(Same timeline but elsewhere)
POV Gabriel
Same routine as always, and this year I came with a better spirit to comply with everything and be responsible, but the truth is that the university does not cooperate either, the only "interesting" thing that has happened so far is that boy...He quite caught my attention and not in the way you are thinking, but I feel that he may be the son of someone who was part of the clan that my father belonged to, his aura makes me feel strange? It is not a discomfort that bothers me, it's that love / hate feeling, I don't like it but I don't dislike it either, I've tried to get a little closer to him, I just need to be close enough to that boy to confirm my suspicions, but I think my appearance is rough and looking for trouble doesn't help me much, plus my friends think I just want to take him to bed. Besides, now that I am signed by the director, I cannot use my brute force to get close to him, so the only thing I have left is the inauguration of university clubs, an event in which different groups of extracurricular activities are exposed, usually I am not one of this type of thing but the curiosity to know who that boy is is stronger, I will only have to wait and see in which club I join to join it ... it should not be so difficult
POV Alejandro
-Hey Ale, you already signed up for one of the clubs -said my friend very excited
-Clubs? Here is that? -I said intrigued
-Yes !!!, every year the first-year students can register in any club they want and these will add additional points to subjects in which you need help, the idea is very funny, in fact I already signed up for the photography club, take here is the list of available clubs, you should hurry if you are interested in signing up -he said handing me a brochure
-Haha ok Leandro, I'll consider it, I think there will be one that catches my attention -I said happily, I started to look at the names of the happy clubs and one seemed quite interesting, a manual and plastic arts club, the truth has always I liked the fact of making professional drawings, as a child I was a real Picasso, although I think that now I am rusty, it would not be bad at all to polish my innate talent again, I will enroll in that
-And then you decided on one of them? I see that one has already caught your attention -he said curiously
-Yes, I think I'll enter the Arts, I hope it meets my expectations -I said smiling, I was going to go for the registration but I remembered that....I don't know where it is to register -....eh Leandro, would you tell me where can i register?
-Haha I had forgotten that you were new, well you just have to go to the patio and look for the arts booth and tell the president of the club to sign you up and that's it -he said very confidently
-Ah ok thanks Leandro, I'll go right now -I said goodbye to him and ran before the quotas ran out
~A few minutes later~
I was already in front of the stand of the club to which I wanted to register, luckily there were not many people so I gave my name to the sweet girl who was with the data sheets, she smiling told me that every Thursday and Friday I had to stay After hours classes for the club, everything was going well until when I turned to retire to my classroom, a quite robust and tall guy was behind me, apparently he also wanted to join the club, his bearing made me completely paralyze, he was very intimidating, he looked at me askance and he surrounded me to be able to register with the same girl, he was not the only scared, the girl got very nervous when he saw him, the truth surprises me that a boy like him wants to register in such a simple club With his build he should enter the Olympic sports club, what a waste of such good physique. He was so lost in my thoughts that I did not realize that the time change bell had already rung, I had finance class, I had to hurry, I would not like to fail in any subject
POV Gabriel
Of so many much more interesting clubs, he chose the arts one, the most irritating was having to endure the teasing of my friends after they saw that I would be in the drawing club, although it is a little worth it, however I realized that I am too intimidating, that boy practically paralyzed as soon as he saw me, I don't know how I intend to establish a "friendship" with him, if he's more scared than interested, the con is that I won't be able to be in the football club, I would have liked get in there to practice and have a chance to participate in professional teams, I hope at least this club is something entertaining because otherwise it will have been a waste of my valuable time
POV Ismael
-Hey Isma, did you find anything interesting? all I see are cigarette butts and a lot of used lighters -he said and took a deep breath- Yuck, this place smells horrible -he said disgusted and immediately after this he covered his mouth with a handkerchief
-Well, to be a base, it is very dirty, are you sure they are still using it? because it looks more like a homeless shelter than a gang hideout -I said a little dizzy from the putrid stench, it smelled of dead animals
-Mmph mmph mmph -apparently the handkerchief prevented him from speaking well
-Huh? I have no idea what you just said -he said turning to see Chris
-He lowers the handkerchief- I said maybe they don't use it anymore, when I was part of their band I looked better, it wasn't a 5-star hotel, but it didn't have such a bad smell -he said and covered himself with the handkerchief
-I think we better get out of here, the smell is starting to affect me -I said a little badly, I was really starting to get dizzy and I felt like gagging
-Mmph mmph mmph -he whispered, I don't know what he said but I suppose he agrees, I followed him to the exit and finally I could breathe fresh air
-God, in there it is suffocating -I said heatedly- wow I think I should have done the same as you, I feel very dizzy
-Yes, that dizziness may be due to being exposed for a long time, apart from the fact that you are not used to it, if you were a homeless person I think the smell would not even tickle you -he said annoying me a little
-Haha very funny -I said and felt a horrendous gag that forced me to vomit, luckily I moved away from Chris to avoid staining him
-Good reflections, you managed to prevent the cannon from falling on me -he said relieved, he really hates staining his clothes
-Chris...I'm not feeling well, I think for now I should go home -I said still with a little desire to vomit
-Eh~ yes about that.....I wanted to ask you if you could let me stay at your house -he said sadly while nervously scratching the back of his neck
-And your supposed girlfriend, didn't you claim to have one? -He said taking the opportunity to annoy him
-I never said I had one -she whispered but I managed to hear it -...go let me stay, I will not be a hindrance, in fact I take care of myself, so all I need from you is that you leave -said showing a beautiful smile, still I couldn't make up my mind but I couldn't say no to that damn pretty smile
-Well you can stay -I said accepting that he was surrendered at his feet, he was damn cute
-Seriously!!!! Thank you!!!!! -He said happy to jump in and give me a hug, which made a slight blush appear on my cheeks, I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest, Chris makes me feel many different things, before I thought it was confusion but now I'm not sure...
-O-okey okey, but no unexpected visits, if you are going to invite someone tell me and at least I will fix the house a little hehe -I said still blushing
-Hahahaha ok no surprises -he said and once again showed that cute smile- well come on let's go, it's a long way home, don't waste time
-Come on, I said and we headed back
~A few hours later~
-And well where am I going to sleep -said Chris wearing a tank top and long blue striped pants
-Well, I think you could use Alejandro's room, since he is not here, it would not matter -I said and turned to see him, it seemed that something did not convince him
-And If~....I know!!!! What if I put one of the mats here on the floor, that would be like a sleepover, what do you say -he said very excited and waiting for my approval
-I don't know how you do to convince me but why not, it would be fun -I said and smiled like a child who had just been given a new toy- but we will not stay awake, I have to work so I can not wake up
-Haha ok as you say, not stay awake....think fast!! -He yelled to throw me a pillow, he's very childish but I have to admit that that boy sometimes causes me confused feelings that I can't explain. We each get comfortable on his mattress and turn off the light, it took a while to fall asleep, I'm still worried about my grandmother and Alejandro too, how will he be doing in college? I'll call him tomorrow, I turned to see Chris and he was sleeping so peacefully, sometimes I wish I could sleep that way, without worrying about what's coming but living in the moment... well tomorrow will be another day, to rest to make the most of it