Chapter 2

'Vanishing Dungeon'

Kingdom camellia is the one of the strongest Kingdom on this era,the only kingdom that nearest kazor dungeon and they forbidden people to step on the dungeon area,by guarding on it entrance.

2 guard that standing near the entrance having is enjoying having a small talk,and suddenly one of them stop talking and shaking,and said to his friend

'the the the dungeon is gone!!!!'

should we make a report towards the guild?

they watch it in disbelief and one of them start to running towards the nearest guild that supposed to be the responsible about guarding this area.

inside the guild alot of people is busy to search a work that suitable to their rank,and suddenly a person coming and shouting like crazy

guild master!!!!

guild master!!!!!

the dungeon is gooonnee!!!!

all advanture look toward that person

and some of them is shocking after listening to what that guy said

dungeeeon is gone???!!

what actually happened?

eh what happened?

on the 2nd floor guild master come out from his room,and his said towards the guard to come upstairs

inside the room have 2 person sitting on the chair,with a cup of coffee on the table,one is a man with a muscle body with a big sword on his side and another one is a woman with a purple hair that wearing a hoodie like coat.

when the guard come inside the room his shock by seeing this person,this person actually an S Rank advanture and quite popular in the camellia kingdom.

a man with a big long sword know as Trex the slayer

and the girl with purple hair is an archer mage type of advanture and known as fiona the arcmag(archer mage)

the guard start to making his report

the dungeon suddenly gone!

guild master start to question the guard

did anyone go inside the dungeon? or did you hear anything near the dungeon? like some explosions or something that look like someone invade it?

guard said


then how can the Dungeon can gone without a trace?

the only thing can make a dungeon gone is when the guardian inside is die,and the dungeon that we talking about is the hardest Dungeon that no one ever conquer it,even 10 S rank advanture also wont be enough to conquer it cause of the abnormalities of the monster inside it,how can dungeon that cant be beaten is disappearing like that?

suddenly fiona open her mouth,and said, dungeon also can disappearing when the guardian is dying due to end up the life spawn, especially the dungeon that we talking about right now is quite abnormal right? so it wont be weird if the guardian die due to losing all the life spawn,that dungeon already there very long time already not many people know what inside it,no one have past on the first its quite impossible if got people that can conquer it even Special S rank advanture also take a hard time just to clear up a couple monster on the first floor..

Trex also voice his opinion,i agree with Fiona,for what i know only 3 people that strong enough to pass the first floor,robert from kamarsia kingdom,our guild master alex,and albertina guild master of paradise kingdom,only this 3 that have enough power to pass the 1st floor,so i think mybe the guardian of the guild die due to losing all his life spawn,thats why I'm agree with fiona.

the guild master start to having a deep thinking and then his said,for now i want you Fiona to go on scouting,since you have a high mobility so incase something bad happen you can escape easily, please let me know if any abnormalities happen over there,got it?

alright sir,and then fiona vanished in the blink of an eye.

deep inside the jungle on the forbidden area,fiona start to scouting on the dungeon area,the place that supposed to be a dungeon already become an open area,she feel weird cause haven meet any monster that supposed to be active on the day like this,she continue scouting and suddenly she saw a young boy lying down on the middle of the vanishing dungeon area,she slowly walking closer towards Rizz,and take a close look,the Rizz cloth is already being torn,looks like this guy have been beaten by the monster,but how can this little guy is lying down here and also not a single scratch on his body,only his clothes already being rip off, impossible did this guy is the one that clear this dungeon? Fiona talking to herself.

fiona start to cast a healing magic towards the Rizz body,and suddenly the Rizz open his eyes the first thing his saw is a beautiful girl that standing infront of him with a huge boobs and a beautiful purple hair,Rizz start to look around and asking fiona

where am i?

the Rizz rubbing his head and his saw the ring on his left fingers and the pitch black sword that kazor left behind and his grab it and hug it tightly and suddenly tears come out from his eyes.

fiona that watching also start asking,what happened here,what is your name? and why are you crying?

Rizz answer fiona questions

my name is Rizz

im crying because i miss my father

fiona asking again,what happened here? where is your father?

Rizz said,his dead

the reason rizz dont tell his full name is because the knowledge that his learn from kazor,kazor tell him before this,that human is fear of monster and kazor tell him that never tell other people about his name except someone that rizz already trust only,after all kazor is the dragon god so alot of human know and fear by his name as the true dragon that used to protect this world,thats also the reason rizz dont tell fiona his full name...

fiona ask rizz again what actually happened here?

and rizz said,his dont know,rizz start to make a story ,his tell fiona that his come here to training with his father and suddenly a strong monster attacking them and his father is getting kill by it.

fiona start to believe in Rizz story,and tears come out from her eyes,she said,its ok ,you are safe now,lets go i bring you towards the guild,rizz start to follow fiona and walking by her side while hugging his black sword.

noisy sound can be hear from the outside of the dungeon,since it a working day,alot of advanture actively going to dungeon to find a quest that suitable with their level and power,and suddenly door is getting push wide by the Fiona all the advanture got stunt by it,all the noisy sound suddenly become grave dead silence, Fiona walking front the entrance of the guild and going upstairs while her left hand is holding Rizz hand

with shock guild master alex ask Fiona,

who is this!!!! who the fk did you kidnapped this time???

