Chapter 71

After Zeven returned from town, he hung a long bag in his closet before coming back downstairs to find Chris.

He found her in the kitchen, rummaging once more through her collection of papers. It had been a while since he had seen her do such. His heart ached at the realization, that despite everything being different… nothing had changed. She still was looking for an impossible answer, an escape. From him.

Quietly, he tried to leave the room, before he acted impulsive. Wanting to lock her away, Demanding that she look only at him, and that she stay. But she was quicker than he was. Turning around and catching him before he was able to leave.

He felt a surge of guilt as she smiled at him, putting away the papers. Giving him her sole attention.

"Did you need something?"

"I did, but if you're busy I can come back later."

"Just looking back over some previous notes, hoping it might spark a new idea."

The twinge of sadness did not go unnoticed by Zeven, only compounding his inner turmoil.

She walked over to him, eyeing the box he held behind him. Stretching her arms around him, she made a quick grab for it, but he was one step ahead of her. As he raised the box above her head.


"You're the one trying to take something out of my hands.

Zeven got down on one knee in front of her. Pulling a shoe out of its box, he sat the box to the side before grabbing Chris's calf. His hand slid down the back of her leg as he made his way to her foot. Placing it on his bent leg, he slipped a shoe on. Tightening the strap around her ankle with reverent like control.

"Heels? That's a horrific idea. One of your worst."

"Really? I thought you'd like them. If you wear them, it pretty much ensures you'll be taller than everyone else there."

"Taller than you?"

"Not quite."


Chris held on to his shoulders as he began work on the other foot. With both feet now fitted in heels, Zeven stood. Brushing off his thighs before offering a hand out to Chris.

"Ready for a test run?"

"Run? I doubt I'll even be able to walk."

She took his hand, trying to balance as she shifted her weight.

"I've seen newborn deer less shaky."

"You're not helping."

"Should I take my arm away?"

He easily slipped his arm out of reach, beckoning Chris to come and grab it again. She took a step forward, wobbling slightly, before regaining her balance. Just as she got close enough to touch him, he took another step back. Leading her further and further as she became more comfortable in the heels. The pace of his game quickened as Chris figured out what he was doing. Pretty soon she was almost at a run as she chased him down.

Zeven stopped abruptly, turning just in time to catch Chris in his arms as she tried to stop.

"See, I knew you could do it."