your pride worth the lives of a few soldiers?" Both armies began to roar as Chris and Zeven stood in the center of the room, the Ametade army yelled the loudest, bits and pieces of conversation being heard above the noise. Brennan, Chris's closest soldier, could be heard clearly above the others as he called out to her directly.

"Chris think about what you are doing." Her right hand man pleaded above the roar of the armies. She listened but had already come to her decision. "One life is not worth that of a hundred men," the calm in her voice was enough to show her resolution. She never took her eyes off Zeven. "If I can save you all, then it is worth more than this to me." Straightening herself and stealing to her fate she spoke to Zeven, "What is your deal?"

"I have heard talk of the beautiful commander of this army, I can only assume that to be yourself. Even with your helmet and armor you still have the softest features in the room; it has been a while since I have laid with someone. I believe that even a fair man, such as yourself, would be suitable company... So what do you say? What are their lives worth to you?" Zeven smiled, just as warmly as before, leaning into his back leg in a relaxed way, he already knew her answer, she would do anything to free her people. Hell, he was sure that she would still agree to his deal even if it was to save one person.

"I accept your deal, now please on your word, release my people."

"Not yet"

Chris remained motionless as Zeven's strong arms moved toward her, almost in slow motion, carefully removing her helmet, messy blonde hair escaped the braid she had pinned to her back, creating a halo of light hair around her face. Zeven's eyes darted across her face, widening as eyebrows pinched together. It only lasted a fraction of a second, before his expression resumed its smug presentation. A soft chuckle rose from his throat as he looked into Chris's eyes for the first time without an obstacle in his way. But it didn't sound like he found anything funny, almost an ironic sound.

Now there was no defense she had against his peering eyes as they both stood still for a breath.

Chris drew a shallow breath as Zeven reached for his dagger, that hung on his right hip, instead of pointing it at her he turned it to himself and placed the tip of the blade right above where his armor stopped. It was small and made of polished silver, and the blade was noticeably dull. The only thing protecting him was the soft undershirt that was soaked in sweat. While keeping it steady there, he grabbed her hand and placed it over his own hand on the hilt. Essentially putting his life in her hands. It was a common gesture when one surrendered, but not one that Chris had ever seen herself. A gesture that tested the honor of the one who had called the truce.

She could have easily ended his life in those few moments, but even then it would not save her people. In order for the truce to be effective there had to be an agreement on both parties, she had essentially given up any and all chances to kill him until the truce was recalled. Chris's eyes held steady on Zeven's.

"Are you satisfied?" She was quiet,

"I will be." He was quieter.

The dagger was returned to its place on his hip as he pulled out his ceremonious sword. Her heart pounding as she watched him raise it up and swiftly cut the leather ties on either side of her chest plate. As it fell to the ground Chris's sense of dread increased. She wanted to fight back, but she had already surrendered her self preservation when she first called truce and then proved her honor on his life. Zeven never took his eyes off her, raking over every inch, she felt her skin burn with his intense glare. It was all she could feel, the rest of the world stood still as Zeven took a step closer.

He then looked up, over her shoulder to the army behind her. Fear for her people replaced the fear for herself as he slowly took a step behind her. Before she could stop herself she had already spoken, "leave them alone." It was barely above a whisper, but it didn't need to be louder, as the way she said it spoke volumes. And then- it was all over.

Christopher couldn't do so much as breathe after having spoken because her legs were kicked out from under her. Landing flat on her back knocked the wind out of her and all she could do was stare dizzly up at the roof of the corridor. Painted angels on the ceiling danced above her eyes laughing at her pitiful state. The delusions didn't last long before a brown curly mop of hair came into view.

Standing tall over her, Zeven's drawn sword pointed directly at her neck, it would be nothing for him to end her now, and she knew it.

He lowered the already close sword down, she held her breath as the cold metal touched her neckline. "I have heard stories Christopher, stories of your beauty. I fear they do not do you justice. How fortunate that you are so handsome." The flirtatious way of speaking had Chris on edge, she knew what he wanted to confirm, but had no way of protecting herself from it.

Zeven's eyes burned and showed that there would be no mercy for her. "Let all of Ametade know that I have won!" Shouted Zeven, "and I'll take Christopher's head as my prize."

He planted his foot on her chest, pressing down hard enough that it made breathing difficult. She sputtered from beneath him, trying to lift his boot with her hands. But he simply ignored her, her struggling seemed to go unnoticed as he sheathed his sword. He felt as her squirming began to slow down as she grew light headed. He decided that that would be enough… for now.

"We are done here." he looked back at Chris's army, "Do not waste the chance Christopher has given you, return to your families."

Zeven stood, taller than before and dragged Chris to her feet. Pulling her behind him in a grip strong enough to leave bruises he walked the two of them through his army, past the exit of the corridor and out into the sunlight.

Blinded by the sun and drug behind Zeven, Chris stumbled along trying to regain her balance as the blood slowly started returning to her head.

The crowd of unfamiliar faces stared at both of them, once they had seen Zeven walking tall they knew they had been victorious, but stood on ceremony withholding their celebration until their prince and commander gave the final call.

"Bring the horses around," Zeven's loud voice commanded, "The sooner the better, I'm not sure I can wait much longer-" a goofy smile spread across his face- "and I wouldn't want my fair friend here to be embarrassed." Zeven's men started moving following his command.

All too soon a carriage was before them and Zeven's grip pulled Chris even closer, allowing his opposite arm to completely wrap around her waist pulling her flush to him. "We have won! Ametade's crown prince shall make a fine addition to my collection." Cheers from the Tamsia army erupted making Zeven have to lean down to whisper in Chris's ear for her to completely hear him, "I promise that you'll never have to fake anything with me." Chris paled at his words once again feeling her heart stop with fear. He gave her a rough push into the carriage as his men cheered in victory.