Their disfunctional family

The next morning, after Xia left for her shift but before Victor even left his room, Eve joined Celina at their breakfast. It was a rare enough opportunity, and Celina immediately lunged at it, and Eve, who was picking at her pancakes with a distracted expression.

"You didn't come to yesterday's dinner, Eve" Celina said, pointing at her with a fork. "Did you at least eat something out there?"

Eve only hummed something vaguely positive in response. Celina's frown deepened.

"You won't make anyone good if you burnout on your job, you know? Take a time to rest too, Eve, or you will turn into a second Victor, and God knows he is a pain in the ass when he is annoyed! I can barely live with only one of him."

The mention of Victor pulled Eve out of her thoughts. "He has a lot on his plate, running for the office and what's not. Just don't touch him."

"Huh? Running for the office? Do you mean a chief's office? How's that's the first time I hear it?!"