Chapter 4

The hours melted together as they rode on. Even though Chris could see nothing outside she refused to spend another minute staring at Zeven's smug face. He slept almost soundly with the exception of a loud, breathy exhale every now and then.

Coming to a sudden stop, Zeven's eyes opened and still hindered from sleep, he swayed in the now still carriage. Slowly and smoothly he made his way outside the carriage and into the darkness. Chris could hear his back pop as he stretched, then she saw his hand reach into the carriage fishing for something- Her- his hand brushed her leg and he pulled her out.

She stepped into the darkness and looked around, there was no one around besides Zeven and her. She looked back to where the Tamsia army had been, once again seeming to read her mind Zeven in a sleepy voice leaned down over her shoulder, "They left us hours ago. You missed your shot." he nuzzled down closer to her ear, "It's a good thing you're cute."

That was the final straw, she drew her elbow hard and fast into his ribs and ran. There were no guards to stop her. save the light in the upper left hand window, it would have been easy to believe no one else was present. Trying to take in as much of her surroundings while escaping was her number one priority. Chris didn't look back, too focused on escape she didn't hear the heavy footsteps as she was being chased. Less than 50 yards from where she started a hot hand yanked her upper arm in a firm grip. Chris turned to face the man she knew was holding her, using her free hand she swung at him. Easily he blocked the blow and in one fell swoop scooped Chris off her feet, "you're acting like such a girl. If you wanted to be carried over the threshold like a bride you should have said something, throwing a fit is unlike you."

Pure rage welled up in her chest as she continued to kick and scream and flail about desperately trying to break out of his strong arms. In a worse place than she started he walked her inside the mansion. Chris stilled in Zeven's arms as she looked around, it was a beautiful building, but there was no life there. It looked unused, full of fake feelings. Zeven left the front door open and continued walking towards the left corner of the room where a grand staircase led upstairs.

The front door shut with a thud and Chris turned to see the coat-tails of the man who had closed it. She couldn't see his face because all too quickly he had retreated back from whence he came.

Zeven made his way up the stairs, acting as if Chris weighed nothing at all, she realized that in her distraction she had forgotten her struggle to break free. But she was engrossed in looking at her surroundings and couldn't bring herself to risk having both herself and Zeven fall down the staircase.

The pair made their way to the far door, Chris's heart stopped as Zeven flung her up on his shoulder so he could reach the door handle. Securing Chris with one arm wrapped around her thighs Zeven pressed forward towards the adjoining room and it's knob.

Once on the other side of the door, Zeven dropped Chris carefully on the floor and proceeded to lock the door with a key, which he then promptly tucked back into his pocket. They were in a large bathroom, a porcelain tub with silver features made that obvious. Chris stood glued to the middle floor, Zeven walked around her to the bath and with a gentle flick turned on the faucet. Waiting until the water had warmed a bit he checked the temperature with the back of his hand and deeming it warm enough he plugged the drain. "I assume you know how a bath works."

He gracefully stood upright and dried his hand on the nearby towel. Chris remained silent, her eyes trying to burn a hole through him, "Be careful, I may just take that as a no, and take it upon myself to teach you. I wouldn't mind." He flirted so effortlessly, moving closer to Chris once more, "Don't make this any harder than it needs to be," he whispered in her ear, "If you don't meet my expectations… I'll drag you back and do it myself. Be smart Chris."


"Chris." The way he said her name made her skin crawl, she was on the cusp of snapping when he turned on his heel and walked out of the room. Closing the door behind him with a solid thud.

Alone, frightened, and in a foreign land, Chris had to weigh her options. Being smart was one of her better qualities, but ever since she met Zeven he had done nothing but shatter the solid world around her and create a new one out of broken glass. What was the risk versus reward in this situation Chris wondered. There was no way out, save the door, and even if she did manage to leave what about escape from the mansion? Chris was lacking the information to make a well informed plan of escape and she knew it. She also knew that Zeven would make good on his threat if she didn't do as she was advised.

Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror above the sink, she turned her back to it and started removing her clothing. Peeling off her boots and socks, she moved up to her soiled white top which came off with ease, slipping off her narrow shoulders. Revealing constellations of freckles on her shoulders and upper arms. She undid the button on her pants and let them slide to the floor, kicking them off to the side, she stepped into the tub.

