Have you tried to turn it off and on again?

Eve's skin was hot. She'd swear that the visions Victor sent her became even more lifelike than they were earlier. The backup installation was almost finished, and she forced herself to concentrate only on that again. It would've been easier on her if the scene from her head was happening somewhere in the room—then she would've been able to at least turn away. No such mercies there.

But no matter how good Eve was with keeping her priorities straight, this was the first time she worked in circumstances like these. This wasn't just some casual distraction like loud music from neighbours—this was impossible to ignore. It diverted Eve's attention, made her make mistakes and stumble.

It wasn't something she could afford when dealing with a matter as sensitive as that of Victor, and the messages that appeared one after another in front of Eve were a proof of it.

[Critical error! System operation cannot continue—emergency reboot in process.]