All is hell and it's loose

The wolves moved as one, flowed out of the cover of the underbrush like a growling, panting tidal wave of furry bodies. Celina shrieked, more high-pitched and girly than Eve had ever heard or expected to hear from her, as the three wolves nearest to her pounced on her.

The shriek was almost as loud as gunshots that rang through the clearing almost at the same moment. Eve had time to catch Celina swinging her sword in a rushed, mad movement. She saw the whites of her way too wide eyes glistening in the moonlight. Then wolves got to Eve too, and she didn't have time to look anywhere else but at them.

Everything was happening too quickly for her to process the information her brain gathered, too quickly to do anything but react. It was more intense than any fight Eve was in before, and she found herself horribly unprepared for it.