The ones who brought swordfight to guns

The small staircase was full of old dust and smells of concrete and mould. A small pieces of plaster that fell from the grey ceiling and grey walls were lying around, adding to the desolateness of the place. The only light that reached this far came from the small window on the staircase of the lower floor, and it was barely enough to see your own hand even with enhanced by nanites vision.

The team of four huddled stood still at the sides of the short ladder that led to the trapdoor, far enough from it to be unseen from the roof. Everyone was quiet enough that the sound of her own heartbeat was the loudest one in Eve's ears. She could hear small noises from the outside, but everything was muffled so much it became unrecognisable. After the first log message from the zombie, she didn't hear a thing from it, and wasn't able to tell how close to the trapdoor it was.