Chapter 91

Zeven only knew of one other place they would be safe, he did not relish returning there… but he had no other options. He led them through the woods and forest area, keeping off of main roads and completely out of sight. It was more than a two hour ride, traversing around the town where Brennan and Mae lived.

So far off the beaten path and so deep into the wooded area, it was almost impossible to find if you didn't know what you were looking for. But Zeven knew exactly what he was looking for. He couldn't forget, even if he wanted to.

Away from all others, there was a small cottage deep in the forest. Standing hidden amongst the trees and dense brush, it was a familiar and yet forgien sight.

He caught a glimpse of it in the low moonlight as they got close. It had lost the warmth it held for him as a child, now, it looked almost haunted. Everything was cast in a shadow.

There was no time for him to get lost in memories, there was a woman in his arms who needed him, lest she join the ghosts who haunted him.

Brennan helped Zeven get her off the horse, holding her for only a second before Zeven snatched her away again. But Brennan gave no protest, if it had been Mae instead of Chris, he could see himself doing the same.

The blanket wrapped around Chris dragged in the dirt, she looked paler by the minute turning a ghostly white. Zeven quickened his pace as he came to the cottage's door. He opened the door with one hand, using his arm to push it the rest of the way as he entered with Chris.

It creaked as it swung on it's hinges. A testament to how long it had remained shut. There was shattered glass still scattered around the floor. The few paintings that used to hang on the walls had also been knocked down, and if his hands would have been free, he would have spent hours picking up all that had been broken.

He turned right to the only bedroom, it was separated from the rest of the cottage by only a small wall. There was no door, just a torn curtain that hung over the entrance.

The curtain brought back a memory, he remembered reaching up and running his fingers through the tassels. It was vivid orange and blue, the colors seemed to dance alongside each other, mesmerizing him. But his favorite was when the beautiful woman would brush it to the side so he could come in and sit on her bed and listen to her tell him stories.

Now, there was no one to hold the curtain open for him. He had to move it aside himself. Something deep, deep inside of him, still expected to see her on the other side, but it was just an empty room.