Old tales and Mistakes


My head is pounding. Like hammer on nail kind of pounding. I remember in gory details all that went down yesterday, but for the sake of my sanity, I'm going to pretend I didn't. Athan is probably waiting for me outside so that he can grill me with questions, so I'm going to do my best to avoid him. I owe him no explanation—that is not exactly true, he's been so unbelievably kind to me—and after last night he's got every right to throw me out. I just honestly—


Great — the universe couldn't give me one freaking moment to myself before I am sent packing. Literally.

"Come in."

Athian walked in, hands twiddling with the edges of his blue flannel shirt. He looked like he hadn't slept a wink — but i on the other hand slept like a baby. Since I escaped Diacom and landed with Athan, this is the most quiet my life has ever been, but holding back from using my abilities has been so frustrating. I released a breath I'd been holding in.