KeiSky, is the beauty made woman, a native of the Philippines.

If you read: BitLove amor regresa a la isla

(WPC # 160, Ranking: 2, Writing Prompts Contest Silver Winning Work)

The plot extends to: 7 Creator Games.

(Contestant work for WFP # 34, Writing Formule Practice)


That last night, it was one of the longest and most celebrated in Eastern Europe. With this celebration a cycle of arrears, heartbreak, and financial limitations was closed. And more in the pro-human heart of Bierny and her longtime adventure friend: Nalexa.

At that party a slender woman, she attracted attention in the ballroom because she glimpsed the rhythmic, sensual and beautiful way of dancing of her.

She was the special guest from Cebu Island: Kei Sky, Winner of the Award: 'Eco Mujer' sponsored by BitCoin Corp.

Kei Sky is a partner of the prominent lawyer: DJ Carma Latro, who had just won an ecological trial and whose repercussions covered all continents.

"It pleases me," said DJ Carma Latro, "to deliver such a noble and lofty award to the most altruistic woman on the planet who' thanks to her love of nature 'promoted the defense of an island against mining landslides. It was a titanic ecological fight and the Creator agreed with him.

Without further ado, with you: Kei Sky. Let us receive it with loud and well-deserved applause.

—An endless blast of applause, followed by praise, hats in the air; they were accompanied by powerful fireworks; who deafened and lit the dark night.

This chapter is a milestone in the development of the saga (we join the novel: 'BitLove' with the novel 7 'Creator Games') For this reason we have updated this chapter one by changing the protagonists and giving leading roles to two characters from antagonistic families, who will make an echo couple par excellence, we refer to: DJ Carma Latro (Writer from Puerto Rico) and Kei Sky (Writer from the Philippines).

KeiSky, is the beauty made woman, a native of the Philippines, a cult of mountain and beach life. She likes to live away from the big cities… She loves to photograph nature and dive to investigate marine habitats.

—I am grateful for such a designation and it fills me with pride to know that this award: I receive it on behalf of Cebu Island, and of all the people of the Philippines.

—Again a tremendous and endless blast of applause, followed by praise, hats in the air; they were accompanied by powerful fireworks; who deafened and lit the dark night.

It was precisely in one of the trips that DJ Carma Latro undertook to Cebu Island, in Asia, where he met Kei Sky. Upon arrival, she needs to orient herself in the city and then continue to the mountains in search of the flowers that her mother asked for. (This was an alibi to be able to fulfill the entrusted purposes) And when inquiring around the city, he came across: KeiSky; who gladly provided him with a map of Cebu Island. And she was her guide.

On Cebu Island, there is a Prays portal, the only one in the world in optimal conditions, Kei Sky's parents, were among those who visited the White Island, in Peru (they are seen in the extras of the documentary) They were the ones who they took an Alpins tree seed and with it they repopulated the reefs of Cebu Island; That is why today man's life is harmonious with nature in that place on the coast.

Not being the same towards the mountains: the waters of the rivers came turbid and eddies were formed at the mouth of the rivers in the sea; that more seemed cemeteries of fish, crustaceans and mollusks, which appeared covering large areas of the beach. What did those murky waters bring? What killed the marine and pluvial species?

The answers to these and other questions, Kei Sky managed to offer, 'after an exhaustive ecological and environmental investigation', a mention that earned him his candidacy for the award: EcoMujer (in reality this award was devised by Bierny in order to to conquer for DJ Carma Latro the heart of Kei Sky. For this I use the Traffic Light Table described in this book later. In the meantime let's see the connectivity with the Creator:

The night before, Bierny had a premonitory dream: Suddenly he woke up in a bed, which was overflowing in deep water and a voice told him:

What material was the bed made of?

Who made it?

Why did that tree have to be cut down?

Berny was falling asleep again; and again: she woke up in the same situation, it seemed to her that these recurring dreams were repetitive and up to seven times; like a loop that reminded him of events up to seven times.

—If this was real: Where did it happen? Why did this happen? What happened?

At the seventh cycle of repetitions of the same dream, the voice ended by saying: "The world will end in seven days. And by means of a flood." Nobody knows why?

Deciphering millennial theories

Actually, DJ Carma Latro, is the half brother of Xuli Latro, the undercover financial spy. DJ Carma latro is a lawyer with an Environmental Master's degree, with a mention in ecological, hydrobiological and marine problems of an international nature.

Thesis: Marine Predator.

DJ Carma Latro, for his degree thesis, did a study of International Environmental Impact in Chimbote Bay in Peru. In this study: IAI, an unusual hypothesis was raised about the depravity of the Bay's reefs, which caused the absenteeism of algae and the overpopulation of corals. Today we will seek to generate a balance.

The hypothesis speaks of an Algae predator:

1. 5 million years ago, long before the appearance of man in the world, he lived in what is now Peruvian territory, an aquatic sloth known as Thalassocnus. This fed on algae. Then it became extinct from the marine world and appeared on land:

2. The most famous fossil sloth of all is the Megatherium and its remains have been discovered in various departments of Peru, such as Cajamarca, Ancash and Arequipa. Finally, it is known as: El PerIced ezoso and was found:

3. This sloth, whose scientific name is Scelidodon, was discovered in the heights of Ancash at more than 4,000 meters above sea level, and has also been found in Tierra del Fuego, in southern Argentina, so it is presumed that its range of distribution it was very extensive.

Bierny was given in one of the Prays Portals, a hologram showing the enemy being sustained by the sea, in the vast kelp forests and seagrass meadows; It is also known that this species measured approximately 1.5 m high by 3 m long, perched on all four legs. This allows us to suppose that this gigantic animal could have a wingspan of up to 3 m in height, standing on two legs.

Bierny and Nalexa, commissioned the lawyer to attend the Kei Sky case, in order to search for data on the existence of this algae predator in the mountains of Cebu Island, since there is a Prays portal in the surrounding reefs. and it may be that said predator has used the portal if its origin is located and brought it to balance the overpopulation of algae in Chimbote Bay. Thus, corals can serve as absorbers of chemical pollutants that daily reach the sea through rivers and tubes and expellers from fishmeal factories, steel mills, among others.

Antithesis: 7 Creator Games.

It is also feared that this excessive growth of the predator or sloth is due to the chaos theory of the 7 Creator Games, raised in the novel 7 Creator Games, where it is concluded with two variables: human self-destruction and the intervention of the Creator who , by means of a deluge after seven days of dynamic tests or games, he determined the guilt of humanity against nature.

This sloth would have been one of the few animals that consumed stardust contained in the first fruits of the Alpins tree, before they evolved and produced the 'nutralys acid'. Stardust had two variables: initially oversized to its consumer for a period of 15 days, then a virus grew inside its body: it gave him the flu, joint pain and loss of muscle mass, sleep, vomiting and loss of appetite ... finishing it to consume completely and favoring its extinction. The pharmaceutical transnationals are also looking for it and for that reason they hired BitCoin Corp. They believe that in the GenX Prays that these predators consumed is the element to make an AntiCovid vaccine given its mutant characteristics.