5. An August visit ...or a London visit Uneasy Feelings


It was noon when we arrived in England, the flight was wonderful course ..first class and everything.

I've considered staying at Jason's house, but that will only ruin the party, and the party couldn't crash just yet.... Jason needed to be taken off-guard completely.

if he knew I had arrived in England, I assume he wouldn't be too keen on the news...I digress.

Some wonder why me and Jason did not live together, headlines on how he was supposed to follow my footsteps and be just like me. Jason hates me and possibly even diacom, I changed i wasn't no longer the father he looked up to and I knew it, but the adrenaline in power is so addictive and toxic, you can't help but want more and more and so

I drifted farther and farther away from my son and naturally he had to find solace somewhere else, someone he could really call a father someone who will always be there for him... Anthony...my beloved and only brother.

Anthony never got married or had a kid, so he strived to be the best Uncle to Jason, often spoiling him alot and at the time, I was so caught up in establishing diacom into what it is today , that I failed to realize that little by little Jason was replacing Anthony as he's father.....and now i think about it, It was quite obvious then but for some reason I had failed to see it- perhaps I didn't want to see it.


It was Jason's tenth birthday, I had assured him I would be there as I was absent in the previous one due to some businesshe looked estatic and thrilled.

I assumed it was because he's father was present...how very wrong I was, I had gotten him a new Xbox set and it was wrapped up in a box with a blue ribbon on it.

The party had already started and most of Jason's friend was there, Ria my wife was busy arranging gifts brought by the guest everything was going quite well.

Then I noticed that Jason kept looking at the door, I thought that he was waiting for a friend that hadn't shown up , he looked really distressed and anxious so i decided to walk over to meet him, but before I could get to him, he ran to the door in all happiness and joy, and embraced the person with a single word I should've given more consideration to back then .

"Father"...I looked above him to see who he was hugging and addressed that way - only it was brother.... Anthony.

"Jason" I called him..

He looked irritated that I had disturbed he's pleasurable family reunion.

"What father?"

"Your guest are waiting"

Earth to Jason...

"Of course father... I'll be there in a moment"

He had called me father once more, and all the doubt I had entertained had dissipated in a matter of seconds, he reluctantly released Anthony, and rushed back to his party. I strode over to meet Anthony and we hugged...he said something I hadn't given much thought too then..

"In time, it will be me over you".

Anthony had gotten Jason a model train station, that could go around the rug and horn with little smokes coming out, 2 weeks later I found the Xbox I bought for my son in the dumpster.

(End of Flashback)


Whoa!, that was some really bumpy ride down memory lane.


"We have arrived sir"

"Indeed we have ethan, I am under the impression that no one is aware of our arrival"

"None sir"


We walked over to Jason's, the house is quite luxurious more exquisite than it was the last time we arrived, oh and I changed my mind.

I'll be staying at Jason's house.

Since we are now in England I had to go with the style...the black tail coat with black cap and touche my convertible sword stick..as we neared the front of the house, I worked out a million reception...I could get, well! none exactly "pleasant".

I knocked, Jason walked over to the door and opened it...I flashed him one of my most beautiful grin.

"Hello Jason"

A thousand emotions worked over his features, I could make out surprise, shock, fear, anger...and hurt, he clenched and unclenched his fist and I could see he was fighting to control himself, and then he attempted to slam the door In my face, I put my stick across that door.

"I wouldn't recommend that....son"



Everyone had had lunch and it was already past 1'oclock, the weather wasn't quite so hot anymore but I was soaking wet..

I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and it was so quick it was asif I didn't feel it at all, for some reason Alana didn't sit right well with me.


He lifted his eyes from his tab and looked at me, quirking a brow

"What's up?"

"Xander, I don't feel to well"

"You've been takin your meals regularly?"

"Yea... well..no, I sorta missed last two days dose, with all the stuffs that's been going on lately"

"Dude! you know how important your meds are, your putting your life at risk, if you don't take them regs"

"I know, it's fucked up, but it ain't my fault- not completely tho, I just don't think that's what's going on right now"

I really wished he could understand what am passing through, apart from my family only Alexander knows that am sick- really sick, due to some unfortunate circumstances in my life- again I digress.

I know the feeling I get when I don't take my drugs, the brain ache, electricity buzzing, weakness and all that shit, but this ...I have never felt such a pain before, and not to mention the sweating- I normally don't sweat, like ever, even if I did it was little but now my sides were itching.....

"So, what do you suggest is going on?"

"I didn't Know man, but heck!, I don't even Know what my life's about...

I'll get to the bottom of this but for now..am heading back to my tent to rest, some ice water won't be so bad either".