1. Bombshell


It was the day....

The sky was clothed with darkness, sweaty bodies pressed together in the hall the paparazzi were like ravenous wolves removing anything that dared to take the centre of their undivided attention.

it was there at the front Maxwell's voice boomed from the speakers.

"For years humans have wanted more,the unquenchable thirst to be more it is a crave in our DNA that have intensified with time, we have achieved what no other scientist dreamed possible..

Maxwell paused for a moment the flashes of light momentarily blinding him,with a voiced reinforced with deterim he continued.....

"We have broken all limitations,I introduce to you a new era of science and technology we present you, "Project Diablos"

Murmuring was seen in the crowd as well as the look of distraught on their faces,and for a moment there was graveyard silence and then it began.....

"Where is the project?"

"Where is Diablos"

Horror was seen on Alejandro's to face as he too tried to process the situation

"Sir the project.... sir.....I mean Diablos is gone....".



The night breeze chilled me,as the aery sound frightened me, questions in my head...so many questions.

"How did I get here?" "Why am I here?" and many more

The moon was the only thing illuminating my path,I have no idea where am I going but I still can't stop.

The only thing I remember from the last few hours was a calm but firm voice

"Go and never come back", and that was directive enough.

The once brilliant blue sky had changed into a dark mist,and the clouds had disappeared. The moon's joyless circular face cowering over my head, which means I had surely been walking for hours now.

My feeble back ached from fatigue, my feet begging for release as the thorns of the woods plunged into my legs like sharp spears.

I could feel my pupils dilate weakly my fingers and palms felt numb,the silk cloth I put on doing little to sheild me from the cold

My sanity was leaving and insanity setting, my life source being drained out by the cruel yet welcoming hands of death..but even death would seem a favor to me at this moment.

My body was giving away, and finally from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet

I succumbed to painless.


I was taking my usual night stroll, living in the woods didn't have much to offer buh it's all good,I looked smart as always in my denim jacket and faded jeans my search light in my side pocket.

Something felt different today whether it was the weather or birds or likely just me overthinking, something felt weird if that's the word..to regs it's the same buh I live here and I Know when things are a bit off.

Okay so it's definitely just me, I think it's time to head back home am thinking too much, and I need a good coffee to clear my head.

Wait what was that? I felt something that I Know even in this dense darkness and defeaning silence was neither a stone,a thorn or a plant, It was something else, I retrieved my night light from my Jack's and flash it once nothing, twice now and the damn thing still won't come on, shit!

Why the hell won't this thing work? okay third time's a charm right?

I flash it the third time..it's on finally!.

I shine it at the thing on the ground...oh God I think am drunk was that... can't be...buh it's a girl???!

The lean pale figure couldn't more than 15 years old. "What in the name of all the demons and angels of hell is she doing out here?

There's been reports this period and the woods ain't safe these days, best to get home before it gets dark.

As I scramble my thoughts for what she is doing out here or maybe more importantly "Who is she?"

A slight tug at my jeans brought me back to reality I flinched..I could barely make out what she was saying so I lowered myself to the ground and knelt on one knee, my heart in my mouth I brought my ear close to her mouth it was only a whisper but I could hear her.

"Help me"



The day was bright and clear but we'll not for me, I glanced at the vodka bottle laced between my fingers, everything had been ruined.

I couldn't sleep the entire night and had ended up getting drunk which wasn't a very wise decision, but what the hell happened?

Still lost in my thoughts didn't hear my PA Ethan knocking at least, he peeped through the door and said


I turned to face him, I could see the horror in his eyes I must look like a godamn mess,not that am surprised am pretty wasted. I turned to face him.

"How did this happen?"

"Sir,there has to be some sort of insider who arranged for it"

I trusted my employees so much I let them handle almost everything, I guess me the master game planner got hands tied up in this one. it had to be someone who knew of the real reason for Diablos publicity and would have none of it...

"Sir, it must be someone who took part in the final part of the experiment up to the thawing..."

I furrowed my brows in confusion, everyone who worked on Diablos experiment had been working for diacom for a long time, surely it couldn't be any of them.

"Ethan get me a list of the major experimenters

"No problem sir"

"And Ethan ,how are the press reacting to the issue?"

Dexter let out a very long sigh before saying calmly that they have been able to contain the press,but our major issue were the brokers and shareholders, they are at a loss actually because they invested into the project.

"Ethan, arrange for an impromptu meeting with all the staffs on Friday by 9 am"

"Sir, but on Friday you have to be in Ukraine for a meeting".

I had entirely forgotten that.

"Hold without me , get as much information as possible we can't wait any longer".

"But sir....

"No buts, just do as I say, on Monday I need the status report."

"Yes sir"

Whoever this schemer thinks he is,he hasn't met Alejandro,no one double crosses me.

No one...