7. Boring School Morning


The weekend passed like a blur and I barely lived through it, after going to Alana on Wednesday...I felt completely drained and tired, but it's Monday now and I've got to get to school. I really don't see the point of going to school - school no longer secures your future or anything of that sort, I think most people go to school to meet their friends, I would never tell him - but really I don't know what I'd do without Xander.

I pulled up in school In my BMW , the weather is good and today looks promising am almost late cos' I had to drop Caleb at school and he's school is kinda far from where we lived, he's been coping pretty well considering the fact that he no longer has a father figure in his life, and mom was just...I don't even what to think 'bout that right now.

Blake's high is one of the most prestigious schools in USA , except you were on scholarship, no poor kid could afford to school here and with the prestige came cliques, groups and the students body, which were made of seniors mostly.

One would think that the jocks were the only popular kids in the school, quite surprisingly the nerds were also popular and that's the thing with Blake's high no matter how bad they dressed or looked, as far as they made good grades they were respected in the school and with respect came popularity.

While bullying was strongly prohibited, the freshers or newbees at school got bullied by seniors during their so - called "orientation program", but that only lasted for the first three days and after that everybody just minded their business .

The school authority wasn't too strict with rules and all that, but you didn't see students smooching or sucking their faces off in hallways ...some really naughty students did their stuff in labs, but if they got caught they didn't get detention, they got suspended and their parents were summoned to school.

Mondays were literally the worst for me , I had chemistry first period and the period after that ... and while I loved chemistry, I loathed my chemistry teacher - Mr. Jonathan, he basically made life difficult and am sure everyone in the sciences hated him. The only comfort I had were my friends Xander and playboy tyler.

As I walked I saw jacq talking to Xander twirling her hair in-between her fingers and rolling her eyes.

I never considered jacq my friend, I only managed her 'cos she was smart and in our friend group, and she's also In a open relationship with Tyler she flirts with every hot guy she comes across... very cringey.

"Hey man"

"knight my man, what's up?"

"Am great, how'd your weekend go?"

"I don't really know, I literally slept through most of it."

I laughed, I think Xander sleeps more than a koala.

"Whatever man, we've got to go to chemistry"

"Urghhh!!!!..Mr. Jonathan"

We all groaned at the same time... obviously no one was a fan of him.

After chemistry, we took a couple of classes and headed to the cafeteria for lunch..I ordered potato chips and salad - my favorite

One thing 'bout my friend group is that basically our lunch table is the noisest.. especially on Mondays since there adventures that happened over the weekend.

Most of the conversations were mostly on games and sports..Tyler always had the best stories.

"Hey Xander, I just got my brand new Xbox 360...it's fire"

"Shut up..."

"It's beyond cool, fast and man I can't even talk.. you've gotta come see it for yourself."

During our bickering and back and forth conversations..jacq practically zoned out and got busy with her phone.

"You too knight.. uve go to see it"

"Sorry man, I've got to pick up Caleb from school"

"No cap".

After lunch I picked up Caleb from school and we both headed home..as usual nowadays mom wasn't home..I cooked dinner and put Caleb to bed, and I stayed up a little well.

I can't sleep cos' am thinking 'bout why Alana woods had so much effect on me.

There is something out there or someone and I need to find out what or who..I get the feeling my life's bout to take a huge turnaround and probably not in a good way.




Diacom would crash before my eyes if I don't think fast 'bout what I can do before I get feedback from Jason.

Going to work these days was becoming increasingly difficult, the brokers and shareholders are all over me, all my life I have been completely been sure of myself in everything...I considered the loosed diacom would invite If diablos failed, but I was sure nothing would happen so I considered the losses and I didn't make arrangements should I fail...

Still lost in my thoughts, I heard the phone ringing and I most certainly knew who it was.

"Mr. Alejandro, I want my money!!!"

I extended the receiver from my ear a bit, for heaven's sake why is it that the poor ones make the most noise, this was Mr. Joseph..he had invested 10% of his stocks he had into the project with additional support and finances.

People who had invested up to 80% of their finances, including stocks and bonds were a lot less noisy.

"Mr. Joseph, my company's undergoing some serious problems at the moment, I assure you..

"Mr. Alejandro, I don't fucking care if your company's dying, you should have considered the damage before you decided to embark on that stupid project of yours.."

He was right actually, I was foolish and ambitious to think would go exactly as I had planned.

...."Mr. Joseph, you'll get your stocks soonest, and mind you..I don't owe you any money, you've got stocks not cash, and once I've recovered from this, I assure you you'll get everything you invested back".

Am sure he was still talking, but I slammed down the receiver and stormed out of the office...

Looks like Jason's two weeks is going to be cut short.