Chapter 30

Chris's stomach growled loudly, perfectly timed with the final notes.

Zeven looked her way disapprovingly. "What did you have for lunch?" Chris looked away, "I didn't, it wasn't necessary." "I disagree." Zeven stood up from the bench and grabbed Chris by the hand. Pulling her behind he headed towards the kitchen.

Seeing as it was already getting to be that time of day, Gunter was busy at work in the kitchen. Dinner was on the stove and Gunter was dutifully chopping vegetables before plopping them into the pot on the stove. The kitchen smelled earthy and spicy, as the contents of the pot simmered. Zeven led Chris to her chair at the table, going as far as to hastily pull the chair out for her before unceremoniously pushing her into it. All but bulldozing over her, he finally stepped away.

Walking past Gunter Zeven cupped his shoulder squeezing fondly. Grabbing the loaf of bread he began slicing it into manageable bites. While the two were busy working Chris felt useless just sitting as they worked. "Technically, I'm not a guest so you could ask me to help." She sat up straight, looking rather princely.

Gunter understood the real meaning behind her words, and took pity on her by not explaining them to Zeven. "Then get to work. Three bowls from the upper cabinet if you would." Chris all but shot out of the chair, eager to do something.

The three of them worked in the tiny kitchen before settling in to eat together at the table. As they laughed and ate, Chris felt a warm sensation bubbling in her chest. She didn't know if it was due to being sleep deprived or something else, but it was the closest to tears she'd been in a long time.

With dinner finished, Chris got to work covering the table with paper again. Zeven, as promised, sat in his chair and attempted to help. However, he contributed little more than being a sounding board. Doing the bare minimum to keep up the appearance of being slightly interested. Every so often he'd throw in a helpful comment, which was immediately mitigated by two or three other comments pulling her off track.

Sensing that he was minutes away from being throttled, Zeven stood up to excuse himself.

"Where are you going?"

"Bed, care to join me?" He cocked his eyebrow up. Chris didn't deem him worth a response and continued looking at the papers in front of her.

"Would you believe that I am not as well adjusted as you make me out to be? Thanks to a certain someone, I only got a few hours last night and to repeat that again tonight will be the downfall of humanity."

Chris looked up at him through squinted eyes, "Ahh yes, children usually do have bedtimes don't they." She smirked at him. Zeven cocked his head at her, funny Chris was still not something he was used to. "You are younger than I am. If any of us is a child it's you. All jokes aside, you should also be getting to bed. As I said earlier if you have any trouble getting to sleep my bed is always open."

"In your dreams."

"Exactly." Zeven smiled before winking at Chris as he all exited the room.

One day she would kill him.

Today was not that day, and by the looks of it, tomorrow wasn't that day either. Chris kept working for the better part of the night. The crescent moon hung high in the sky. Gunter had hidden the coffee and try as she liked, it wasn't to be found. She tried to focus on the papers in front of her, but they were dancing in and out before her eyes.

The lack of sleep was getting to her. The world blurred and ran like an ink smear. She was dizzy and disoriented. In one breath moving ever so slowly and in the next all too quick.

Realizing that Zeven was right about going to bed made her want to gouge out her eyes. It wasn't like being back in the army, the only person keeping her awake was herself, and there was no need. As long as she could find a way to resolve the war between the two countries, that is. But it was not the only thing that kept her up. Without feeling utter exhaustion, Chris would lie awake in bed for hours, staring at the ceiling with no sleep in sight.

Chris began to head for the coffee table in the common area, she remembered having left a pad of paper on it. She bumped into the sofa, hitting the back with her hip. She let out a hiss as she bent over it. She righted herself and tried to make her back to the kitchen. Freezing solid, out of the corner of her eye she saw a figure atop the stairs. It began making its way down to her. Chris couldn't tell who it was, but she could give a good guess.

"I'm sorry to wake you. I was just about to head to bed."

The figure mumbled, but kept descending.

"Goodnight Zeven." Chris tried to walk past him. It would be no good staying downstairs if Zeven was also going to be there to distract her. But she never got past him. He stuck out his arm catching her around the waist. "Zeven-" "No." His voice was sleepy, it held no malice, but still very commanding. She felt herself getting pulled along, "Zeven-" "No." There was no room for arguing. He made that very clear as he pulled her along to the sofa. "Normally, I'd take a pretty girl up to a room, but I'm too tired for that now." Zeven sunk into the couch pulling Chris down into his lap. Chris began trying to get away more frantically. But Zeven pinned her arms to her sides and brought her close to his chest. "I am exhausted and irritable, do not fight me." Yawning, he rested his head on the back of the couch, and using his free hand he soothingly rubbed her back. The way one might settle an upset child.

She felt him shift underneath her into a more comfortable position. Pulling her in tighter, she felt her body also relax as it lost the fight to stay awake. She tried to fight it, to stay awake longer than him so she could slip out of his grasp. They sat like that for a few minutes before Chris felt Zeven's grip loosen. Even in this state she found that she could still not find the will to pry herself out of his arms.