The results

The eternity or two must have passed before the Board of Directors returned to the main square to announce the results of the elections. The crowd—thinner than a few hours before, but rapidly gaining density again—waited with bated breath, and so did Eve.

She had high hopes at this moment, though, because there were only five people on the stage. There was no sign of Hailett anywhere, and if it wasn't a sign, then what was? Still, it was possible that there were other candidates for the Chief position. Loupe, for example.

He was there amongst others, though nothing in his smile showed his true emotions. Eve hoped that if he won, he would've been more honestly happy.

"He had no chance," Victor said from Eve's side.

Eve squeezed his hand in response and kept her eyes on the stage. There, Duglas came forward. He had a great commanding voice, loud enough for everyone to hear without a microphone.