The water was warm and soothing, in the gigantic tub her entire body could have fit under the water if she wanted. She contemplated just staying inside its embrace forever. Leaning forward she tucked her head down and let the water flow through her hair.

Quietly the door to the bathroom opened; just wide enough for Zeven to fit through. Making no noise he slipped in. Steam from the bath curled in the air and hung onto the mirror. Making sure Chris was in the tub, he gently laid a folded stack of clothes on the floor and picked up Chris's discarded garments. Careful to remain unheard he moved slowly and deliberately, walking back to the door he took one last look back making sure Chris hadn't noticed his entrance, he smiled softly and left.

It had been at least 30 minutes since Chris had gotten into the bath, her creamy white skin had turned pink from the heat. Having taken the time to restore her barings, she was now ready to put her new plan into action. She had been left alone and that was Zeven's mistake. Chris stood up, water dripped off her frame as she stepped out of the bath, looking around for something to dry off with and wear. The towel Zeven had used earlier was sitting on the side of the tub, she grabbed it and ran it hastily over her body. She felt vulnerable as undressed as she was and the quicker that was fixed the quicker she could leave.

Looking around for her clothes from earlier she was shocked to find them missing. A sinking feeling was heavy in her chest. Then she saw the neat pile by the door and carefully made her way over to it. Staring at the door begging it to remain closed, she snached the pile and saw the soft silky nightgown and undergarments that had been left there for her. With few options she slipped them on.

The pink gown reached just above her ankles and prohibited a wide range of movement. The fabric was soft and lovely, but functionality overruled such luxury and Chris knew that without something else to wear she would never be able to escape. So she revised her plan- remembering that on the way to the bathroom she had passed through a bedroom. she would first check to see if there were any clothes left behind before she made a break for it.

With caution, Chris opened the door slowly checking for any sign of movement before stepping out. Damp hair clung to her back, her body outlined through the nearly sheer material, she prayed that no one would catch her before she found something else to wear.

The door leading from the bedroom to the hallway was shut. Dark wooden furniture was lazily placed around the room, Chris took a good look around. Dust covered most of the items and had no personal belongings out on display. Taking a deep breath, Chris rationalized it must have been a spare bedroom, so she started opening drawers gently to avoid making a lot of noise. There were a few things left behind by the rooms' previous inhabitant. A pair of socks, a shirt, and in the second the bottom drawer there were a pair of baggy drawstring pants and a crumpled shirt hastily thrown in. Looking back at the door to the hall one more time, Chris hurriedly changed out of the nightgown and into the pants and shirt.

She felt better in the new clothes, they practically dwarfed her frame, but overall it was far more mobile than the gown had been. Re evaluating the room, she looked at the window, the room itself was on the second floor so leaving through the window was not a viable option. She noticed a second door off to the side, but that was an internal door that most likely led to a closet and since she had already found something to put on, she had no need to confirm her suspicions. She had paid attention when she was drug up to the second floor so Chris was confident she could make her way back down to the front door. The hard part would be remaining unseen while she did so.

Cracking the door to the hallway she looked for feet, and then to be safe she also checked for any shadows on the floor which could belong to a person. Seeing none, she stepped into the hallway, listening intently for anyone who may be heading her way. Quietly she walked down the hallway, passing several doors before she made it to the staircase. Thinking quickly Chris realized the moment she stepped onto the stairs she would be in plain sight of anyone down below. It was a risk she had to take, the longer she stayed, the greater chance her people would suffer. She had to escape. She had no other choice.

The front door was a straight shot from the staircase, if she could reach the door unseen, she could slip out into the night and be gone before Zeven even knew she left.

She took her first step onto the staircase.

"I was wondering if you drowned,"

Chris couldn't see Zeven, but she could hear his deep voice as it rumbled, "I see you're not wearing the gown I picked specially for you. I'm sure you look lovely in pink…" His voice trailed off losing himself in thought. He hummed quietly to himself. With a loud sigh, he stood up and stretched lazily, emerging from the shadows.

She could see him clearly now. He was still in the same clothes from earlier that day, he looked tired and rugged, but still under a certain light he was almost handsome. The way he stood, his weight shifted onto his back leg and his hands in the pockets of his trousers gave off the impression that he had not a care in the world.

Rage welled up in Chris' chest, but she choked it back down. The most important thing was staying calm and keeping her wits about her. Any rash decisions could have devastating consequences.

