There is no longer a hidden enemy, but has declared himself against creation.


They all go back to being dust. Does water destroy man to dust? Why was it created from the dust! That was what the Flood did ...

The scenario of creation has been concluded: man understands that he was created on day six, and that he was the cause of destruction; and he must wait for the new reboot until day six to restore the facts of him and avoid falling into a repetitive loop. He no longer has the thousand years of life to achieve the change, his opportunity is limited between 70 to 80 years.

The creator also changes the rules from now on: he promises not to destroy creation any more by a flood; for this he places a rainbow, as a sign of this promise.

There is a new world environment, it is no longer limited to:

- A single home (Adam Eve, Cain and Abel)

- A multi-family home saved in the Ark (Noah, Wife, Sons and Daughters-in-law)

There is no longer a hidden enemy, but has declared himself against creation.

-In principle there was only one who deceived and took possession of the first home with lies: mother, father (they disobeyed) and son (who murdered his brother), and as a consequence the Creator cursed the earth once and twice.

- Then there were thousands to millions of women being possessed and generating giant beings, and as a consequence the Creator destroyed humanity and all living beings except for the multi-family home.

Recapitulating, it was not the legions of evil angels that were destroyed but what was contaminated by them: humanity. The evil angel now had an army under his command.

Apparently less: is it more? To man the Creator reduced his millennial existence (1000) to less than one hundred (100) years of life.

Unfortunately: more is worse? The evil angel: he gained the authority given to man over everything created, from now on he will be called: "The Prince of the Power of Air" - "The Prince of the Government of Spirits"; read: Ephesians 2: 1-3.

And he gave life to you, when you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you walked in another time, following the current of this world, according to the PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR, THE SPIRIT THAT NOW OPERATES IN THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE, among which all of us once lived in the desires of our flesh, doing the will of the flesh and of thoughts, and we were by nature children of wrath, the same as the others.

However, dear reader: now you know what happened in the days of creation, therefore you get to know what the seven games of the Creator speak of.

I will not ask: If you know the Creator.

It is enough to know: that the flood was an artifice that the Creator used to destroy humanity (through a rain that lasted forty days and 40 nights. Gen. 7: 4) Other devices have been repeated over and over again: destroying and rebuilding the created; always in a partial way, never again in a total way.

Let us list, some with direct intervention of the Creator: (what is known as calamity)

(1) Babel: This is why its name was called Babel, because there Jehovah confused the language of the whole earth, and from there he scattered them over the face of all the earth. (Gen. 11: 9)

(2) Sodom and Gomorrah: Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of the heavens; and he destroyed the cities, and all that plain, with all the inhabitants of those cities, and the fruit of the land. (Gen. 19: 24-25)

Let us highlight, other calamities caused by man against humanity itself (not to say against itself)

(1) Egypt: Against every male child that is born (A.T.) Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying: Cast every son that is born into the river, and preserve life for every daughter. (Exodus 1:22)

(2) Judea: Against all children under two years of age (NT) G Herod then, when he was mocked by the magicians, became very angry, and ordered to kill all the children under two years of age that were in Bethlehem and in all his surroundings, according to the time he had inquired from the magicians. (Matthew 2:16)

First Repetition of the Cycle of Creation.

Game 6A: Blocks of Confusion (Babel)

"My grace is sufficient for you; because my power is made perfect in weakness. " If this phrase could have been written in the clouds, humanity would have to know its limits and not provoke the Creator.

-There are! Because you killed? Asked the accomplices in the robbery.

"For the pleasure of not listening to this charlatan anymore." Loser of only one God!

—Now as we do there is so much control of the GaviotGPS, surely the Creator will find out how he was with Cain and Abel.

-What difference does it make!? Do you see the rainbow? It comes out more than day, at least it won't destroy us all.

"Then: They will come for him!"

—Yes, stop joking around and let's find a way to disappear him, and don't let him bleed out… If the blood touches the ground, then the calamity will come to us.

"Um, let's see: How many will we kill this time?"

"Thousands ... Those lands are good for agriculture, plus we need a bigger barn ... to store the harvest."

"Maybe we can make mud

and chop the people, grind them with sticks and cook them in such a way that no more is known about them, what if we fit them into blocks no longer of limestone or marble stone; but we make boxes that are molds for us to make blocks of blood and sand.

"Well, it seems like a creepy idea but it serves to hide our aberrations ... Hands on work and cold heart." Nobody saw anything and to stain their hands with blood, and try: not to splash on the ground. We don't want to be discovered early. This time we will do better.

Little by little, men and women of the town from 20 years old and up disappeared until there was not a single complete family left. When you disintegrate the families, you have defeated the people. The city will have no resistance and you can conquer it, and own its properties, its fields, its livestock ... including its children. Quoting: (Mark 3:27)

"No one can enter the house of a strong man and plunder his property, if he does not bind him first, and then he will be able to plunder his house."

Then, they made red bricks, 'you can imagine why' and mud was created and mixed with straw to give it strength and made large pools covered with mud that when burned gave that reddish color. From there they placed the bricks one on top of the other by the thousands and set them on fire, which was fed by branches and dry leaves of eucalyptus; which are those trees that grow tall in such a way that they could supply the production to build a great tower, the slogan was:

"Reach the top of heaven and be renowned" (Genesis 11: 3-4)

The Creator and his allies (the spirit of truth: John 16: 12-15, and the prince of peace: Isaiah 9: 6) determined, as seen in the account in Genesis 11: 5-9:

"Let us go down, and there confuse their language, so that no one understands the speech of his companion." "For this reason her name was called Babel, because there Jehovah confused the language of all the earth, and from there he scattered them over the face of all the earth.