Fiona respond ,woah you are so mean!!!!!

i dont know,i found this guy laying down on the floor,i ask him about his family,his said ,his father die while try to protecting him from monster,and his the only survivor left,so what should i do? how could i leave a cute young boy like him alone on the middle of the jungle,who know what monster will come after him right? thats why i bring him here!

Guild Master Alex Start to take a look on Rizz torn clothes,and start to ask Rizz about his family.

hey little boy,where did you come from?

Rizz said

I come from that jungle ,i live with my father inside the jungle.

after hearing that,Alex start to feeling bad about giving a poor treatment towards Rizz,

so you dont have any family left? so what are you going to do now?

i dont know,rizz answer without spirit

Fiona start to engage a conversation between them

Why not you become an Advanture like me?you just need to register your name to get an official Advanture Identity

Rizz agree with that,and start to go down stairs to register his name.

Rizz fill the paper and after that his do a magic test

Rizz a bit hasitate to do a magic test,his talk to him self,kazor used to tell me that human is a weak creatures,and his said my magic is abnormal,and his used to tell me about this ring artifacts that can help to control my magic,but right now,should I'm turn it off or not?ahh what ever!!

and then rizz put his palm on the ball shape orb

and the results make people shock in disbelief

this this boy , don't have any magic at all!!!!!

Fiona hearing that ,she start to go and check on the orbs that used to check the magic essence, normally when someone have a magic,the stone will light up with a colour,the colour will be the represent as the magic Elements,but When Rizz Touch the orbs, nothing come out,in this world where the world with magic,even average people also have a magic,even its not strong,but this little boy don't have any magic at all.

Fiona start to look at rizz and then look at the ball,she look at rizz again and then look at the ball

Rizz curious with Fiona action and he asking her

is it that bad?

and then fiona said

nevermind after all its not important, just without magic will be hard for you to rank up,you must work hard if you want to Rank up? dont worried later will have someone that will look after you,you need a person to guide you, alright,i need to go now,i have something i need to do,cya later

Rizz seeing Fiona walking towards the entrance and his start to asking the Receptionist about Fiona

a girl with a spectacle telling him about Fiona,Fiona is an S rank Advanture so probably she cannot stay too long on the guild, actually very rare to see her around,and you! ,can i know your name?

And then Rizz said

i already write it on the paper you can check on it.

the receptionist get blushing by Rizz words and start to take the paper and read the name section,RIZZ,hello Rizz I'm lisa,im the Receptionist of this guild,you can ask me anything about the advanture and the guild.

Lisa start to explain about Guild rank system

,in this guild we have 8 rank

start from E rank to Special S(SS) Rank

beyond that will be classified as Super Special S(SSS)

from Rank E to A you must hunt a monster kill them,using your card to collect monster core,the strong the monster the more points you will get from it. only limit for A rank ,if you want to go up to S Rank,you must have a high magic essence and have alot of fighting experience, because when A rank that already max point they will be promoted into an S rank,the promotion will be hold on the arena once in a year,only 1 advanture can be promoted into an S rank,so probably top 10 A rank from each kingdom will be gathering to participate on the event.

S rank is not something that everyone can get it,they must work hard to archive it.

after listening to lisa explanation,Rizz actually dont care about the rank system,his more curious about the sword that Kazor leave behind.

Rizz talk to himself

start from today,i should focus on learning and creating a new magic as much as possible,looks like living in this world will be abit challenging,if to get S rank already be that hard ,just wonder how strong they could be and how strong is SSS rank going to be?just thinking about that already make Rizz shivering,Rizz start to walk away from lisa and his thanks her for giving him a long explanation.

actually if Rizz not wearing a ring ,his magic alone already surpass any living creatures in this world,since rizz dont know about it ,his take a cautious move,by going to training and learn more about this world,after all his grow up inside the Dungeon,so his have no knowledge about this world,kazor only tell him about human attitude and always tell him to be careful of their nature,and never let them using rizz for their own selfishness.

after that Lisa Giving Rizz a Guild Card and Rizz start to take a look on it.





Class: Unknown

Guild Point:0

Kill Count:0S 0A 0B 0C


Why my class is unknown?Rizz ask lisa

Since you dont have any magic,so probably the system cannot detect what type of class you should be,its ok after all class is not important,the most important part is Guild point,if you planning to start a living in this country you need to have a lot of guild point,cause daily basic all like food, clothes and shelter you can trade it by using your guild point.

Rizz understand what lisa said and his start to walking toward outside.