Now knowing she was being watched, Chris stood up straighter and assumed her princely gait. Practically gliding down the stairs she made her way to where Zeven was standing.

"I know what you are trying to do, Prince of Tamsia, and it won't work." Chris lifted her chin trying to lessen the height difference between herself and him.

A smile crept up onto Zeven's face. The corners of his mouth pulled up into a coy grin. " Don't worry I already know about your little secret. You do know that dressing in men's clothes makes you look all the more femine." Effortlessly Zeven changed the conversation to suit himself, he reached a hand to caress Chris's shoulder. "Especially to the man whose clothes you are wearing." As soon as his hand met her shoulder she grabbed his wrist and twisted it hard, pinning it behind his shoulder in one fluid movement. Zeven chuckled and lifted his free hand in mock surrender. "You do know those are mine, don't you?"

Chris yanked his arm higher, "Where am I, and how do I leave?" Zeven let out a breath, "straight to the point aren't we. Well your highness, what has you so worked up. If you ask nicely, I may even rub your shoulders-"Zeven was cut off by Chris "Cut the bullshit or I will break your arm."

Zeven sighed and continued to remain mostly unfazed, "This is my house. Would you believe that you are the first woman I've ever brought home?" Back to flirting Zeven looked over his shoulder at the top of Chris's head.

"I'm not a woman."

"I beg to differ. I have it on good authority." he tapped his temple with his free hand before she pushed his arm further up, cocking it at an odd angle. With as much force as she was exerting on him, it also seemed like he was still in control, like he was merely allowing her to hold him hostage. "Unfortunately for you, you don't get to leave. I fully intend to keep you here until I tire of you. Who knows if you keep doing such sexy things I may never tire of you."

Chris released Zeven's arm like it had burned her, he rolled his shoulder a few times to loosen it back up. "If you have that much energy after today's events, I see no reason why I should let you go straight to sleep. I have several ideas on how to wear you out before bed."

Zeven's eyes shone brightly as he smiled at Chris. "So how about it?" "Go to hell." Chris took a step back getting ready to make a break for the front door. She took a second step back and as she turned to run Zeven grabbed her hand, preventing her from moving any further away.

He didn't say anything as he started walking away, his firm grip on Chris's hand left few options for her as well. Chris felt her breathing get shallow as she tried to pull away, but Zeven tugged her right into his chest. He released her hand and put his large one on her shoulder instead. Effectively, making Chris lead the way to her own doom. Slowly coming to the staircase. Each step felt like a knife in Chris's chest. Each step dragging on for an eternity. Reaching the last step her breath grew quicker and she felt dizzy. Not being able to take another step she froze and Zeven stopped right behind her. She could feel him on her back. His hand weighed even more now. The walls started spinning and dripping and distorting. She was sure Zeven was saying something, but she could no longer hear his words. Her knees began to give way and she thought she was going to faint.

Before she hit the ground, her waist was caught by a muscular arm and she was picked up again. The world around her was a soap bubble and Chris wasn't sure what was going on. She heard a door and then a second door and then she was unceremoniously dropped into the bathtub she left full earlier.

The water was no longer warm and its frigid temperature shocked Chris. She came up for air from under its surface gasping for breath. She was still shaky but at least now she felt like she had some control over her body again.

Completely drenched and sitting upright in a cold tub, Chris started shivering. slightly dazed she didn't even think about standing up from the tub. But she didn't have to. With all the strength that he used to get her into the water, he grabbed Chris by the front of her shirt and used that to pull her out of the water. Carefully he guided her onto the floor and grabbed a towel out of the cupboard on his left. He wrapped the soft white towel around Chris's shaking frame, careful not to touch her more than necessary.

Zeven looked lost in a memory, even with Chris in front of him, he was still being pulled back in time. A sadness filled the air around him. Replacing the usual air of confidence he wore so well. His eyes looked darker and his face looked older. Like a man who had seen too many things to still hold on to the naivety of childhood.

They were both silent. Enough had already been said; anything else either of them would say was a null point. Chris's mind was starting to defog, and her fight or flight instincts were starting to creep back. Slowly Zeven put his hand on the small of her back and gently guided her to the bed in the next room. He took his hand off her and took a few steps towards the door. "You know it's really unfair when you do that." He ran his hand through his thick brown hair. "Sleep it off. And get some of that fight back in you. It's no fun if you don't." With that he left the room, leaving Chris all alone, sitting on the side of the bed.