The Great Library of Alexandria

Eve swallowed. This was nowhere near her predictions. The laboratory's existence and location were heavily guarded secrets, and the whole apocalyptic situation in the world was not conductive for spending time and efforts on visiting remote locations and burning them to the ground.

"Soot? Was there a fire?" Celina asked.

Xia peered into the darkness behind the broken doors. Her brown eyes didn't glow in the absence of light like Eve's or Victor's did, but her nightvision was still much better than anyone else's. Even the dim light of PDAs was enough for her to see well enough what was inside, which was great, because there weren't enough temperature differences underground for her heat vision to work well.

"Looks like it," she turned towards Eve. "Sister, you said that this lab researched how to stop the zombie nanites, right? A cure for the virus. Who would want to destroy something like that?"